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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
AviAndy can I have some sort of special cheerleader? You know I love you and you should probably scrim us a lot. <3 thanks


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
It isn't the main reason, but me and Andy discussed it and we realized that I did not know you very well and I said that I'd rather trial him if he did not come on the teamspeak before we reband, and that's what happened. I'm happy you understand, but I'm sorry.
Well I find you did only choose the people with most swag and skill and not necessarily the veterans who have been through thick and thin. But I understand your decision.
You read it correctly, that was my response as well xD
Yes, egrodo.


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well here it is. I am so sorry for what I've done. Espicially to AviAndy who I deeply respect. I know this was were I was meant to be in my heart. I am so so so sorry. I hope you guys don't hate me but,
  • Name: Jess
  • US/CA: Both
  • Timezone: Eastern
  • Time Available: 3-5 Hours on weekdays, all day on weekends.
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 13
  • IGN:AviJess and jess123259
  • Wins/Total: 460
  • *Skype: jess123259
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: Decent with a bow, skilled with rod and sword
  • Worst PVP Quality: F&S and mabye running.
  • MCSG Donator: Diamond.
  • What makes you unique: I am a young teenager who is very curious.
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I've played with the Aviate members everyday for the past 3-4 months.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because this is where my home is, and I miss it.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Already have.
  • Past clans: Forsaken, Chrome, Aviate
  • Comments/Additional Information:I really hope you guys still respect me, espicially AviAndy.
Sorry to say this, but,

DECLINED! You are known to be disloyal. You may reapply in a week.

Please don't lie about past clans in the future.

Name: Ezra Rugg
Timezone: Central
Time Available: Weekends always, and weekdays either early in the morning, or after 3:30 P.M.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
IGN: Yamaha51
Wins/Total: 80/1289. Date: 11/10/2013
*Skype: yamahakid51
*Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
*Mic (Y/N): Y
Best PVP Quality: Swords, Flint & Steel, Bows
Worst PVP Quality: Fishing Rod
MCSG Donator: Diamond
What makes you unique: I am a pretty respectful person, I do rage a bit but i feel i can control myself, Ive know a few of the members for a while, and i work well with teams.
How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Well ive played with one for a long time, and i started playing with the other members not too long ago.
Why do you want to join Aviate: Because i really want to be in a clan and i love the communityAviate has and the teamwork that the clan has is simply beastly, also i really like playing with the members on MCSG and i communicate really well with them.
Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Yes
Past clans: None
Comments/Additional Information: Cant really say anything more than this.

Sorry to say this, but,

DECLINED! You need to put more effort into the application process! You may reapply in a week!

  • Name:Eric
  • US/CA:CA
  • Timezone:ET
  • Time Available:Almost all day
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:11
  • IGN:KCEric
  • Wins/Total:98
  • *Skype:ill pm it to you
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N):Yup
  • *Mic (Y/N):Not Atm
  • Best PVP Quality:Blockhitting and bow
  • Worst PVP Quality:Dodging fns and LittleRawr<3
  • MCSG Donator: Not currently
  • What makes you unique: MAH SWEG
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: Well I was trial before it disbanded, im cousins with LittleRawr_ and played DR with a couple of y'all
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Well this is a cool clan and I think I fit in here
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): Probably in the future
  • Past clans: Aqualites, Reunited
  • Comments/Additional Information: I can be mature when wanted and a fun guy to play with ^_^
  • <3
Sorry to say this, but,

DECLINED! You need to put more effort into the application process! You may reapply in a week!

