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Phoenix - AU Clan

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Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: legosean10
Wins: 330
W/L ratio (In percentage form): 26%
12, 13 in 1 month. Please don't judge me by my age as I am quite mature. I am a moderator on two other mc servers (has over 200,000 unique users)
Donator: Diamond
Way of communication: Skype & TS
Skype/TS name: legosean9 & LegoSean9
Self Rating at MCSG (1-10) 8.5 but against phoenix maybe 6-7 darkrai may disagree xD
Strengths: fast FNS placing, rod tactic, taking teams of two, melee attack and bow shots. Dodging and special tactics like fence post. Getting good cries and hits - good connection
Weaknesses: darkrai D: teams of more than 2 (well geared)
Would you fit in with the clan?: I highly respect a lot of members in this clan for their skill and maturity. I may not have the best reputation ATM but I believe I can bring it back and let you all see the person I normally am. I think that I could play well with the other members and help them as much as I could. I try to attend as many events (including clan battles) as I can, and try to help the clan out with recording when possible.
Have you been in any previous clans? Yes, #Blur, #Echo & #Resurrection
There are many problems with your application and in all honesty I really don't like you because of what I've seen.

First of all you are wayyy to up yourself. On your youtube you say you are an MCSG pro when you aren't even in the top 1000. Gravey4rd, Huahwi, darkrai202 they all have channels and they don't call themselves MCSG pro's even though they are in the top 5. Secondly, I've seen you in-game, room for potential maybe but I don't see much skill in your PvP personally. To me you are just connection and a sword just swinging about. To me your just a nuisance in-game when other applicants are difficult to kill or even end up killing me(aka Fluffles19/notverified). Thirdly, I've seen your strengths, Your fns is average but I wouldn't say its fast. I would call my flint and steel fast and if your think I'm just being cocky ask StigJam. Dodging, I have seen you juke, there is a difference between juking pro players and juking un-pro players (didn't want to say noob). Also fence post tactic? When can someone be good at fence post tactic all it is is just clicking your food against a fence post and please don't tell me your other "tactics" are invisible fire. Fourthly You don't reach the win requirement nor do you reach the age requirement. Your ratio is decent, better than mine, but ratio on your first account usually means nothing. The thing is you get better of experience. Experience is what makes you different from all other players as you know what to do next and what the next player will do etc. I've seen you, yes you can pvp, but you can't SG just of yet.

Too improve your opinion of me try and impress me the next time we fight and prove me wrong and please be modest to an extent. The best PvPer knows of his skill, but doesn't show it off making all these fancy tricks to impress everyone. The best PvP'er (or any pro) goes in, kills the team of 5, kills all other pro players in double teams, and walks away with another win. Sadly you don't have this quality as of yet. Also come on the ts more often to get better relationships with everyone.

Its a no for me.


Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
There are many problems with your application and in all honesty I really don't like you because of what I've seen.

First of all you are wayyy to up yourself. On your youtube you say you are an MCSG pro when you aren't even in the top 1000. Gravey4rd, Huahwi, darkrai202 they all have channels and they don't call themselves MCSG pro's even though they are in the top 5. Secondly, I've seen you in-game, room for potential maybe but I don't see much skill in your PvP personally. To me you are just connection and a sword just swinging about. To me your just a nuisance in-game when other applicants are difficult to kill or even end up killing me(aka Fluffles19/notverified). Thirdly, I've seen your strengths, Your fns is average but I wouldn't say its fast. I would call my flint and steel fast and if your think I'm just being cocky ask StigJam. Dodging, I have seen you juke, there is a difference between juking pro players and juking un-pro players (didn't want to say noob). Also fence post tactic? When can someone be good at fence post tactic all it is is just clicking your food against a fence post and please don't tell me your other "tactics" are invisible fire. Fourthly You don't reach the win requirement nor do you reach the age requirement. Your ratio is decent, better than mine, but ratio on your first account usually means nothing. The thing is you get better of experience. Experience is what makes you different from all other players as you know what to do next and what the next player will do etc. I've seen you, yes you can pvp, but you can't SG just of yet.

