I don't think there should be any qualifications to join the tournament. There are probably hundreds of people like me who want to play, but can't because of qualifications.
The reason people like me aren't in the top 12 or whatever, is because we simply don't have the time to devote to playing Minecraft 24/7 like the loosers that do play 24/7 and have no life. I'm not saying that everyone in the top 12 has no life, but some do.
I like, no, LOVE the idea of a tournament, but I will never be able to play if there are top 12 or 14 qualifications, because of my laggy computer and my lack of time to devote to minecraft because of school and my job.
xSOULxRAGEx, I fully support all of your original suggestions in the very beginning of the thread, as I'm sure many others do. I sincerely hope that someone of importance will read this and be able to make it happen.
As for the people who qualify in the top 12 or 14, why do you not want anyone to be able to play? What is it against you? Afraid that more competition will lessen your chances for winning? If so, there's gotta be a reason why you're in the top 12 or 14, so I wouldn't be afraid if I was you.
Please don't start spamming bad things about this comment. If you disapprove, please say so nicely.