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Most Amazing Survival Games Moment


Sep 8, 2013
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Hey guys, what has been your most amazing survival game moment? Here is mine.

I was just playing on my alternate account, Phantique, and the map was Valleyside University. I won a 1v2v1 mid game and afterwards the death match was announced. I thought I was ready to battle, I and iron helmet, chestplate, leggings, and gold boots. Sadly I had no bow. But when I noticed who my opponents were I knew I was in for trouble.

The final two players other than me were Lemonz87 and killerkons, both nearly in full iron. Not only that, but I spawned in between them. I had no golden apples to eat or anything, just my diamond sword (it may have been iron?), two flint 'n' steels, and a fishing rod. I noticed Lemon had eaten a golden apple which would make this even tougher. Once the round started I instantly ran out. I used my flint 'n' steel to catch killerkons on fire. I constantly rank around the cornucopia to try and get my positioning while at the same time being shot at and chased. I ended up catching killer on fire multiple times, but I waste both my flint 'n' steels. Both players were damaged from several fights, but killer was the one I needed to kill first.

They grouped together and both rushed me, at this point I am at very low hearts. I target killerkons and kill him in one or two hits. I barely avoid Lemon with about two hearts left. Now he/she is towards the center of the corn and I am on the outside. I need to regenerate. Lemon constantly tries to attack me but I use the fire which was already on the ground and the fishing rod to my advantage. After fending her off and letting me regenerate hearts I looted killer's items, granting me a bow. After using all of my arrows in attempt to damage Lemon we both went in for an attack. Lemon hits me maybe once or twice but I get a nice combo on him/her and win the match with maybe three hearts left.

The whole time I was shaking and I could hear my heart beating.

You can find the game here.

What are your best moments?
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Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I was with my teammate CruelDefiance and we kill a team of 4 on SG4 i will fully explain tom


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
All I had is an arrow, and a bow late into a game of Rugged Lands (I had no chest route, and in most chests, there was only food, no armor, no weapons, just food and arrows). I noticed this man in iron armor (with the exception of leggings), nearby a crafting table, I stood there till I saw that he has crafted a diamond sword, so I hit shift (started sneaking), whipped out my bow, and shot him, it seemed like I didn't hit him, but when I started to run away, it said that the player has died, and I recieved his points. I ran back, checked to see if anybody is around, and ran to where his loots were, collected them, and got a 5 player winning streak, and won my second game.
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
I was on Solar Frost on this tall ledge. It was about 30 seconds until DM, and I only had a leather shirt, a stone axe, and some raw food. I knew I was probably going to die in the DM. As I was contemplating my death, I saw a nametag coming from one of the tunnels that goes to the ledge I was on. I started freaking out, and out jumps this lady with iron/chain armor and an iron sword. I frantically get to the cliff side, and I somehow knock her off.

She seemed to fall for a eternity. The look on her face. She knew her time was abruptly coming to an end. I looked into her eyes, as she glared into mine. But then they turned into a look of calm acceptance. She hit the ground feet first. As soon as her feet made contact with the ground, a shudder shook the entire cavern. When all was still, the only thing left of her was her gear, along with an imprint of a figure in the snow...



Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
I have 3 experiences that I thought were "clutch" SG moments. (I hope I don't come across as a cocky mofo) For as many times amazing things happen to me, I am scraped by other people, so I look forward to those accounts later.

1. When me and @Rivalize 2v6'd Rebels on Valleyside.
Primeval and Rebels were scrimmaging (I think it was 8v8) and it came down to Me, Kyle, 6 Rebies, and Defrasa (a randy). We killed @CraftyKratonite, and got some of them low by camping Library, but after being pushed by the Rebels we were forced to make a tactical retreat (Run away) and jump off the library (Kyle had 1/2 a heart after jumping off and taking fall damage, I had 2). Kyle and I ate Golden apples, just barely escaping the jaws of death, and managed to run off to football field. This is when we set fire to the rain (Joey reference). If you don't get what I mean by that, we basically flint and steeled the crap out of them. I think most of the damage we dealt was from fire. Anyways, I'm not very good at making dramatic descriptions of what happened so, with some help from Defrasa and A LOT of help from fire, we killed the Rebies. We were happy. Yay.

2. When I killed @joe_delgrippo on Holiday Resort
Basically one day I saw Joe in a server while playing with Kranzo on MCSG. It was going to be a 2v1, but Kranman died in spawn so I was alone. I also got chased by someone off of corn, but I managed to find a weapon in a chest and kill the guy stalking me. At that time I had a stone sword, fishing rod, Iron boots, Iron helmet, 1 flint and steel, and a bow with 5 arrows. Not much, but at the time Kranzo was telling me to get in another game (or something like that) and I knew I didn't really get to take a route, so I was about ready to just /hub and leave, but I saw Joe in full iron (Other than chain pants) w/ iron sword near casino, and decided to just Yolo it. I set him on fire, got a huge fishing rod combo, and had him running. I immediately got my bow out, got a quick shot getting him really low, but missed 3 in a row after that. It was my last arrow, Joe had already ran 3/4 of the dock near Cansino (The ones that lead to the fountain), and I was still standing over 50 blocks away from him. In desperation I shot, predicting he would strafe to the right as he ran. And Bam. I had sniped him. Yay.

