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Survival Games; MCSG Ruins

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Apr 16, 2012
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I honestly hate it, terrain is generated and what is terraformed dont seems good. I dont like the structures. From me a little 2/10.
Question is for you, Have you found everything?

Granted, Hate the jungle terrain and probably will be fixed in the next update; This time fixing stuff with Voxel Sniper, We've known about it - but didn't want to use it as it can be dangerous.

Some other fixes, we need to do and have an idea for something new.

There are people who love the map, then there are people who hate it - but we get that with every map.

For Example: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 - Are the ones I vote for.

As I've said we want constuctive critism whether you hate it, love it - Give us your thoughts and what can be changed to improve as we're allow to make changes on these maps and possibly change your mind in the end about the map.



Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
Question is for you, Have you found everything?

Granted, Hate the jungle terrain and probably will be fixed in the next update; This time fixing stuff with Voxel Sniper, We've known about it - but didn't want to use it as it can be dangerous.

Some other fixes, we need to do and have an idea for something new.

There are people who love the map, then there are people who hate it - but we get that with every map.

For Example: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 - Are the ones I vote for.

As I've said we want constuctive critism whether you hate it, love it - Give us your thoughts and what can be changed to improve as we're allow to make changes on these maps and possibly change your mind in the end about the map.

I dont like the fact that you have build it on natural terrain (or have made it look like it) and the use of a npc village and a dessert temple. I personal dont like natural vanilla terrain trees and jungle. Use other types of trees makes it looks alot better. I dont see much skills in making this and it looks ugly. This is my feedback.


Apr 16, 2012
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Everyone uses Voxel Sniper; We didn't - We wanted a "Vanila Aspect" with lots of hidden stuff; Example: Lobby, It's ruined, not suppose to look pretty.

I don't care for map 6 because of the "Pyramid" uses all one solid "Stone Brick" this makes building look ugly, possibly if it was sandstone, but again it would be plain.

I like playing Map 7 and possibly is one the popular ones, but it's too mountainy - Someone went way to much with Voxel Sniper.

Map 5 - If I'm not mistaken is a regular generated seed too, but this is seems to be one of the popular ones.

I do see Map 8 getting votes for; Probably more so than map 6.

Since, We do have a Survival Games 4 release date (Oct 4, Next Thursday) we've been told to have an updated map ready, so again - Thanks for your concern and we'll be updating this; so we in hopes can change your mind.



Jul 3, 2012
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Everyone uses Voxel Sniper; We didn't - We wanted a "Vanila Aspect" with lots of hidden stuff; Example: Lobby, It's ruined, not suppose to look pretty.

I don't care for map 6 because of the "Pyramid" uses all one solid "Stone Brick" this makes building look ugly, possibly if it was sandstone, but again it would be plain.

I like playing Map 7 and possibly is one the popular ones, but it's too mountainy - Someone went way to much with Voxel Sniper.

Map 5 - If I'm not mistaken is a regular generated seed too, but this is seems to be one of the popular ones.

I do see Map 8 getting votes for; Probably more so than map 6.

Since, We do have a Survival Games 4 release date (Oct 4, Next Thursday) we've been told to have an updated map ready, so again - Thanks for your concern and we'll be updating this; so we in hopes can change your mind.

Actually I made map 5 with WorldPainter. Your guys' map is definitely not one of my favorites, but that's just my personal taste. Mostly I just don't like the cornucopia. I've seen noobs camp there all game with nothing and still win by knocking people off till refill. But I love the lobby and other hidden things on your map. I think it's really cool. I'm honestly sick of people being so rude about other people's maps. I don't understand it. Why can't people (for instance Zuko) give their opinion without being complete jerks? Anyways, good work guys. The map could use some work, but you already know that so I won't bother you about it. Most maps could use improvements :p

Edit: BTW, you guys should consider joining Team Cloud. We could use people with imaginations like yours :p We just started our new map today, and if you decide to join you can come help out :D


May 5, 2012
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Everyone uses Voxel Sniper; We didn't - We wanted a "Vanila Aspect" with lots of hidden stuff; Example: Lobby, It's ruined, not suppose to look pretty.

