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The Elite Squad - [New Official Thread]

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Mooclan since maxlupus left could I be a moderator? :p
No. You just joined back yesterday. Sorry.
Minecraft Username~ EliteVolume
Number of wins (70+)~ 71
How long you've been playing on MCSG~ 1 1/2 years
Age (13+)~ 14
What makes you exceptional at PvP~ sword skills
What are your weaknesses in PvP~ teams :/
Why do you want to join The Elite Squad~ to be a good clan :)
Skype Name (If you have it)~ EliteReactionzz
Steam Name (If you have it)~ EliteReactionzz
There's two "EliteReactionzz" in Skype. Which one are you?!? O_O Can you add me: "Moocrafter"?
I am in the Clan Battle? Woah I joined yesterday but okay, I am not complaining just pretty surprised.
You are still active, while others haven't been heard from in like a month.
So moo when can i get that interview tommorrow maybe.;D
I'll try to interview you today if I can. I already added you on Skype.
I support this roster fully! Just wondering Moo the Rebels haven't really been active in the discussion of this battle and I dont believe The Kings even know that they (The Rebels) are participating. Is this gonna go down as a 3 way battle or just us vs. Kings? Personally I dont mind either way, but I think it would be more effective if we only fought 1 clan at a time. Also I'm pretty sure the date is this Sunday correct? :p Have we set a time yet? Regarding clan mod, I would be honored to be chosen, but so long as sab stays active on the forums at least (I know he wont be as active on the servers) I say he deserves the spot. He has been a member a lot longer than I and knows the rest of the clan as a whole better than i do. #SabForClanMod2013 :p
EDIT** I realized I have hardly ever played with most of u guys. It is hard for me to Skype Call, but if u just wanna chat team or truce, I am very active fri-sun on servers us26, us24, us25, and us69 :D
Double edit*** whenever I say rebels I mean Romans sorry :p
Errr o_O Long post, lol. Erm... I'll make a Private Message thing with Myself, TheKidz101, and Exodus King. And I'll keep you guys informed :3

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Lol could I be a moderator? (what exactly do moderators on clans have to do?) I have been in this clan for like, ever.


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
No. You just joined back yesterday. Sorry.
There's two "EliteReactionzz" in Skype. Which one are you?!? O_O Can you add me: "Moocrafter"?

You are still active, while others haven't been heard from in like a month.

I'll try to interview you today if I can. I already added you on Skype.

Errr o_O Long post, lol. Erm... I'll make a Private Message thing with Myself, TheKidz101, and Exodus King. And I'll keep you guys informed :3
Sorry ill try to lay off the G33ke posts from now on xD
Also regarding P5ChOxLUke or however U spell it he hasnt logged into a server since like feb 5th or so. So I guess he's out of the question...


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
No. You just joined back yesterday. Sorry.
There's two "EliteReactionzz" in Skype. Which one are you?!? O_O Can you add me: "Moocrafter"?

You are still active, while others haven't been heard from in like a month.

I'll try to interview you today if I can. I already added you on Skype.

Errr o_O Long post, lol. Erm... I'll make a Private Message thing with Myself, TheKidz101, and Exodus King. And I'll keep you guys informed :3
Um a question Mooclan, am I in or out I posted an app so can you
try to get back I know you probably have a lot to do, but I would like to know soon :)


Roll Tide
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Um a question Mooclan, am I in or out I posted an app so can you
try to get back I know you probably have a lot to do, but I would like to know soon :)
Well, before you can be added to the roster, you will need to be interviewed by mooclan. If he thinks you're good enough, he'll add you.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry ill try to lay off the G33ke posts from now on xD
Also regarding P5ChOxLUke or however U spell it he hasnt logged into a server since like feb 5th or so. So I guess he's out of the question...
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take him out of the Roster.
Um a question Mooclan, am I in or out I posted an app so can you
try to get back I know you probably have a lot to do, but I would like to know soon :)
I'm sorry, but I can't accept anyone until they have 70+ wins.
Well, before you can be added to the roster, you will need to be interviewed by mooclan. If he thinks you're good enough, he'll add you.
Ah that's right. I forgot to put you in the roster! (4)
The roster! (Edited, removing Luke and replacing with Flyer.
1. Mooclan - :3
2. Toby222 - Co-Leader
3. SilverJakler - Clan Moderator
4. UncrowdedFlyer
5. Kameronl109 - Officer
6. Sabshupe101 - Active member and long-time member
7. MJM239 - Active on Skype Chat.
8. MrTurnip_12 - Active on Forums
9. Piranga
10. BlitzComet
The last.. 4 spots might not be able to go in if it is a 2-way battle, if we do it on my private server. This is assuming its a The Kings vs. Elite Squad battle. If Romans join, then only 1-6 can make it :( Also, if anyone from 1-6 cannot make it, then the next person in the Roster can step in.


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take him out of the Roster.

I'm sorry, but I can't accept anyone until they have 70+ wins.

Ah that's right. I forgot to put you in the roster! (4)
The roster! (Edited, removing Luke and replacing with Flyer.
1. Mooclan - :3
2. Toby222 - Co-Leader
3. SilverJakler - Clan Moderator
4. UncrowdedFlyer
5. Kameronl109 - Officer
6. Sabshupe101 - Active member and long-time member
7. MJM239 - Active on Skype Chat.
8. MrTurnip_12 - Active on Forums
9. Piranga
10. BlitzComet
The last.. 4 spots might not be able to go in if it is a 2-way battle, if we do it on my private server. This is assuming its a The Kings vs. Elite Squad battle. If Romans join, then only 1-6 can make it :( Also, if anyone from 1-6 cannot make it, then the next person in the Roster can step in.
Fine I understand if you won't take anyone with under 70 wins, but a person can dream, can't they?? :(


Roll Tide
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take him out of the Roster.

I'm sorry, but I can't accept anyone until they have 70+ wins.

Ah that's right. I forgot to put you in the roster! (4)
The roster! (Edited, removing Luke and replacing with Flyer.
1. Mooclan - :3
2. Toby222 - Co-Leader
3. SilverJakler - Clan Moderator
4. UncrowdedFlyer
5. Kameronl109 - Officer
6. Sabshupe101 - Active member and long-time member
7. MJM239 - Active on Skype Chat.
8. MrTurnip_12 - Active on Forums
9. Piranga
10. BlitzComet
The last.. 4 spots might not be able to go in if it is a 2-way battle, if we do it on my private server. This is assuming its a The Kings vs. Elite Squad battle. If Romans join, then only 1-6 can make it :( Also, if anyone from 1-6 cannot make it, then the next person in the Roster can step in.
mooclan, I'm terribly sorry, but I left Elite Squad in to get into FusioPvP. Sorry. :/


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
I think Sab would be a good mod, but he plays Hive not MCSG...
Again with the double posts man :p
And yes sab has left mcsg for the unspeakable place.. but he says he will be on occasionally.
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