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Dec 9, 2013
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Yet my bb tellem :3

But in all reality EpicGamer all I've seen you do is cause flame on other's threads. You're causing your clan to have a bad reputation, especially when you call yourself a 'randy clan' to get another clan to post a supposed loss.
well randy clan was what your roster told us


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
Every clan on mcsg is like this lose to a lesser known clan make up excuses if only people would respect the final result
Commas and Periods make a big difference in sentences. You've been told countless times to take this to a PM, including once by a Mod, but you continue to abide the rules. Please be a little more mature, and contact someone who can work this out with you. Posting inappropriate language on our thread is really not needed.

With that being said, I hope you can realize that what you are doing is not a mature decision. Good day.


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Guys this has been the best time of my life. I remember when I first joined #Instinct. That day I didn't go to school cause I was sick. I wanted to join a clan really bad, meet new people, make new friends. I tried another clan that a friend of mine did, but it din't work out really good. After the clan disbanded I started searching in the Forums. I saw the thread and I thought damn this looks really good. Parwez added me on skype and then we started talking and his mic was messed up, so I thoguht he was trying to imitate Darth Vader's voice or something, it was funny. Then the clan started growing up soooooo fast, it was crazy. A lot of really good PvPers joined the clan.People that when I saw them during lobbys and games I was like wow that guy is really good or look at those stats. I met a lot of people that were like Idols for me and know that they are my friends I can say that they are the best people ever. After that we started working together. I am so glad our clan is a well known clan in MCSG community. Keep it up guys!

-Parwez: Without you anything would have happened. You gave me a chance to be part of something big. And I will always be really thankful for that. You are an amazing owner, you know how to cheer us up in every single scrim/clan battle that we play. It doesn't matter If we are loosing or winning. You keep us together. I will love you forever <3

-WATIII: I love that you are a really mature person and you keep the calm when everyone is panic. You know how to make the right choice. Keep it up bro.

-Afroninja: I remember when I was with you in a game even before we both joined #Instinct pretty much at the same time, that was so cool. You are super funny and an amazing PvPer. Really fun to play with. Even before I talked to you your name killed me :).

-TopBandit: What am I gonna say about you. You are a beast PvPing even when your McDonald's conexion. I feel ya bro. I met you long time ago before you joined the clan and you were like my idol. Besides being an amazing PvPer you are one of the funniest persons I know. Keep it up in the leaderboards!

-Educating: Super good PvPer. He would destroy you before oyu even see him. He just goes around teaching PvP to everyone. Educating we could say.

-Qyxr: The weirdest name I have ever seen. I love your voice :3. Thanks a lot for helping me out being Captain you did a really good job and I am really glad you joined the clan.

-Michael: I knew you before you joined the clan. You are really funny, I aint kidding, and really skilled ( Yeah your last video was sweet). You have to work on no raging that much as you probably knew already. Just look forward and forget what happened. I am sure you are gonna be an amazing Captain. I can tell.

- Baccca: My first clan battle was against you man I can remember it. You are such a tryhard bro haha. You are really good at PvP ( you should be with all those games played) jk man <3. You are funny and I love when I talk to you on ts. I havent heard anything about you lately man.

-_Freezy: One of the first ones, I have known you for a long time and I can tell I love playing with you, you are amazing bro. Keep it up.

-xSwiftyHD: My I'm racist and I should feel bad, You are way funny bro, dont change man. I remember when you had your account cardenas_torito and we started singing cardenas torio, cardenas torito. It was sooooo funny haha. Keep it up with your GFX you are really good at it man ( teach Parwez he sucks) jk :3

-Junior: I love your voice bro. You are such a good PvPer, I bet oyu are one of the first ones. You are super funny haha. Keep it up with your youtube. I will be active on ther <3.

-Push_Up_Elephant: What amI gonna say about an Elephant doing a push up, it is just amazing. To be honest with you, I played a game with you before you joined the clan. I killed you and I took a screeshoot of that, cause I thought you were really good. I was right you are a really good PvPer keep it up man.

-Mendoza: MAH BAE. Dude you are just amazing, super good PvPer and amazing person, always trying to cheer me up and caring about me. Thnaks for this time. <3

- Puffy: You are pretty new in the clan, but I love how you have made a lot of friends in the clan. Everyone loves you. <3

If you weren't mentioned in this post is cause I haven't really had the chance to know you as good as I would like to. But I will be active in the clan chat, If you want PM me on skype for whatever thing you want, I would be glad to help you out. I am pretty sure every single one of you are amazing. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses but all fo them together make this clan an amazing group of people that I will never forget. Give everything that you have for this clan!

I am not gonna join other clan. I am leaving this clan cause I will barely play minecraft and I dont wanna be in it if I am not gonna be active. I am gonna leave a spot for another person that will defend this clan better than I will. I have been playing minecraft way too much that I had almost forgotten what is outside. I have plans for the summer and I will not have time to play. plus I have to keep it up with my grades too. I am really sad this is happening right now, but I feel thi shad to be done soon.

I will never forget you guys.

Love you, Zable.
I don't know how I am gonna be able to get over you, but I'll try :'(. You will be missed Zable. :')


Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Commas and Periods make a big difference in sentences. You've been told countless times to take this to a PM, including once by a Mod, but you continue to abide the rules. Please be a little more mature, and contact someone who can work this out with you. Posting inappropriate language on our thread is really not needed.

With that being said, I hope you can realize that what you are doing is not a mature decision. Good day.
Pretty sure you are just expanding this non sense kid and the mod said for ALL the flame to stop which includes you
Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
Pretty sure you are just expanding this non sense kid and the mod said for ALL the flame to stop which includes you
Dude can you just get off the thread. You caused enough flame we got a mod to tell you to stop. So stop flaming on our thread unwatch the thread and dont comment again. Thanks have a good day in MCSG community!
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