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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, we are not becoming a 'strict' clan by any means necessary. We are doing what is RIGHT for the clan by testing loyalty and making the clan harder to get into as we want to be come one of the top clans. I honestly do not care if I am getting people upset about declining them, it's not my fault. It's theirs. People should know when they attempt to join our clan that they need to show effort and skill to join. I really did try to get to Jess, but after a few tests I now realize that he is not right for the new and improved Aviate.

Sorry if I am hurting anyone's feelings, but it needs to be done.
see on one side there are the nice aviate people like you then there is people not even in aviate on your thread treating people like jess like crap everytime someone trys to speak reason they get rejected harshly this is a better way to put it im off the thread now keep egrodo warm <3


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Haley
Timezone: ET
Time Available: everyday after school; 4-10; all day on weekends
Gender: Female
Age: 15
IGN: Lemonz87
Wins/Total: 584/2871
*Skype: Lemonz87
*Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
*Mic (Y/N): Yes
Best PVP Quality: Close up PvP with the sword and bow (learning fishing rod)
Worst PVP Quality: FnS
MCSG Donator: Friend
What makes you unique: I am different from nearly anyone else, first of I am a girl, that in itself makes me unique. Also, I get along with everyone, I try my best to be caring and nice at all times :)
How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Quite often.
Why do you want to join Aviate: The clan seems like it will be amazing and I would love to be a part of your rise to the top. Also, I would love to play with all of you, making new friends and improving PvP skills will always be things that I love to do.
Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Of course (AviHaley, I love how that sounds) :)
Past clans: Superesse, Omega, Deception, Aviate
Comments/Additional Information: possibility of becoming mod in the near future


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Haley
Timezone: ET
Time Available: everyday after school; 4-10; all day on weekends
Gender: Female
Age: 15
IGN: Lemonz87
Wins/Total: 584/2871
*Skype: Lemonz87
*Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
*Mic (Y/N): Yes
Best PVP Quality: Close up PvP with the sword and bow (learning fishing rod)
Worst PVP Quality: FnS
MCSG Donator: Friend
What makes you unique: I am different from nearly anyone else, first of I am a girl, that in itself makes me unique. Also, I get along with everyone, I try my best to be caring and nice at all times :)
How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Quite often.
Why do you want to join Aviate: The clan seems like it will be amazing and I would love to be a part of your rise to the top. Also, I would love to play with all of you, making new friends and improving PvP skills will always be things that I love to do.
Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Of course (AviHaley, I love how that sounds) :)
Past clans: Superesse, Omega, Deception, Aviate
Comments/Additional Information: possibility of becoming mod in the near future
ACCEPTED for trial! Be active on the TS for the next few days ~ a week.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name:

    Drew Olsen.
  • US/CA:
  • Timezone:
Eastern Standard.
  • Time Available:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • Gender:
I'm a Male.
  • Age:

    Im 15 Years Old.
  • IGN:

    My IGN is Sir_Cronos/zehoyya22/Sir_Kratos.
  • Wins/Total:

    238 between those 3 accounts.
  • *Skype:

    Yes, and I'm already friends with AviAndy.
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N):
  • *Mic (Y/N):

  • Best PVP Quality:

    My Best PVP Quality would be close up sword skills with along side with a fishing rod. I'm very good at close up killing with my sword and switching to my fishing rod to knock them back and such.
  • Worst PVP Quality:
My worst PVP Quality would be the Bow, I'm not terrible but not very well. I'm better at close distances than medium or far. I'm working on it everyday either on MCSG or another PVP server such as MCSwish or ROXBOT.
  • MCSG Donator:

    Yes, I'm a Gold Sponsor, and plan on upgrading to Diamond.
  • What makes you unique:

    Some things that make me unique is that I'm fairly not the most outgoing person but once you get too know me I open up and am very cool!
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate:
Pretty often, I've played with AviAndy a few times I've played with killerkons or AviKons plenty of times, and some of the other members once or twice.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate:
I want to join Aviate because it's the clan I'm most happy in and I regret every second of leaving. I tried to join back but then we disband. I want to join and become really great friends with everyone in Aviate and prove myself as a good MCSG player.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name):

    Yes, I would in a heartbeat.
  • Past clans:
My past clans are: Aviate/Superesse/Deception.
  • Comments/Additional Information:

    I really hope that I get accepted into Aviate so that I can prove myself. I'm a very active clan member and will help with anything to the best of my ability. Some things I want to do or have to that can help out. I have a Server that has Survival Games on it and other Plugins that we can go on and practice chest routes or just have fun or just PVP in an arena. I also have a TS server that isn't being used if anyone wants it. I want to record and post on YouTube like private and just us can see it chest routes for maps so that we can memorize and study them. I hope i'm accepted so I can be known as AviDrew or Avi[Something] I hope to know all of you as my fellow clan Mates!


    - Sir_Cronos/Drew



Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
  • Name:

    Drew Olsen.
  • US/CA:
  • Timezone:
Eastern Standard.
  • Time Available:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • Gender:
I'm a Male.
  • Age:

    Im 15 Years Old.
  • IGN:

    My IGN is Sir_Cronos/zehoyya22/Sir_Kratos.
  • Wins/Total:

    238 between those 3 accounts.
  • *Skype:

    Yes, and I'm already friends with AviAndy.
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N):
  • *Mic (Y/N):

  • Best PVP Quality:

    My Best PVP Quality would be close up sword skills with along side with a fishing rod. I'm very good at close up killing with my sword and switching to my fishing rod to knock them back and such.
  • Worst PVP Quality:
My worst PVP Quality would be the Bow, I'm not terrible but not very well. I'm better at close distances than medium or far. I'm working on it everyday either on MCSG or another PVP server such as MCSwish or ROXBOT.
  • MCSG Donator:

    Yes, I'm a Gold Sponsor, and plan on upgrading to Diamond.
  • What makes you unique:

    Some things that make me unique is that I'm fairly not the most outgoing person but once you get too know me I open up and am very cool!
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate:
Pretty often, I've played with AviAndy a few times I've played with killerkons or AviKons plenty of times, and some of the other members once or twice.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate:
I want to join Aviate because it's the clan I'm most happy in and I regret every second of leaving. I tried to join back but then we disband. I want to join and become really great friends with everyone in Aviate and prove myself as a good MCSG player.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name):

    Yes, I would in a heartbeat.
  • Past clans:
My past clans are: Aviate/Superesse/Deception.
  • Comments/Additional Information:

    I really hope that I get accepted into Aviate so that I can prove myself. I'm a very active clan member and will help with anything to the best of my ability. Some things I want to do or have to that can help out. I have a Server that has Survival Games on it and other Plugins that we can go on and practice chest routes or just have fun or just PVP in an arena. I also have a TS server that isn't being used if anyone wants it. I want to record and post on YouTube like private and just us can see it chest routes for maps so that we can memorize and study them. I hope i'm accepted so I can be known as AviDrew or Avi[Something] I hope to know all of you as my fellow clan Mates!


    - Sir_Cronos/Drew
DECLINED. You have a bad history of creating conflict between clans and immaturity.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
DECLINED. You have a bad history of creating conflict between clans and immaturity.
Can you give me a chance to prove myself, I'm sensitive on that subject it was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes i'm a human and not perfect. I can prove to be worthy for this if you let me prove myself.
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