Embrace yourself!
a long post has arrived!
Well since minecraft have updated to 1.4.2 there's a ton of stuff that can be done on each separate map.
One of the most important changes, is the command block. This block has so much variation in it!
There's a bunch of stuff which could be done by using this, some few and quick examples i came up with now:
Traps / Teleporting
- Would have been awesome if a command block sent a message across the server telling someone fell in trap or simply sends a PM to the person who "fell" in the trap).
- Someone activated a command block that causes him/she to get teleported to the person which is closest.
- A player is doing a lava parkour but failed epically, as the player falls and hits the lava a "pressure plate underneath/trip wire" activates a command block which teleports them back to the start of the parkour.
One possible thing to fix to it, is to have a piston that pushes a block that would block the signal after the player has be teleported, that way it's only one "safe" try. This way people don't have to die on the first try, unless someone has already failed and gotten teleported back.
This is just something i came up with while i was writing, which might be really cool to add in.
Let's say that I'm playing on a server and chosen map which is going to be played is the survival games 2.
As the game started i decided to go to the bank and down to the vault. Now to open the vault where the treasure is, i would have to push the right combination for the vault to open(Cpt. Obv). So let's say for instance that i pushed the wrong combination 3 times. Now as i pushed the wrong code 3 times it would activate a command block which magically teleports me into a jail for 30 seconds. Then after being in a rotten and miserable jail for 30 seconds i would automatically get teleported back.
To spice things up here a bit, let's say that we have added one of these three following items: redstone torch, redstone lamp or a command block which indicates when a player has been put into jail (which in this case would be me). While i'm waiting to get teleported back out of jail the other players on the server would have been notified that "A player has been put to into jail". Now the odds of that someone is camping where i'm supposedly getting teleported out of is high, i would suggest to fix more places to get teleported out, as well as the teleports are random. So here's one suggestion, the bank has 4 entrances which equals four possible places to get teleported out. Anyways, i think you guys get the idea.
Now to suggestions on what to change/add on each separate map.
SurvivalGames 1:
Make a huge arrow which is pointing down on the cornucopia! I always seem to get lost when i'm playing it, even tho I've been playing it plenty of times i still have a hard time finding it!
Anyways time to be serious lol. Well the only thing i can say about SG1 is that it needs more chests. Having masses of tree's scattered around the whole map makes it harder, which equals more fun (At least from my point of view), so can't complain on that part. But changing some of the trees to "man made" instead of sapling / bone meal (/Bigtree tree) wont hurt. Maybe add some "hard to get" chests, more traps and a few more houses.
SurvivalGames 2:
(Well I've already said one loong suggestion, but since it would require "some" redstone i won't know how the server would handle it nor if the command block [is going to be/have been] enabled).
Now for me SG2 is the best map and will always be the best map ever created! So the only thing i can see in front of me being changed is maybe do some "1.4.2" designs with stairs/cobblestone wall etc and maybe move some of the chests to some new locations. But in my opinion the changes on this map should be minimal.
SurvivalGames 3:
This map is like SG2 for me when it comes to changing/adding, i want the changes to be minimal.
One thing that could be cool to fix is maybe a smaller version of it, which isn't quite so big as the original.
This way the 24 slot server has a smaller SG3 map instead of having the original one which is a bit huge for 24 players. So for me a small version, maybe some different designs on some of the buildings/places and perhaps add some abandoned houses in the midst of the jungle and since witches has been added perhaps make a witch hut(s)?.
SurvivalGames 4:
Haven't played this map so much, so i can't really say so much about it, but i'll give it a try at least.
So to start of with,the size and the "quality" of the map compared to the past SG maps isn't so much to brag about.
I feel that there is to much space to walk on without stumbling or headbanging into a wall/building.
The map is nice in some ways but i feel there is more negative ways rather positive ones. So my suggestion is to add more structures and perhaps make it bigger(?) So it's playable on a 48 slot server.
I guess that's all I've got, lol. Anyways, didn't mean to sound so harsh! But everyone is allowed to have a different opinion right?
And since i make music, i'm used to giving both negative/positive feedback.
So yeah, looking forward to see changes in the near future!
Sincerely, OlsenInc
Btw, my english might be bad as i haven't slept tonight lol.