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Beta Tips and strategies that still apply today


Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Let him brag all he likes, he doesn't check his games played and his time spent.


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
You jelly?
First of all I back out of 4 out of 5 games..... That is why i have so many games played...
I have the most kills on mcsg.
I have the most kills in one game (highest killstreak)
I have the most wins since MCSG v2
I was ranked #1 in beta
You want me to keep going?
When I started playing matches were an hour long... so 1000 wins = 500 hour matches and 500 half hour matches....
I don't think I am the best.... I know i am the best...
If you see or talk to this Kytria I will slay them on ca/us/as/eu server of their choice...
gawd read what you just wrote again lol. Every thing you just said you only get from playing a lot and it's kind of sad that you are bragging about the little social life you have. These Servers were made for fun and I completely loved beta, most people played for fun, guess I just didn't come across your tryharding ass.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, you have almost a thousand wins! You must be so talented! Keep bullshitting on the forums about your skill of playing over 4000 matches!
You're number one right? We all know you're good and all, but dump all your achievements into your self-esteem, which is where it should belong.
The way we see it, we think you're good, and a superb player. Sadly, if you've got no morales, you're worse than a player who uses Nodus.
Keep your opinions to yourself sir, and look at your time spent on the servers.
You spent 50 + hours on the servers? And only have 996 wins? Wow, I can imagine you trying to win one game.
Go ahead and brag your skill, we'll treat you like Jesus and don't expect anything if we chase you off corn for being too "good".
Also, please arrange a fight with Kytria, before you start boasting. It's really retarded.
Bro, you reaaaallly need to shut up. Jefeperro hasn't done anything wrong, and for you to just storm in here and start making shots at him is completely immature and inappropriate.
As you put it best, "keep your opinions to yourself sir"

Anyway, on the topic of beta, here's a video of the same user killing me :D


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
You jelly? Nope.
You back off 4 out of 5 games? Ew, if you backed out 4 out of 5 games, you wouldn't be able to get 996 wins. Lying noob <3
Most kills and kill streak? It is generally impossible to play 4233 games and have your total amount of kills, since you stated you "back off" from 4/5 games. That is, unless you "tryhard" any player on sight. Which is most likely what you do.
Most wins since V2? Lies.
Ranked 1 in Beta? Ranked 9 in V2.
Keep going and waste your time, you won't go anywhere.
Kytria can come on AU, I can come on any server if I'm free. Sadly, I get 1000 ms on every server except AS, so don't think I'm inferior if I lose to you on your choice servers.
You know you are the best? I know you are a tryhard person who betrays people just for your wins. You don't care about anyone, and will do anything to kill and win. Which means basically..
You're pathetic.
Diamond donator cutie C:
I am not taking anyone's side or trying to restart this flame war. But I would like to point out this guy I quoted doesn't back up anything, he just says 'lies' and 'ur sad' and stuff like that.
Jefe does back out a lot, he does have the most kills (you would know if you didn't make assumptions) and he is very skilled. And another thing, if he betrays, don't team with him. It is a good tactic and he uses it to his advantage. Just STOP.

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