Now who am I going to contact when something goes wrong?!?!?!?!
The end of an era.
Draco you were one of the best mods and members of senior staff out there, and everyone knew it. I hope you knew it too. You would always be there to answer question, factual or annoying, complicated or simple, you would always get through them and everyone was eternally grateful, and I'm sure they still are. I can't say how much Im going to miss you being on our staff team, you were by far probably the best, least bias, sr. mod out there - there is a reason you won best sr. mod 3 times in a row, you know. You would put emotions aside and only look at the facts. And now all I can say is... Goodbye.
I realise why you will have to leave, hell, its the reasons most people/staff have to leave these days. School and college is, unfortunately for us, more important then minecraft or the MCGamer network. Goodluck in your A-levels, and have fun in life.
And as they say in the game of life.
'GL and HF'