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Most Amazing Survival Games Moment


Aug 24, 2013
Reaction score
Probably my most awesome moment was when I was playing on Holiday Resort.
I had full iron armour, stone sword and a bow with reasonable arrows. I was looting chests when I saw a team of two, one with full irom armour and diamond sword, other with chain boots with full iron armour and iron sword. I tried to sneak around when I saw some item drops from a dead tribute. Lucky for me it had an iron sword and golden apple. I saw the team go in house near the go cart track so I tried to sneak around the left side near arena wall. When their name tags got close to the edge of the roof, I ate my golden apple just in case. They then jump down and we begin to fight. It was a small area so I couldn't bow effectively or run away. I was jumping all over the place swinging my sword wildly. I killed the stronger guy/girl first then the weaker one fell shortly after. During that moment my heart was beating so fast and I was shivering from disbelief that I just did that. Then went on to win the game.

Not the most amazing moment for you guys but it was awsome for me!


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I once took out a team of 5 Japanese on SG4. I was fully geared and equipped with the right essentials and equipments. A Diamond Sword, a bow with 2 stacks of arrows, a fishing rod, 8 Flint and Steels and also an Enderpearl with loads of food.

-In Character

*As I slowly walk towards Cornucopia with my good looking gear, I noticed a couple of people with decent amount of gear at cornucopia*
*I slowly crouched as hid under the shady tree, thinking of a plan that can take them down*
*Eventually, I pulled out my bow and shot a couple of them as they tried to take refill*
*One of them eventually fall on the rock solid ground and all of them gather around his body*
*They raced for the iron gear and the diamond sword that is on the ground*
*They started fisting each other since some of them weren't satisfied with what they got*

I quickly wrote "Hello people at corn". They eventually spot me at the top of the yellow crane. All of them chased me up the crane and I fishing roded one of them down. I trailed them into the house with the button trap, and one of them went into the trap and died. I got multiple hits because I was struggling to click the button and left with 5 hearts.

-In Character

*I threw the enderpearl, aiming towards the stonebrick building's roof. I managed to land ontop of it and ate 2 golden apples*.
*They saw me and rushed to the ladder area of the stonebrick building*
*I shot them as they tried to climb the ladder*
*All of them step foot on the roof and I knew I was doomed*

I did a fishing rod combo and made 2 of them fall to their deaths. The last guy chased me and I went around the building which is ontop of the roof. I flint and steel'ed him and eventually kill him.

The next thing you know when you joined the lobby is "yungwolfi u hak".


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Was on SG4 With CruelDefiance and there we see a team of 4 me and Cruel both have full iron and diamond sword,i engage the first guy that's decked with diamond helmet i lit him on fire and bow spam him and i kill a guy in leather amor and run away to regen and Cruel goes in kills another guy with diamond sword Sharpness I and has half a heart and runs from other guy and i kill the last guy :D


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
I have two stories!!
1- It was mid-game on Valleyside University. It was nearing refill. I approached Corn with my shining wood sword. A man stood at Middle waiting for a victim. He spotted me. I had sweat trickling down my face. I huffed slowly, inhaling and exhaling. My mouse shook with my hand. I stood there, frozen. The man with full iron and a diamond sword ran towards me. I pulled my bow put and shot some arrows. I only missed one. He kept coming at me. When he reached me, I set him on fire with my Flint and Steel. He hit me once. The slash shook me. I shot him twice again, then ran at him. I block-hitted and killed him. I grabbed the loot, only to be snuck up on by a team of 3 with chain and gold armor.

2- Daniel and I were on Moonbase 9. We had chain and gold armor with stone swords. We decided to go to Corn. We finally reached Corn to find that a team with full iron were there. I told Dan, "We can take them." He agreed, and we bulled towards them. After some 1v1ing, it turned into a 2v2. We got them on the run and started to chase them. When we got out, Daniel attacked the more skilled one. Dan died. I had 7.5 hearts, but using some FnS, I managed to kill one. I shot the second a few times and set him on fire. I killed him. After putting the armor on, I went back to Corn. I got murdered by a team of 5 :/.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Either yesterday Me VS @agentkiller158

Or when i killed a guy with full iron armor diamond sword, and i have full iron no weapon, a bow, 4 arrows, and two flint and steel.


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Playing a game with Gravey4rd. I had seen him before, 2-3 times tops. (Well more than that, but those were back in 2012) I knew pretty much i was gonna lose, but id decided id play the round cause YOLO. So, me and Gravey teamed that game and we (he) pretty much destroys everyone while i go my route, i only killd like 4 people that game. then deathmatch. We quickly kill the last guy, and then we make sure we have equal equipment before we started fighting. the ONLY reason i won: Gravey only had 2 or so arrows. We start fighting, he's using the fishing rod, so i decide to keep him at a distance, so i wasnt subject to one of the majestic combos everyone loves. I hit Gravey with a few arrows, and decide to run in, maybe get a flint and steel in, but the primary goal was to get enough hits where i was able to run away and kill him with another arrow. Played out differently. As we were engaged in our sword fight, i kept running around the weird Sg4 corn, sometimes its hard to manuever around those weird Pillar things on the corners, and then there are half slabs and fdkafjadl;fsjkfjl;fdl;a its crazy. I got about 3-4 hits in rapid succession. Gravey lowered me down to 4 hearts, and i start to panic. I bow spam like crazy, only hitting him with 2 or so arrows. We had a "No Golden Apple" Rule, so i KNEW he was low. I ran in hit him twice and the unbelievable happened.

DQIX1 Killed Gravey4rd. I dont brag it about it though. Well, i do sometimes.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
So, I'll just quote my post from when I made a post about it awhile ago.

"So, I was on my lucky server of EU43. Why it's my lucky server is a different story.

Nonetheless, the game was Destinys shiver.
I started the game off with a stone sword, managed to kill a few people off corn,
my armour when I went into deathmatch was Iron pants, a gold helmet, leather boots, and leather chestplate.
I got stuck in a hole after making an iron sword halfway through the map.
I made two flint and steels, and had two golden apples, as well as 3 arrows and a bow.
Deathmatch starts with 5 people, 3 of them are part of a full iron armor team, the other guy was some person in full leather.
One of the iron guys had diamond boots, they all had diamond swords.
I did my usual tactic of jumping in the water around corn, and popping up through holes like a groundhog, after killing a guy in full iron who also jumped in the water, since he let me get below him.
Had to eat one of my golden apples in that fight, got his full iron, but the diamond sword wouldn't pick up.
At that point I picked off the diamond boot guy and his lackey from above using a combination of jumping back in the water, shooting him with my 3 arrows and flint and steel above on the flower.
After I killed him I had to ditch the third one, eat a golden apple, got the absorption, at this point the last guy was hit by lightning a few times and started running away. Well the last full iron guy.
I had like 6 hearts, including the two extra absorption hearts when I beat him since he ran into lightning and I hit him a few times.
The last kill was some full leather guy just sitting with a stone sword watching me kill everyone crouching in the middle of the flower, I just came up and hit him a bunch."

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