Minecraft IGN: Heartss
Age: 15
Skype ID: HeartssHD
Wins/Lost: 36/341 (My stats suck
but I'm really good at pvp
You should try me out sometime. You might be surpised?)
Legacy Statics: All my accounts together are like 1000/3000 or something really close to that might be a tiny bit like 3100.
Why do you want to
join Arise: Alright so here's the part where I really explain. So after a few weeks or so I got tired of my clan and kinda disbanded it. After that I realized i'm really not someone that wants to own a clan but be part of one like a family. My pvp skills are exception in standards against others and I get pretty insane ping. I also have teamspeak and everything so that's not a problemo. Honestly though i don't think i'm going to join cause im "sooo good" I need some work and this clan sounds like a very strong one to help me tweak at my fns and rod. (FNS hasn't been fixed DD: nooooo) I've had a lot of experience with some other clans and it would just be awesome to maybe fit into this one. Thanks for you time! I hope I get accepted.