Name: Einstein (Swag right?)
Minecraft IGN: TheEssassin24/CodeUnleashed/Katnip Neverdeen (new nickname)
Age: 12..... and a half... kinda
Wins/Games: 862/3.8k
Written Paragraph of why you would benefit Domicile: First of all, I would benefit this clan because of my hawt reputation. I am also well known as the " Asian Koala. " I am pretty good at pvp and I will promise to lead us to some victories in our journey. I am homo, so beware of my sexiness ( made no sense). My swag is real and my skill is a big deal. I tend to make funny jokes and have fun with my clan, I hope we have an awesome time together homies. I feel this will be a great meditation area for my rubber ducky. My maturity level is 6.9. We will be lead to victory as our united power as the Almighty Rubber Duckies. Swag, is what we are. Domicile is what we believe in. Word.