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Icarus [US/EU Division]

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Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
- IGN: ItsHolanoia / YouWantShum
-Age: 15
-Previous Clans: Conquer, Altrax.
-Wins/Deaths: 28 / 1002 (previous i was a noob and i mostly do it for fun on mcsg)
-PvP Pro/Cons: Good with: FnS with FnS i mean if a person is a side of me i look while i run and place it fast as possible to kill them.
-Skype name: Holanoia
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Because i can meet new people and to talk with and pvp with them aswell and plus learn more about pvp to improve
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: Well if we are in a map and there are route's that we don't know than i'm the guy who Knows a lot of routes in MCSG / Hive so that will be really Helpfull
Declined. Please write a more detailed application.
IGN: Coookiiej
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: Both
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: My wins are 6 out of 472 My stats are trah but when you see me in a battle im really good
-PvP Pro/Cons: Everything
-Skype name:Bronygarcia
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I would enjoy if i join this caln beacuse my pvp skills are average and i would like to try out a clan to get to know how its like and to better my self for the next time i join a clan.Also i would love to meet the clan mebers and build up my pvp skills with the team.Like i said my stats are trash but pvp skills are average.Hopefully i can take this as an experience.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I can benifit the team beacuse im not afraid to take ricks when it comes to pvp when there is a team/player Getting rekt im there to sacirfice my self for that player.I would also Benefit the team by helping out the team like when there is a fight going on im there to jump in and help him out.-Coookiiej
Accepted as a Trial.
EU or US-both
previous clan-none
win/death-0/186 kills4/58
PVP skills-im good with fns and bow and sword sometimes im not the best with rod getting better
why I want to join-because I think it would be cool to be in a clan and it is also a why to make new friends and maybe get tips on how to improve on pvp
how I will benfit the team-I will be a little help because im on everyday I also play sg everday to improve
Declined. More detailed application needed.


Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: DuhHarro
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: US
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: My wins are 196 out of 1115.
-PvP Pros/Cons: Pros: Strafing,Bow,FnS,Rod,Bow Spam:Cons: ice battles and water battles
-Skype name: evilempire657imaboss
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wish to join Icarus because I can have never been in a clan before and I would like to see what it's like. I am also very friendly to everybody and I can show great sportsman ship :). I also have great team work with fellow players and I usually give my ingots to teammates because I love to benefit the team and help them win. I can also give them very good companionship.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?:I would be able to benefit the team by going offensive to defensive very fast. I can also light a FnS pretty fast which allows for me to get away fast I also would take a risk for one of our members if I get accepted to try and help him out with the battle. I can also benefit members of the clan with my bow. I'm quite decent with the bow which allows me to attack from a distance and help them win the battle. This also makes it so that the other player doesn't get away which allows me to kill them with bow spam. Also if me and another player are low I can bow spam the person which makes for a quick get away. I hope this is a good enough request to join the clan :) .-DuhHarro.


Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
- IGN: MidgetJoeHD
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: EU/UK
-Previous Clans: None.
-Wins/Deaths: 73/1034
-PvP Pro/Cons: I am a very strategic player, I use all my secondaries well and to my advantage! I am very good with using a rod, bow and sometimes pull off the odd 180 FnS on the run! My only weakness is my luck being killed off spawn and hackers! My ratio is really bad because of that. Also the fact that I was a huge noob for the first 100-200 games I played on this server!
-Skype name: Jrb Frostyy
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I have never been part of a clan before and I want to be a competitive player within Minecraft PvP, as I was in many clans in Call of Duty and I enjoyed the atmosphere of a clan battle!
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I am very mature for my age so I won't be distracting any players in a clan battle so we can keep full focus. I am a pretty good PvPer and I am rapidly improving so I will be improving as a player by playing with the finest of players! As I said before my ratio is really bad, however I have improved it really fastly over the past few weeks, getting on average 2-4 wins a day! In a confident, not cocky way I'd say I'd be a pretty good member!


Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: DuhHarro
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: US
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: My wins are 196 out of 1115.
-PvP Pros/Cons: Pros: Strafing,Bow,FnS,Rod,Bow Spam:Cons: ice battles and water battles
-Skype name: evilempire657imaboss
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wish to join Icarus because I can have never been in a clan before and I would like to see what it's like. I am also very friendly to everybody and I can show great sportsman ship :). I also have great team work with fellow players and I usually give my ingots to teammates because I love to benefit the team and help them win. I can also give them very good companionship.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?:I would be able to benefit the team by going offensive to defensive very fast. I can also light a FnS pretty fast which allows for me to get away fast I also would take a risk for one of our members if I get accepted to try and help him out with the battle. I can also benefit members of the clan with my bow. I'm quite decent with the bow which allows me to attack from a distance and help them win the battle. This also makes it so that the other player doesn't get away which allows me to kill them with bow spam. Also if me and another player are low I can bow spam the person which makes for a quick get away. I hope this is a good enough request to join the clan :) .-DuhHarro.
Accepted as a Trial. You will be added by a US Administrative Member shortly.
- IGN: MidgetJoeHD
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: EU/UK
-Previous Clans: None.
-Wins/Deaths: 73/1034
-PvP Pro/Cons: I am a very strategic player, I use all my secondaries well and to my advantage! I am very good with using a rod, bow and sometimes pull off the odd 180 FnS on the run! My only weakness is my luck being killed off spawn and hackers! My ratio is really bad because of that. Also the fact that I was a huge noob for the first 100-200 games I played on this server!
-Skype name: Jrb Frostyy
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I have never been part of a clan before and I want to be a competitive player within Minecraft PvP, as I was in many clans in Call of Duty and I enjoyed the atmosphere of a clan battle!
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I am very mature for my age so I won't be distracting any players in a clan battle so we can keep full focus. I am a pretty good PvPer and I am rapidly improving so I will be improving as a player by playing with the finest of players! As I said before my ratio is really bad, however I have improved it really fastly over the past few weeks, getting on average 2-4 wins a day! In a confident, not cocky way I'd say I'd be a pretty good member!
Accepted as a Trial.


Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
Please take me off the thread i have left and i dont think ill join ever again. thank you


Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN: sirloinsteak
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: US
-Previous Clans: Fortune EU
-Wins/Deaths: 18/570
-PvP Pro/Cons: friend of ryan (itsrazler) lol
-Skype name: tb_destroyer
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: cause i heard frizzy was here XD, and hashir and ryan will kill me if i join u guys
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: drop some sick teamwork in this house


Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN: sirloinsteak
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: US
-Previous Clans: Fortune EU
-Wins/Deaths: 18/570
-PvP Pro/Cons: friend of ryan (itsrazler) lol
-Skype name: tb_destroyer
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: cause i heard frizzy was here XD, and hashir and ryan will kill me if i join u guys
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: drop some sick teamwork in this house
i would kill you? ok..? xD i honestly wouldn't care tbh xD i would be heppy for you if you got in


Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN: oisinplayZ
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: 0
-Wins/Deaths: 126/1,111
-PvP Pro/Cons: PVP Pro
-Skype name: oisinplayZ
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I would like to join Icarus because it will be good to get In a clan and I think I'm good enough :p
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I will be able to help the clan out because I know all maps of by heart, even the less played ones


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
- IGN: MrCookiepowers
-Age: 13, turning 14 in 1 month.
-EU or US?: US
-Previous Clans: None :/
-Wins/Deaths: 102/ 960
-PvP Pro/Cons: All the Secondaries/ Teams, direct sword fights (even though I'm not that bad at it, since I'm pretty good with rod)
-Skype name: aaron.schanz
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Because I have never been in an MCSG clan and I really want to try out the expirience. I also really love meeting new people! :D
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I consider myself a pretty decent pvper and I am also (imo) a cool guy :p. I think you guys would like me in your clan.
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