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Clan Wars [Season: 1]

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Oct 29, 2013
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Im with Dantelius on this with how techaton could have handled it better and making this thread and hosting the clan wars what the responsibility was hosting a big event like this. Like having backup etc. But whats done is done. All im saying is that I find a abit hypocritical saying its too late to reschedule after when he did. I get both clans need to agree too a time but for what the reason fallen has with members having sports and having to go out and cant get out of it. I think thats a good reason.


Jul 8, 2013
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Im with Dantelius on this with how techaton could have handled it better and making this thread and hosting the clan wars what the responsibility was hosting a big event like this. Like having backup etc. But whats done is done. All im saying is that I find a abit hypocritical saying its too late to reschedule after when he did. I get both clans need to agree too a time but for what the reason fallen has with members having sports and having to go out and cant get out of it. I think thats a good reason.
But I totally agree on the hypocritical part.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
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Whatever. My clan members stop posting. We will play with what we have we'll be fine


Feb 25, 2013
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Im with Dantelius on this with how techaton could have handled it better and making this thread and hosting the clan wars what the responsibility was hosting a big event like this. Like having backup etc. But whats done is done. All im saying is that I find a abit hypocritical saying its too late to reschedule after when he did. I get both clans need to agree too a time but for what the reason fallen has with members having sports and having to go out and cant get out of it. I think thats a good reason.
Look, i know your upset about this, but it is techaton 's choice about when he can have the battles. You should not be saying its his obligation to host this on your time schedule, its not. He is actually doing a very nice thing by taking away from his free time he could be spending doing other things and giving a fun event to the community, so we should all be grateful that he is doing this, because this is not an easy thing. Also, he is handling all the flame very well, which i also admire of him, because from the amount of hate he has gotten on this thread for changing the times is really childish because he is doing this for YOU. He is doing a great job at it, and we should respect his decisions on when the time is, or would you rather flame him enough to have a repeat of justhellooo's clan wars? Now, stop the flame on the time and take this up with your leader and have him speak to techaton and the leader of the opposing clan, to see if it could be changed, and if it doesn't, then its fine, your clan will still participate.


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
Look, i know your upset about this, but it is techaton 's choice about when he can have the battles. You should not be saying its his obligation to host this on your time schedule, its not. He is actually doing a very nice thing by taking away from his free time he could be spending doing other things and giving a fun event to the community, so we should all be grateful that he is doing this, because this is not an easy thing. Also, he is handling all the flame very well, which i also admire of him, because from the amount of hate he has gotten on this thread for changing the times is really childish because he is doing this for YOU. He is doing a great job at it, and we should respect his decisions on when the time is, or would you rather flame him enough to have a repeat of justhellooo's clan wars? Now, stop the flame on the time and take this up with your leader and have him speak to techaton and the leader of the opposing clan, to see if it could be changed, and if it doesn't, then its fine, your clan will still participate.
stoped reading after the first sentence... Well im done with this thread.


On a more serious note, he had a headache and he had to reschedule. Headaches can get pretty bad to where any form of medicine barely helps. You guys signed up for this, he isn't forcing you into this. Trust me, I know how it feels to have this happens ( Just_Hellooo did it one too many times and it ended up costing the Organization its game against Wolfpack in CW3). Just either suck it up and play, or don't play at all. If you plan to quote me and argue with me from this post, don't expect a response. Just my 2- cents.
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Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
On a more serious note, he had a headache and he had to reschedule. Headaches can get pretty bad to where any form of medicine barely helps. You guys signed up for this, he isn't forcing you into this. Trust me, I know how it feels to have this happens ( Just_Hellooo did it one too many times and it ended up costing the Organization its game against Wolfpack in CW3). Just either suck it up and play, or don't play at all. If you plan to quote me and argue with me from this post, don't expect a response. Just my 2- cents.
Korrenian for president #2016


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
I realize what I said wasn't said correctly, nor appropriate I deeply apologize the fact that what I said, I really hope I can be unbanned, Im really sorry for what happened, what I said was just totally out of line Im very very sorry
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