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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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May 2, 2014
Reaction score
The duck struggle... I want to at least have a chance at being in the top 1000 or so, but imagine how many tryhards there would be once the leaderboards are reset. It'd be insane.

I'm assuming with the new leaderboards, there might be regional competitions? Just to make it more even (US players don't really fight EU players, making it kind of weird seeing those players in the same leaderboard).

This is a great idea, the regional leaderboard


Oct 23, 2013
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I think that it should happen but if it does the top 50 should all get something special anmd then the top 5 get something even better but if they do reset do it on the the 1st of november give us 1 month notice before you do it !!!
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Oct 23, 2013
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When you do /stats it should be reset, but you should do /statslegacy it's your old stats. And when you get a win it still goes on your legacy profile but your ranked of your legacy profile not your new stats


Nov 26, 2013
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Everyone's argument is that there will be legacy leaderboards. The top ranked players argument is the fact they don't want a legacy leaderboard as they're improving their ranks, and working hard to do so. I don't want to be known as #20 forever when I can work harder and let's just say, be known for being #10.

I don't play as much now-a-days and I'll be no where near most likely top #100. The amount of teamers and hackers are ridiculous which will skew the leaderboards too. People will be desperate and actually team with hackers to boost their stats. I say a big no to this.

Honestly, if it changes then I most likely will quit MCSG.
I understand your point of view. But like I said we can go back and forth talking about whether this is or is not a good idea but our opinions are set. We will just vote and see what happens.
I voted no;

I voted this as myself and other highly ranked players have spent a couple of years to get to the spot where we are today were we are today and most of these highly ranked players including myself are still going for better ranks.

The legacy leaderboard does make me second guess my opinion but as I said before me and many other highly ranked players are still going for better ranks however I do understand the point of view of someone that just started within the past couple months and how unlikely for them it'll be for them to even get anywhere near the top 100 but it still is possible.

If the leaderboards were to reset the excessive amount of hackers and win boosters going for the top spots will again crush these new players hopes of getting these high ranks, the highly ranked players of now will also have an extremely hard time getting anywhere the top ranks.

If the leaderboards reset which looking at the in-game poll looks likely happens, at least give the highly ranked players some recognition in-game, you may think I sound greedy but the amount of time myself and many other highly ranked players have spent playing to get a top rank in my opinion is worthy of a special top 25, top 100 or even top 1000 rank.

I'm going to end off this opinionated text with a saying; 'You don't get anywhere unless you try'
so why should these hackers and new players get top leaderboard spots if they were to reset with not a lot of dedication and effort compared to the top players who have 2 or so years getting their ranks?
Again I understand your higher ranked players opinions and from your post you can understand the newer players opinions. I can just say that if these new leaderboards do come into play then I am sure the staff team will be on watch to ensure that rule breakers (boosters, hackers, etc.) are not at the top. I can tell you I will be.

I think that your idea to give the top 25 recognition is very good and definitely something that should be done or thought about. My suggestion for it would be to put a 'Legacy Top 25' in the hubs just like we have the top 25 in AU. This will have the legacy leaderboards top 25 players heads and names in the hub.


Dec 25, 2013
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Everyone's argument is that there will be legacy leaderboards. The top ranked players argument is the fact they don't want a legacy leaderboard as they're improving their ranks, and working hard to do so. I don't want to be known as #20 forever when I can work harder and let's just say, be known for being #10.

I don't play as much now-a-days and I'll be no where near most likely top #100. The amount of teamers and hackers are ridiculous which will skew the leaderboards too. People will be desperate and actually team with hackers to boost their stats. I say a big no to this.

Honestly, if it changes then I most likely will quit MCSG.
Couldn't agree more.


Apr 6, 2014
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I would vote yes, not because of increased competitiveness, but because it really provides a good opportunity for those to start fresh, the leaderboards right now just pretty much show that only a select few we all know are going to appear there, maybe they would again in future references, but I think a reset would seem pretty good.


Aug 9, 2014
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guys, wait a minute . Hackers are a big problem now . if the leaderboards will be reset , there will be more hackers and people who boost their matches. just to be in the first places. for me it's a no. or mcsg will become the hell.


Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
guys, wait a minute . Hackers are a big problem now . if the leaderboards will be reset , there will be more hackers and people who boost their matches. just to be in the first places. for me it's a no. or mcsg will become the hell.
They apparently are working on a new anticheat, this new anticheat block definitively the hackers.


Sep 28, 2013
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I'd prefer it not to happen, it could cause drama with how competitive the community will become - it's not worth it, as I've suggested "give a stat reset to who wants one, one per person instead of resetting everyones.
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