I don't care for map 6 because of the "Pyramid" uses all one solid "Stone Brick" this makes building look ugly, possibly if it was sandstone, but again it would be plain.

I like playing Map 7 and possibly is one the popular ones, but it's too mountainy - Someone went way to much with Voxel Sniper.

Map 5 - If I'm not mistaken is a regular generated seed too, but this is seems to be one of the popular ones.

I do see Map 8 getting votes for; Probably more so than map 6.

Since, We do have a Survival Games 4 release date (Oct 4, Next Thursday) we've been told to have an updated map ready, so again - Thanks for your concern and we'll be updating this; so we in hopes can change your mind.

woah woah woah. Please just stfu. Your map is plain lazy. I dont like Karmunrah much either but it is ten times better than your map. The Easter eggs are basic and made very quickly. Much MUCH more work went into the rest of the new maps so dont try to hate on them.


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
woah woah woah. Please just stfu. Your map is plain lazy. I dont like Karmunrah much either but it is ten times better than your map. The Easter eggs are basic and made very quickly. Much MUCH more work went into the rest of the new maps so dont try to hate on them.
He doenst hate them.. He just wanted something else then the rest. And watch the language 'Please just stfu' . Everyone has a map they like but dont go and hate. Chad wanted this map in so..


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I just dont like the way hes dissing every other map but his , when clearly more effort went into them.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Actually I made map 5 with WorldPainter. Your guys' map is definitely not one of my favorites, but that's just my personal taste. Mostly I just don't like the cornucopia. I've seen noobs camp there all game with nothing and still win by knocking people off till refill. But I love the lobby and other hidden things on your map. I think it's really cool. I'm honestly sick of people being so rude about other people's maps. I don't understand it. Why can't people (for instance Zuko) give their opinion without being complete jerks? Anyways, good work guys. The map could use some work, but you already know that so I won't bother you about it. Most maps could use improvements :p

Edit: BTW, you guys should consider joining Team Cloud. We could use people with imaginations like yours :p We just started our new map today, and if you decide to join you can come help out :D
Well I stand corrected and apologize.

Our map isn't the best there was even worse ones than ours, Ours gets votes which is where I'm coming from - Some do like it, some don't. This comes in "WITH EVERY MAP"!

I completely agree, Our map does need some work and we're planning on doing some work on it shortly and we would love your opinions and possibly assistance in fixing some stuff up.

Well, VolVicFoose is with TeamVaridire - I don't know if that's a conflict of interest, but then again it's sort of a contradiction in creating our own maps, I'd assume we can be on more than one team as long as we help out on all maps. I wouldn't mind joining the team.

woah woah woah. Please just stfu. Your map is plain lazy. I dont like Karmunrah much either but it is ten times better than your map. The Easter eggs are basic and made very quickly. Much MUCH more work went into the rest of the new maps so dont try to hate on them.
Please don't use any bad languages, Our map is a "Generated Seed" simple as that, It theme was suppose to be a Vanilla Based Minecraft with some houses and Easter Eggs, We did all the redstone work ourselves, the Cornucopia was my idea actually, but the point is; Yes they can "Knock" them off, but water should be able to save them. Now I was never in the scenario when this was used in a Death Match and if there any flaws and if so, please point them out and don't rant "How it sucks" please let us know and "How should go rectify" the situation than just blasting the map.

The other maps, For example, Map 7 (Snow, Ice One) could have easily taken 1-2 days tops, I don't mean to offend anyone, but anyone can generate those snow mountains, plop/build buildings quickly and fix things, Your reasons of our map could obviously be reasons for any map, Not saying this happened - but that map for example could more than likely be re-created in a day or 2.

I wasn't hating on any of the maps, I was simply pointing out "What I've Seen" based on statistics when joining servers and some are more less popular than ours; Mainly 6.

Any "REAL DESIGNER" will tell you "all one solid block" will make any building look ugly, All Stone Brick is just doesn't get any votes as this could also be classified as pure laziness based on your reasons behind it, but it's not - They put a lot work into as much as we did - and his and ours did get picked. Between the two based on what I've seen voting wise; Ours is more voted for. Now comparing to all maps, 5 and 7 is nice, I'll vote for them.

