I've thought about it, and haven't came to a logical conclusion. Although there is somewhat conclusive evidence that evolution occurred excetera, you also have to question then the chances of something so complicated such as yourself coming into existence. The fact that you were born in the first place, the fact that humanity was created so perfectly, even the chances that humanity came to birth in the first place, let alone any life so called "evolving" in the first place. The fact that you are existing currently is through thousand of processes that happened and had very little chance of happening. Thinking of it that way, it could be argued that it could have always happened, but the fact that it happened to you? Perhaps the theory of alternate universes could be used, whereupon there was always that one alternate universe where you were to be born. The whole topic is very complicated and even now I can't decide what I would believe in. I would write more, but I'm lazy and can't be asked. Right now I'm just following the idea of live life to the fullest. Humans could not possibly comprehend the complete truth of life and the afterlife in my opinion, and see no reason why to start following a set of rules any time soon when I would not believe in them. Anyway, if it what you feel you believe in, go for it.