I am 16 years, old I believe I can work with Australian time zones, I think it's only a couple hours ahead of me.
I'm a good builder, but I don't have many screenshots of my work XD This is what I consider to be my best work, (
http://imgur.com/a/9y8UX) it's good enough that one of the server admins told me that they would move it by the spawn of Creative, as a sort of showpiece. I'm fairly good at terraforming with WorldEdit, and when it comes to building I'm far better at exteriors than interiors. Also, if you plan to do the Arabic City, I could be lots of help, considering that I live in Israel, amongst lots of cities with that kinda theme. (Personally I prefer the big desert theme)
My email is
[email protected], and I would like if you would respond to this through that as well, because I'm positive to see that, and not positive to see your answer on the MCSG forums.