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Clan Wars [Season: 1]

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Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Volts VS Fallen will take place at 1:00 EST on Saturday.
The Sovereign and Prodigious battle will take place when they choose on Saturday.

Semi Finals will take place the weekend of the 18th.

React has been Dqed for the following reasons .
- xSwaggiraffe played for React using XXSpuXX, who never applied. Swag is also in multiple other clans.
- jfsilva for the tons of flaming TotosHD did on the clan wars prediction thread.

The following people are banned from the Clan Wars thread IxLegendz ( "I wish someone else would host Clan Wars")and Tigerstain (liked IxLegendz post, numerous flame on the thread, and PM that I kind of found offensive) are not allowed to play in Clan Wars.

Unlike JustHello I will take a action in flame. I will never end any of my Clan Wars, because Flame, I understand now why JustHello did.

I have no idea when any of the videos will be uploaded still haven't been on my desktop since Saturday.

People who played in Clan Wars, What did you think of the server?

Also last, I am still sick I have Influenza A.
I realize what I said wasn't said correctly, nor appropriate I deeply apologize the fact that what I said, but there was much more flame that needs to be dealt with if your starting to ban players from participating, I was simply stating the fact you were sick and I wish someone could run it for you whilst sick, it would be ludicrous for me to say that just because you were sick, I had defended you saying you were sick I was in the heat of the moment I said one thing I feel I could use a ban dispute right now


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Excuse me, but this is irrational and a horrible decision. I calmed all my players down, even thought toto was not even flaming on THIS thread. Then I talked to you about Swag and he did apply, under our own terms. He said he didnt want to apply on the forums which I told him yes. He made me an app and I accpeted it. This completly fair and you have no reason to DQ my clan. You need to talk to me before you make this decision.
Adding to what my man socially said, where are the terms for people having to play in one clan?

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
React has been Dqed for the following reasons .
- xSwaggiraffe played for React using XXSpuXX, who never applied. Swag is also in multiple other clans.
- jfsilva for the tons of flaming TotosHD did on the clan wars prediction thread.

People who played in Clan Wars, What did you think of the server?

Also last, I am still sick I have Influenza A.
Ok, soooooooo....
1) Get well soon! :)
2) The server was amazing!
3) You allowed Swag to play for us, we even asked you personally. Also, TotosHD isn't in our clan anymore; he left for Forsaken. He might have possibly been trying to DQ us, which I don't think is very fair. While Toto might have been trying to cause flame, I was doing my best to stop it, which I think should go in our favor. Look at my posts. I don't think we should be DQed cause of one player who is no longer in our clan or was ever loyal. Please give us another chance.

SociallyAK is 100% correct.


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Excuse me, but this is irrational and a horrible decision. I calmed all my players down, even thought toto was not even flaming on THIS thread. Then I talked to you about Swag and he did apply, under our own terms. He said he didnt want to apply on the forums which I told him yes. He made me an app and I accpeted it. This completly fair and you have no reason to DQ my clan. You need to talk to me before you make this decision.
While toto may not have flamed on this thread, he still did flame while a part of your clan. I understand your frustration, but this is his tournament, and he can do what he please with it. That being said, with swag, he was NOT on the roster at the time of clan wars, which would violate rule 4 from the original post. (To clarify, I saw the edit about an hour after our battle that put him on the thread)


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks man, glad you have my back :)
You guys did something really incredible you (when everyone had no beliefs) you being the underdogs won! I don't care who you are a dq is the most stupid way to lose

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, soooooooo....
1) Get well soon! :)
2) The server was amazing!
3) You allowed Swag to play for us, we even asked you personally. Also, TotosHD isn't in our clan anymore; he left for Forsaken. He might have possibly been trying to DQ us, which I don't think is very fair. While Toto might have been trying to cause flame, I was doing my best to stop it, which I think should go in our favor. Look at my posts. I don't think we should be DQed cause of one player who is no longer in our clan or was ever loyal. Please give us another chance.

SociallyAK is 100% correct.
While toto may not have flamed on this thread, he still did flame while a part of your clan. I understand your frustration, but this is his tournament, and he can do what he please with it. That being said, with swag, he was NOT on the roster at the time of clan wars, which would violate rule 4 from the original post. (To clarify, I saw the edit about an hour after our battle that put him on the thread)
However, techaton agreed that we could use him for the battle.


Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
You guys did something really incredible you (when everyone had no beliefs) you being the underdogs won! I don't care who you are a dq is the most stupid way to lose
I had beliefs... ask anyone


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Excuse me, but this is irrational and a horrible decision. I calmed all my players down, even thought toto was not even flaming on THIS thread. Then I talked to you about Swag and he did apply, under our own terms. He said he didnt want to apply on the forums which I told him yes. He made me an app and I accpeted it. This completly fair and you have no reason to DQ my clan. You need to talk to me before you make this decision.
Well, considering swag was added to your roster after you won the battle the decision was fair.


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
However, techaton agreed that we could use him for the battle.
The rules don't even state anything about a guy being in two clans as long as both clans are okay, which I'm guessing React was, and I can vouch Prod was, they should not be DQ'ed no one has control over toto but himself? That's not fair to React


Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
I see both sides of the argument in this one, Idk why react decided to use swag instead of their own players but that wouldnt cause 1 8v8 battle for them to win and if techaton agreed for them to use him i think they should have a chance.
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