Our Map was made based on announcement from Chad, We made it on a WIM; It wasn't lazy or anything, We didn't know the direction of MCSG until things got cleared up recently and found out he'll be picking maps soon; So we worked on it hard and finished it.

All maps have flaws, Including "The Survial Games" maps; Those issues gets updated in new updates; We'll do the same and eventully; possibly change people's minds.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but every map creator; Including me will defend there map, whether it's awesome or bad, there will be flaws, but there will be people pointing out those flaws and all map creators will recetify those flaws based on responses from players who play the map and not just keep dissing other peoples maps.

If people don't like the new update, We'll tell Chad personally to remove it; but we do plan on making a "New Map" that would be completely different and possibly popular.

I'm a "New Map Maker", VolVic is part of TeamVaridie and Darkrobin is also a new map maker, We're new at this; VolVic has the drive and is moreless "The Leader" of the group, We're trying.

Chad did love our map because of the "Easter Eggs" we've implemented, The 150x150 MCSG, Creeper Logo with a Gold Ring and Arrow, MCSG Lobby and Chad Face in the "Combination Lock" some other extra hidden things.



Aug 31, 2012
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The other maps, For example, Map 7 (Snow, Ice One) could have easily taken 1-2 days tops, I don't mean to offend anyone, but anyone can generate those snow mountains, plop/build buildings quickly and fix things, Your reasons of our map could obviously be reasons for any map, Not saying this happened - but that map for example could more than likely be re-created in a day or 2.
I'm sorry? 2 days tops? Uh no. My map was created from flatlands up. Voxelsniping and re-sniping and re-sniping till it was prefect. (Or how we wanted it at least). And then from there building was not as easy as "plopping" it down and fixing things, we built the external shell, worked on details and then shaped it till it was very eye-appealing. It's true that is my specialty but I'm not saying it took 10 minutes. My entire process from start to end took 2 weeks with a crew of 6. We take pride in what me made, regardless of how long it took, but we did not "generate" and "plop" things around.



Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
I'm sorry? 2 days tops? Uh no. My map was created from flatlands up. Voxelsniping and re-sniping and re-sniping till it was prefect. (Or how we wanted it at least). And then from there building was not as easy as "plopping" it down and fixing things, we built the external shell, worked on details and then shaped it till it was very eye-appealing. It's true that is my specialty but I'm not saying it took 10 minutes. My entire process from start to end took 2 weeks with a crew of 6. We take pride in what me made, regardless of how long it took, but we did not "generate" and "plop" things around.

I didn't say it "Took 2 Days" I was merely stating it; If someone "else" a "Non Map Maker" wanted to recreate something similar to yours, by downloading schematics and usings pre-made buildings, it would take about 2-3 days.

As I stated, I was implying you specifically to say you did it in 2 days, just something similar could've been done Mountains on Voxelsniper are really not that hard once you're hang with it.

We're not the greatest builders, In fact - I suck at building, I'm the "Redstone Guy" really...and throwing out some ideas here and there.

Congrats on your map, I like your Map - Never dissed it, I even vote for if there is going to be a tie on other maps, unless it's my own.

We worked on ours on WIM for about a week, We're fixing some stuff on the map. Any more input before updates go live before today or tomorrow?

Next Map will probably be using a "Super Flat"....



May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I didn't say it "Took 2 Days" I was merely stating it; If someone "else" a "Non Map Maker" wanted to recreate something similar to yours, by downloading schematics and usings pre-made buildings, it would take about 2-3 days.

As I stated, I was implying you specifically to say you did it in 2 days, just something similar could've been done Mountains on Voxelsniper are really not that hard once you're hang with it.

We're not the greatest builders, In fact - I suck at building, I'm the "Redstone Guy" really...and throwing out some ideas here and there.

Congrats on your map, I like your Map - Never dissed it, I even vote for if there is going to be a tie on other maps, unless it's my own.

We worked on ours on WIM for about a week, We're fixing some stuff on the map. Any more input before updates go live before today or tomorrow?

Next Map will probably be using a "Super Flat"....

Except that he didn't use schematics, and that he hand built the buildings. And you obviously don't know much about voxel sniper, and building from the ground up. Its not easy, and its not something you can get the hang of easily, so we congratulate him for it.

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