Minecraft Name: legosean10
Wins: 330
W/L ratio (In percentage form): 26%
Age: 12, 13 in 1 month. Please don't judge me by my age as I am quite mature. I am a moderator on two other mc servers (has over 200,000 unique users)
Donator: Diamond
Way of communication: Skype & TS
Skype/TS name: legosean9 & LegoSean9
Self Rating at MCSG (1-10) 8.5 but against phoenix maybe 6-7 darkrai may disagree xD
Strengths: fast FNS placing, rod tactic, taking teams of two, melee attack and bow shots. Dodging and special tactics like fence post. Getting good cries and hits - good connection
Weaknesses: darkrai D: teams of more than 2 (well geared)
Would you fit in with the clan?: I highly respect a lot of members in this clan for their skill and maturity. I may not have the best reputation ATM but I believe I can bring it back and let you all see the person I normally am. I think that I could play well with the other members and help them as much as I could. I try to attend as many events (including clan battles) as I can, and try to help the clan out with recording when possible.
Have you been in any previous clans? Yes, #Blur, #Echo & #Resurrection