That's great, however if it's flat and has grass remember that's not really good for PvP. There is invisible fire, as well as trying to hit people with swords and other weapons, and instead of hitting the enemy you're just hitting the grass. Plus, hill terrains create pretty interesting PvP experiences. Yes there all maps such as Valleyside and SG4 that have some flat land that's great for PvP, however most of that flat land are areas that grass can't grow on, but this is not the case in some areas of your map.
Now I have actually taken a better look at this thread and the screenshots and I have some comments. I feel builds need to be more detailed in areas with the screenshots I will be providing:
This building needs some work. I know it's supposed to be crashed and everything but I'm seeing just a little of one block and not much variation.
Okay now I know this is most of the map, but when I say needs more detailing, I'm not talking about the whole area. In this screenshot, I'm talking about the houses in the bottom left side of the screenshot. They seem very basic and would really need the detailing to make it look a lot better.
Streets could use some work. I also think the wheat farm is a little random along with the barn especially since it's right next to water and close to a beach.
I think you guys are a group of people who have a lot of potential. However, I don't think this will go very far when the Map Committee (or whatever they call it today) judges this. But it definitely is a start! Some of the builds in the areas are just random like when I was just talking about the barn. To end it off, if you guys start building another map I hope you take my advice to add some more detailing and less randomness in areas, as well as custom trees and less flat land than you have now.