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How do you think MCSG will end?

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District 13
May 27, 2012
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Doubt so, everything has an end. Look at WoW, it's close to inexistence.
People have been saying that since wotlk. The playerbase is still sitting near 10 million. If WoW is close to death, then so is every other mmo, because none can touch that number.


Jan 20, 2013
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I think MCSG will end when Chad gets tired of hosting the servers. But he won't get tired of it, so MCSG will never end. Simple as that.


Apr 22, 2012
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I think that MCSG is sort of its own game, therefor won't die with the Minecraft craze.

Granted people play Normal Minecraft, along side with MCSG, but there is a huge portion of players who solely play MCSG. There's a very tight knit community surrounding this gametype, which has been active for a year and a half. A lot of us have made very close friends the time we've been here!

MCSG simply won't pull the plug, MCSG will evolve.

This game is very different from the game we all played in 1.2.5, and will continue to evolve in the coming years. Many of us will, in years, head off to college to start our lives, but we'll be replaced by a newer generation. And when they head off too college, they'll be replaced! Chad may sell, pass ownership, etc. to another party or company to continue MCSG. Mods will step down, players may leave. But all in all, this gametype, the community, the subculture will always be there, if the severs are up or not. MCSG may evolve into an MMO, MCSG may stay the same, only growing at the same pace as Minecraft itself.

Will MCSG close? No one knows, not many MMOs or large MC servers have stopped service yet. Will MCSG close in two years, or will it close in 15? Or will it just slowly slide into obscurity, when in 2225, Chad's great-great-great grandson is the single Owner/Dev/Mod for 1 US server?

I don't think MCSG will ever close because of monetary reasons, if they were in monetary danger, they wouldn't of opened 100 servers last month.

Will it go poof like MySpace?

Will it slowly slide into obscurity?

Will it reach an all-time high, and catapult?

Or will it just evolve, into something else. With the cutting edge of technology updating quickly, will MCSG even be played in PCs running Minecraft in 10 years?

All we know is that this is the community we all love, we've all had a hell of a time, we've met amazing people (not just players, but friends, commentators, artists, animators, programmers, writers, etc.), I don't think a lot of us want it to end, therefor it can't.

Long Live MCSG. <3
Dec 30, 2012
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When hive is gonna declare war against mcsg and they are gonna win (though they are both great servers and I don't want that to happen :(


Jul 15, 2012
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But, on another thing, WHAT will come after MCSG? If there's a new and fresh gamemode coming out, what would it be?


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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But, on another thing, WHAT will come after MCSG? If there's a new and fresh gamemode coming out, what would it be?
Some book, movie, or videogame will come out. Someone will be inspired, and boom. New minigames everywhere.


Jan 1, 2013
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The hub might actually be the end of MCSG, After the hub and the new servers almost all my Donor friends, have seen no point to donating to MCSG because with the hub it is loads easier to join games with the donor perks. So I can Imagine that Chad is losing money.
We still have the cash flow needed to support the servers; Chad isn't going to make a decision (like creating the hub) that would put the community at any immediate or forseeable financial risk.


Jul 11, 2013
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We still have the cash flow needed to support the servers; Chad isn't going to make a decision (like creating the hub) that would put the community at any immediate or forseeable financial risk.
Ermahgawd. I dev quoted me.


May 25, 2012
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It has already started to end. I think it started to end when the first set of admins was fired. Ever since then, MCSG has just felt so much different.
Different in a bad way. I think new players will not really understand what I mean, its partially the little noob playing his first game on sg2 talking out of me right now.
But if you compare MCSG, or MCGamer with MCSG back in the day, you will see a really really big difference.

I'm probably gonna get some hate here, but MCSG's community is poisioned. I kniw that kne thing that makes me think so is the fact that it hurts too see MCSG, the thing that occupied pretty much all my free time for a year, go down.

Back in beta, maps would be really good quality, they were bigger and games would sometimes last for almost an hour.
Chests would not have cooked steak or pumpkin pies all over the place, they would have rotten flesh, bones, string and arrows weren't in stacks.
Monsters were still in the game and every game about 10 people would die from monsters. You sometimes wouldn't be able to sprint for a long time until finding a chest.
MCSG has changed so much, and it's bad.

Nowadays, the age limit for moderator is 15. I remember how the age limit used to be 18 and it would say exceptions may be made. The staff was a lot higher quality and would actually help you when you asked them for help. I really think the staff quality has gone a lot worse. I kind of want to say that MCSG could fire half the mods, keeping the good ones and the amount of bad players wouldn't change, well, maybe it would, because less players would be unfairly banned.
I think peole in the community used to be a lot nicer and you would not see swearwords even without chatfilter. I think the filter makes people swear a lot more because they know they won't get in trouble.

I don't really know if this post makes sense, but I'm writing it because i was still logged in into ejegun when I checked the mcsg website with my ipad, I probably won't reply if you reply to me.

TL;DR: MCSG has already begun to end. And things are worse than back in the good days.
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