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How do you think MCSG will end?

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Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because the couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hover over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft servers, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.

This was actually a pretty cool read, but I do see some things about it that aren't really right/would not happen. Nevertheless, it was pretty dramatic :p

First off, I sort of doubt that MCSG would reach 1000 servers; we currently have about 400 or so and a small number of them usually don't get filled completely. Expanding that far would also create way too much space so people would not need to donate at all, seeing as there are thousands of servers and Chad knows better than to do that. Most civilizations and empires (e.g: The Ottomans) have fallen mainly due to over-expansion.

Ignoring the paragraph above, you're stating that people with donator don't have the ability to join; this would, on the contrary, assuming I was wrong with the paragraph above, just make people purchase diamond and gold donator more and generate more money for Chad which would ensure that he can keep the servers running. Most people get iron donator because it's simply enough to get into lobbies; gold donator would probably become the new iron. Also, you state that most people leave because 250 servers world-wide close; there would still be 750 servers left. We have quiet a bit less and getting into servers isn't hard at all for non-donors; take it from me.

The part about Joey and Tomahawk and Blamph not having that much influence because of certain events happening is also purely based off of assumptions, as is your assumption about As and Au servers closing first. To be honest, I think the ca and as would close first in such a situation, but this again is just what I think.

Anyway, these are just some things I found wrong with it, but the way it was written was awesome and creative :D Was interesting to read; good job


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because the couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hover over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft servers, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.
To be honest... That made a cry a bit.

You have my respect.


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
This was actually a pretty cool read, but I do see some things about it that aren't really right/would not happen. Nevertheless, it was pretty dramatic :p

First off, I sort of doubt that MCSG would reach 1000 servers; we currently have about 400 or so and a small number of them usually don't get filled completely. Expanding that far would also create way too much space so people would not need to donate at all, seeing as there are thousands of servers and Chad knows better than to do that. Most civilizations and empires (e.g: The Ottomans) have fallen mainly due to over-expansion.

Ignoring the paragraph above, you're stating that people with donator don't have the ability to join; this would, on the contrary, assuming I was wrong with the paragraph above, just make people purchase diamond and gold donator more and generate more money for Chad which would ensure that he can keep the servers running. Most people get iron donator because it's simply enough to get into lobbies; gold donator would probably become the new iron. Also, you state that most people leave because 250 servers world-wide close; there would still be 750 servers left. We have quiet a bit less and getting into servers isn't hard at all for non-donors; take it from me.

The part about Joey and Tomahawk and Blamph not having that much influence because of certain events happening is also purely based off of assumptions, as is your assumption about As and Au servers closing first. To be honest, I think the ca and as would close first in such a situation, but this again is just what I think.

Anyway, these are just some things I found wrong with it, but the way it was written was awesome and creative :D Was interesting to read; good job
Thanks, I know for a fact that not all of my assumptions are correct, but this was written at 4 in the morning and I wanted to write it while it was fresh in my mind. My biggest, and/or worse assumption was that people wouldn't upgrade past Iron. I understand your point about with 750 servers, people would have no problem joining, but if there are so many people that we need 1000 servers, and 250 of those close... We'd have a slight problem. Another thing I didn't write into my story was the fact that people would get bored. Some new gamemode will come out and our servers would lose some of their popularity, or people would just be done with MCSG style servers. I may not have written it in, but that's what I attribute a pretty good sized portion of the people leaving to. Your comments about the Youtubers was completely true; however, you have to remember, what I wrote was speculative fiction. Thanks for reading and giving me feedback.

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks, I know for a fact that not all of my assumptions are correct, but this was written at 4 in the morning and I wanted to write it while it was fresh in my mind. My biggest, and/or worse assumption was that people wouldn't upgrade past Iron. I understand your point about with 750 servers, people would have no problem joining, but if there are so many people that we need 1000 servers, and 250 of those close... We'd have a slight problem. Another thing I didn't write into my story was the fact that people would get bored. Some new gamemode will come out and our servers would lose some of their popularity, or people would just be done with MCSG style servers. I may not have written it in, but that's what I attribute a pretty good sized portion of the people leaving to. Your comments about the Youtubers was completely true; however, you have to remember, what I wrote was speculative fiction. Thanks for reading and giving me feedback.

Pleasure. Was really an awesome read :)


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
With all the money mcsg has been taking in, the server is most likely paid for, for the next decade or atleast a couple of years.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I think, like others have said, MCSG will fall to a decline in popularity and a loss of players. Eventually Minecraft itself will die, though it may take a long time, and MCSG might last until then or die earlier.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because they couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hover over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft servers, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.

What about the People who wouldn't want this to die? Those that decide to assist Chad and support the server? Would they suddenly lose there Jobs and not be able to pay for the ONE FINAL SERVER? <-- Just a thought.
So my response: If Chad ever Says that the server is going to close because he can no longer afford it (one server isn't to expensive) I would Step up to the Plate and offer my Support I would fund the server and ask for nothing in return. The only thing I would want is for MCSG to live on were it be, a small community of just 12 people or just enough for a Full game , I would just be glad to see MCSG still alive. Just a final server being up as a museum to offer those with strong memories of the friendships made or how maybe it offered relief to those in a time of need or hurt. This is how MCSG will end. As a Museum. Sure your theory sounds possible and that could very well be the future of it but I would try to never let it die. One day maybe it be just be an outdated Minecraft server but it would still be there. I would still be there. Holding on the the memories. Then if Chad left or when he leaves. I would continue to stay. I would wait, for the day that someone looks back, and sees MCSG, at the bottom of there server list. Then joins it for one last time. The Server will eventually die. This Game will just be memories. This game will be more than memories. This will be MCSG.


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
I reckon it will continue until minecraft stops being popular, which I dont see being any time soon


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I think MCSG can only prosper at this point, if we can manage to get rid of Joey and the Baccas.
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