Too improve your opinion of me try and impress me the next time we fight and prove me wrong and please be modest to an extent. The best PvPer knows of his skill, but doesn't show it off making all these fancy tricks to impress everyone. The best PvP'er (or any pro) goes in, kills the team of 5, kills all other pro players in double teams, and walks away with another win. Sadly you don't have this quality as of yet. Also come on the ts more often to get better relationships with everyone.

Its a no for me.


Dec 18, 2013
Reaction score
I would apply but I don't have enough wins
Snochet keep up de good work I subbed


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
There are many problems with your application and in all honesty I really don't like you because of what I've seen.

First of all you are wayyy to up yourself. On your youtube you say you are an MCSG pro when you aren't even in the top 1000. Gravey4rd, Huahwi, darkrai202 they all have channels and they don't call themselves MCSG pro's even though they are in the top 5. Secondly, I've seen you in-game, room for potential maybe but I don't see much skill in your PvP personally. To me you are just connection and a sword just swinging about. To me your just a nuisance in-game when other applicants are difficult to kill or even end up killing me(aka Fluffles19/notverified). Thirdly, I've seen your strengths, Your fns is average but I wouldn't say its fast. I would call my flint and steel fast and if your think I'm just being cocky ask StigJam. Dodging, I have seen you juke, there is a difference between juking pro players and juking un-pro players (didn't want to say noob). Also fence post tactic? When can someone be good at fence post tactic all it is is just clicking your food against a fence post and please don't tell me your other "tactics" are invisible fire. Fourthly You don't reach the win requirement nor do you reach the age requirement. Your ratio is decent, better than mine, but ratio on your first account usually means nothing. The thing is you get better of experience. Experience is what makes you different from all other players as you know what to do next and what the next player will do etc. I've seen you, yes you can pvp, but you can't SG just of yet.

Too improve your opinion of me try and impress me the next time we fight and prove me wrong and please be modest to an extent. The best PvPer knows of his skill, but doesn't show it off making all these fancy tricks to impress everyone. The best PvP'er (or any pro) goes in, kills the team of 5, kills all other pro players in double teams, and walks away with another win. Sadly you don't have this quality as of yet. Also come on the ts more often to get better relationships with everyone.

Its a no for me.
Alrighty, thanks for the feedback. I'll try to improve my skills and I'll hop on the Phoenix TeamSpeak, but can I his day something (not just to you, the way you explained this was well said)

Please don't take me from my previous actions. I realise that I have made mistakes and I want to apologise, sorry about things I've said to any of you, may we start fresh?


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
There are many problems with your application and in all honesty I really don't like you because of what I've seen.

First of all you are wayyy to up yourself. On your youtube you say you are an MCSG pro when you aren't even in the top 1000. Gravey4rd, Huahwi, darkrai202 they all have channels and they don't call themselves MCSG pro's even though they are in the top 5. Secondly, I've seen you in-game, room for potential maybe but I don't see much skill in your PvP personally. To me you are just connection and a sword just swinging about. To me your just a nuisance in-game when other applicants are difficult to kill or even end up killing me(aka Fluffles19/notverified). Thirdly, I've seen your strengths, Your fns is average but I wouldn't say its fast. I would call my flint and steel fast and if your think I'm just being cocky ask StigJam. Dodging, I have seen you juke, there is a difference between juking pro players and juking un-pro players (didn't want to say noob). Also fence post tactic? When can someone be good at fence post tactic all it is is just clicking your food against a fence post and please don't tell me your other "tactics" are invisible fire. Fourthly You don't reach the win requirement nor do you reach the age requirement. Your ratio is decent, better than mine, but ratio on your first account usually means nothing. The thing is you get better of experience. Experience is what makes you different from all other players as you know what to do next and what the next player will do etc. I've seen you, yes you can pvp, but you can't SG just of yet.

Too improve your opinion of me try and impress me the next time we fight and prove me wrong and please be modest to an extent. The best PvPer knows of his skill, but doesn't show it off making all these fancy tricks to impress everyone. The best PvP'er (or any pro) goes in, kills the team of 5, kills all other pro players in double teams, and walks away with another win. Sadly you don't have this quality as of yet. Also come on the ts more often to get better relationships with everyone.

Its a no for me.

thats my job
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