Haha! Don't bluff.
You sound like Donald Duck!
Get an education.
Knock off the temptation.
I know you love chocolate.
But if you eat one more bit.
You'll be fatter than this
dude and 'dat ain't no good.
You think you're so cool!
The world don't need plonkers like you!
It's completely unnecessary.
You're an ancient raggedy berry.
Who'll be burned on judgement day
and you shall not be here to stay!
It's time to pick up the pace.
Move out the way or you're getting a fist in your face.
I don't know if you lack human emotion or if you're stupid.
But all I can see is you 'n your love bird making cupid.
My rhymes burn. You ugly old nerd.
You think your top notch. Prepare to loose it all Canterlot!
(I've been obsessed with MLP lately.)
I don't see why I care.
You're pathetic, lonely and incredibly scared!
I think it's time I stop.
Or you'll die of terror and you'll just drop.
However I am mean and I am cruel.
But you lack sympathy, intellect and cool.
You have no talent apart from toilet cleaning.
What? You enjoy it? Why is your face beaming.
You find it arousing to hear your name.
It makes you feel like you've raised your game.
I actually find that incredibly lame.
Moreover, you're a baby like Zayn.
I make you move in one direction which will lead to your death.
No more we shall hear your name to be chanted because it seems you left.
I'm shocked that you've not started to cry.
Oh wait! You're a robot.
With no heart, with no head.
It is time to goto bed.