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Questions for you guys about Survival Games 3

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Jun 1, 2012
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1/2. I love the first map more because I can hide in trees for a while, and collect supplies easily.
3. More secrets, maybe villages where you can hide in and resupply every night, and each villafe has it's own secret/legacy.
4. Better hidden chests.

Thank you Vareide and Co. for making these awesome maps for us...! So we can slaughter eachother and ignore the blood :)


Apr 29, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

I defiantly enjoyed your first map a bit more than the second, it was very simple and contained well hidden secrets. When it came to the second map, I never really could get used to it's size, and memorizing routes to hidden chests. But it was much better looking than the first and defiantly much harder to get used to.

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

Thresh, or simply, quick as possible check 1 chest from the corn, grab anything that could help, run off as fast as I could, stay alone, move along through the map to a planned sequence of chests obtain the appropriate items (ie. shears to obtain vines to go where others cannot.) Keep out of sight and avoid known areas where more people would be visiting. Never request help, only allow others to request to me, and always keep them in front of you while maintaing speed and precision in defending them, but always be ready to pounce or ditch them. After this maintain taking out single players or 2 man teams when the moment and amount of personal equipment is right. Never stay still unless completely necessary. Keep this up until the final two and fire whole quiver at the other guy (since I'm a good shot) Then destroy with diamond or steel sword.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

Some more complex secrets and jumping puzzles, these are a great element and can help the more seasoned players have a quick route of escape available to them.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

Other interesting element ideas of mine are multiple corn's in the corners of the maps so factions can be created, a more interactive environment involving some tnt or complex piston machinations, and maybe a few spawners or traps apart from the pitfalls and lava traps.


Jun 3, 2012
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I would like the new map to be a Mountain Biome. So you can get a height advantage on other players. My favorite map is the one with the forrest. I don't like the ruined city because the rounds last longer and it does not resemble the Hunger Games which I believe this would be based off of.


Apr 21, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
The first map. It's really good for combat, especially for people that has different skills. it gives you different terrains to fight in.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

first map, I charge to the bridge and the castle gate ruins (not the tower). Second map, I charge the cornucopia and try to kill everyone.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
yes, for the second map, make it less laggy. Not everyone has a good computer to render all those blocks. It crashes me and my bud's computer alot.
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
No, just make the city map less laggy! :)


May 31, 2012
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1; I prefer map 2 because of its height and how you can try to out maneuver and surprise enemies by going above or under them, rather then sprinting circles on a flat plane.

2; I always tend to forgo my initial chance at the cornucopia loot and search around for hidden chests instead. I then move for a high point or someplace where attackers are funneled one at time so I can keep them at bay. Always go for fast aggressive and unexpected strikes, even against your teammates.

3 and 4; I think some more simple traps pre-placed in the world would be a bit more dynamic. With tripwires and such you could possibly allow clever players who have come across string or redstone dust to arm some pre-placed traps, (which fire a few arrows or slow players down, nothing imeditately fatal) against their enemies, and place their own resources in the dispensers so it adds a bit of cost to get the inactive hits. Unless you notice, disarm and take resources from the trap.


Jun 6, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
Map 2 because there is so much area to explore.

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
On Map 1 I head straight for the boat and look through the chests.
On Map 2 I head straight for the house with the furnaces.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Add more twist so AntVenom won't win EVERY SINGLE TIME.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
You should add more chest so anyone has a chance at winning.

Good Luck :D


Jun 18, 2012
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Map 1 was better in my opinion in terms of the open world survival feel the map has to offer.


May 5, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

I really like both maps, but if I had to pick a favorite it would have to be map 2. I like that you have a lot of choices as to what kind of terrain you want to play in. You can hide out in a random skyscraper, stalk the streets of the residential area, or go hide out in the woods.

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

Never run unless absolutely necessary. Let other people come to me rather than hunt them down. Find high ground, a fishing rod, and a sword.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

More traps would definitely make things more interesting. And not just the "Oh, I fell in a hole and now I'm stuck here until sudden death" kind. That just leads to rage quitting.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

I would really like to be able to play as a sponser. I don't know how it could be implemented in a fair way, but I definitely feel that it would majorly increase the excitement.


May 30, 2012
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#1 What is your favorite map and why?

my favorite map is the first one because i find it easier to hide in.

#2 what is your best tactic on both servers

my tactic is to not go for corn right off the bat but to instead go to places like the pink house first

#3 is there something you would like changed on the vanilla version of sg?

i would really like you to add more crafting tables to the maps please

#4 is there something you would like added to sg and why

well you could make it so that if you join after a game has already started you are a sponser. and that sponsers get a the same amount of money to spend but as the person you sponser kills ppl you get extra money to sponser with too.

Shahar Romem

May 27, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I prefer the 2nd map with the city, I dont know why, just more fun.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

I go for the corn the take all I can from one chest, if I got a sword, I hunt ppl down, and if I dont, I run away for a place with many chests there.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
never played it
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
It would be nice if there was a better way to stop players who use cheats and auto clicker


May 10, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
My favorite map is the first one because of the chest placement and ease of access to the spawn.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
I like to run to the spawn and get one chest. Then I run North on either map and hit a selected few chests that I have memorized to get basic materials (food, decent weapon, armor, etc.). Then I hit the spawn as it becomes night. If I live, I hit the chests when refilled and most commonly win. If I am killed, well, that's that.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
A better viewing area for the people who have died would be nice so that they may be able to get out if the person running the map wants them to do so, have food so people don't starve up there, and better viewing to other areas (maybe tunnels to other viewing stations around the map).
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
More terrain and less buildings. Terrain challenges seem to me to give people more of a challenge and also they seem to look a lot nicer. Buildings are almost always going to look blocky. There is just no way around it. Terrain always looks nice in Minecraft and it would be nice if it can be used more for just filler (mountains, deserts, water and lava hazards, etc.).


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hi 1. I love Map 1 cause it isnt easy to get iron armor and is very balanced.

2.Map 1- I go around the islands to get all chests once it is sunset I head to the corn with what I have to get the chests and kill other tributes. Map 2- I first goto factory then head to a tower I can climb up and grab the stuff there if I have enough to fight with I goto corn if I dont I stay at tower for the night.
3.nothin really i love the vanilla version
4.If it is possiable make it so for every point you get you get half a money. With the money you can choose to be a sponser in a game and send stuff to tributes using the money. This will make it ALOT more realistic and a whole new experience! also traps the are escapable with skills but not ones where u die
props to alexdude729


My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed for the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.
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