  • Name: Jayden
  • US/CA: CA
  • Timezone: EST
  • Time Available: mostly Anytime, if something comes up i will most surly pm you.
  • Gender: male
  • Age: 13
  • IGN:koolkangaroo00/AviJay
  • Wins/Total: 207/825 = + 4/13
  • *Skype: jayden.stevenson
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): yes i do
  • *Mic (Y/N): yes a blue snowball
  • Best PVP Quality: teamwork, fishing rod and sword battles
  • Worst PVP Quality: FNS (sometimes i light myself on fire xD)
  • MCSG Donator: yes, diamond.
  • What makes you unique: probably my personality xD
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: alot, my best friend is a aviate member.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: because i loved my time here before it disbanded.
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): already have :)
  • Past clans: Plasmic, Aviate (lol)
  • Comments/Additional Information: i love you guys
DECLINED! You need to put more effort into the application process! You may reapply in a week!
Last edited:


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, I'm firstly going to start off with the new rules.
In my oponion, I never think we should of disbanded. We were such an amazing clan with so much respect from eachother.
I'm starting to lose respect in some of the people in this clan for taking me so seriously. I know this is a game, but this is not the Millitary. I was not thinking you guys were going to be so formal and I was taking it kind of rude of how I know you guys so well and treated me like I was super new. Aviate is a serious and formal clan, I know. But now, I'm thinking this clan will become to serious and people will not like it. I'm just giving a heads up to change the strictness of the clan as it is a game. I love all of you and will miss you all very much. Please don't hate me for my decisions. I will be on the teamspeak from time to time to catch up on my favorite members.

I garuentee if you followed what I said, this will be once again an incredibly succussful clan.

I will be going back to Chrome not to be conpetitive, but to chill out with some awesome people.

Thanks to all the members and staff of Aviate.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I'm firstly going to start off with the new rules.
In my oponion, I never think we should of disbanded. We were such an amazing clan with so much respect from eachother.
I'm starting to lose respect in some of the people in this clan for taking me so seriously. I know this is a game, but this is not the Millitary. I was not thinking you guys were going to be so formal and I was taking it kind of rude of how I know you guys so well and treated me like I was super new. Aviate is a serious and formal clan, I know. But now, I'm thinking this clan will become to serious and people will not like it. I'm just giving a heads up to change the strictness of the clan as it is a game. I love all of you and will miss you all very much. Please don't hate me for my decisions. I will be on the teamspeak from time to time to catch up on my favorite members.

I garuentee if you followed what I said, this will be once again an incredibly succussful clan.

I will be going back to Chrome not to be conpetitive, but to chill out with some awesome people.

Thanks to all the members and staff of Aviate.
It wasn't your decision if they disbanded or not, Andy had his reasons. If he wanted to make this clan more competitive, then let him. If you do not like the new Aviate, nobody is forcing you to apply. This is a new Aviate.


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I'm firstly going to start off with the new rules.
In my oponion, I never think we should of disbanded. We were such an amazing clan with so much respect from eachother.
I'm starting to lose respect in some of the people in this clan for taking me so seriously. I know this is a game, but this is not the Millitary. I was not thinking you guys were going to be so formal and I was taking it kind of rude of how I know you guys so well and treated me like I was super new. Aviate is a serious and formal clan, I know. But now, I'm thinking this clan will become to serious and people will not like it. I'm just giving a heads up to change the strictness of the clan as it is a game. I love all of you and will miss you all very much. Please don't hate me for my decisions. I will be on the teamspeak from time to time to catch up on my favorite members.

I garuentee if you followed what I said, this will be once again an incredibly succussful clan.

I will be going back to Chrome not to be conpetitive, but to chill out with some awesome people.

Thanks to all the members and staff of Aviate.
this clan should have stayed disbaned.. you guys have made so many people mad

Alright, we are not becoming a 'strict' clan by any means necessary. We are doing what is RIGHT for the clan by testing loyalty and making the clan harder to get into as we want to be come one of the top clans. I honestly do not care if I am getting people upset about declining them, it's not my fault. It's theirs. People should know when they attempt to join our clan that they need to show effort and skill to join. I really did try to get to Jess, but after a few tests I now realize that he is not right for the new and improved Aviate.

Sorry if I am hurting anyone's feelings, but it needs to be done.
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