3. The 1st time I ever met @Soul in a game (Wasn't really amazing but I still remember)
Was back in March or something, and I had 500 wins or so. I was in a game with Soulv2 on SG4. I saw him at corn, and engaged. We had evenly matched gear (For the most part), but as we started fighting, Soul accidentally walked into his own fie (Something Soul rarely does), and I managed to kill him. But after I got the last hit on him, I accidentally walked into the fire Soul placed, and as I fumbled to find a golden apple, I died. In Spec chat I talked to him a bit. I knew my fellow Asian Brotha would never set himself on fire, unless he knew I would die from it too.

BTW, I only tagged you guys in it so we can have the nostalgic memories together, not to rub it in. If you feel like I offended you, sorry, just write about the many times I've failed.


Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
I have 3 experiences that I thought were "clutch" SG moments. (I hope I don't come across as a cocky mofo) For as many times amazing things happen to me, I am scraped by other people, so I look forward to those accounts later.

1. When me and @Rivalize 2v6'd Rebels on Valleyside.
Primeval and Rebels were scrimmaging (I think it was 8v8) and it came down to Me, Kyle, 6 Rebies, and Defrasa (a randy). We killed @CraftyKratonite, and got some of them low by camping Library, but after being pushed by the Rebels we were forced to make a tactical retreat (Run away) and jump off the library (Kyle had 1/2 a heart after jumping off and taking fall damage, I had 2). Kyle and I ate Golden apples, just barely escaping the jaws of death, and managed to run off to football field. This is when we set fire to the rain (Joey reference). If you don't get what I mean by that, we basically flint and steeled the crap out of them. I think most of the damage we dealt was from fire. Anyways, I'm not very good at making dramatic descriptions of what happened so, with some help from Defrasa and A LOT of help from fire, we killed the Rebies. We were happy. Yay.

2. When I killed @joe_delgrippo on Holiday Resort
Basically one day I saw Joe in a server while playing with Kranzo on MCSG. It was going to be a 2v1, but Kranman died in spawn so I was alone. I also got chased by someone off of corn, but I managed to find a weapon in a chest and kill the guy stalking me. At that time I had a stone sword, fishing rod, Iron boots, Iron helmet, 1 flint and steel, and a bow with 5 arrows. Not much, but at the time Kranzo was telling me to get in another game (or something like that) and I knew I didn't really get to take a route, so I was about ready to just /hub and leave, but I saw Joe in full iron (Other than chain pants) w/ iron sword near casino, and decided to just Yolo it. I set him on fire, got a huge fishing rod combo, and had him running. I immediately got my bow out, got a quick shot getting him really low, but missed 3 in a row after that. It was my last arrow, Joe had already ran 3/4 of the dock near Cansino (The ones that lead to the fountain), and I was still standing over 50 blocks away from him. In desperation I shot, predicting he would strafe to the right as he ran. And Bam. I had sniped him. Yay.

3. The 1st time I ever met @Soul in a game (Wasn't really amazing but I still remember)
Was back in March or something, and I had 500 wins or so. I was in a game with Soulv2 on SG4. I saw him at corn, and engaged. We had evenly matched gear (For the most part), but as we started fighting, Soul accidentally walked into his own fie (Something Soul rarely does), and I managed to kill him. But after I got the last hit on him, I accidentally walked into the fire Soul placed, and as I fumbled to find a golden apple, I died. In Spec chat I talked to him a bit. I knew my fellow Asian Brotha would never set himself on fire, unless he knew I would die from it too.

BTW, I only tagged you guys in it so we can have the nostalgic memories together, not to rub it in. If you feel like I offended you, sorry, just write about the many times I've failed.
10/10 outplayed.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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The first time I ever won, and it was with a stone sword. GG?


Sep 7, 2013
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how do i get the game tracker like u do ? i want to track som game


Apr 17, 2013
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After hours wandering around Overgrown Arena (Ahh the good ol' days), I wander into corn and grab the left overs from refill. Full chain and stone sword. Deathmatch is announced a while later, with 5 people. The full iron diamond sword guy starts attacking, and I go in for the kill, somehow I manage to get him low and he runs. Shoot twice, miss, final arrow. BAM, get him and he dies. I'm screaming cuz I was nub with 3 wins or so, pick up his stuff and win. Greatest feeling.

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