Minecraft IGN: Avesu
Reason for applying: I didn't get the chance to apply for the first games, and from what I've heard, it's pretty fun, intense, and a great experience. I've never been a very well known figure in the community, and the deception games could help me.
Why will you win?: I'm a skilled player in many aspects of PvP, such as strafing, clicking-fast, the rod, etc. I also have a very unique play style that contains mixtures of jump grits, to strafing, to a mixture of both with block hitting.
Why should others ally with you?: I'm a trustworthy player and person, and I can get the job done. I understand that people will betray the skilled player, however without a skilled player on a team, that team has a slim chance of coming out victorious.
In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes, some friends come to mind.
Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yes, if I didn't this application would exist. I will abide to all rules, and will respect the watchers and all players involved.