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The Fellowship (US Clan)

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May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, I am REALLY sorry I have not been active on TS, it's still frozen! I even uninstalled it, I just don't know what to do. :(


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Sadly my PC is randomly failing me right now, I must resolve my fps.
So, I move my computer to a new desk and all the sudden my 200fps is now 18fps, and honestly I can not stand to black with 18fps I die and get called a noob and it shall eventually tear me apart and ruin my reputation. Its been hard to come out and say this but put me on break until further notice. I wish the best of luck while I try to resolve these computer problems <3.
P.S: Dont mess anything up while I'm gone ;)
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, I am REALLY sorry I have not been active on TS, it's still frozen! I even uninstalled it, I just don't know what to do. :(
o.o have you tried turning it on and off again? (Your computer)
Sadly my PC is randomly failing me right now, I must resolve my fps.
So, I move my computer to a new desk and all the sudden my 200fps is now 18fps, and honestly I can not stand to black with 18fps I die and get called a noob and it shall eventually tear me apart and ruin my reputation. Its been hard to come out and say this but put me on break until further notice. I wish the best of luck while I try to resolve these computer problems <3.
P.S: Dont mess anything up while I'm gone ;)
Me and LittleRawr were doing some troubleshooting over TS...
- in Task Manager (Cntrl+alt+delete thingy), there were no abnormally high processes, even when he clicked "Show Processes from All Users".
- His F3 menu said Minecraft was using 20-30% of his RAM (300MB he said, I'm guessing he has like 6-8 GBs of RAM.) and he was getting low FPS, whereas mine used not even 100 MB (like 18-19%) and I was getting 80-275 FPS in a cave on 1.7.2, 4 chunks render distance, low settings. (He was using minimum settings.)
- Yes, he tried turning it on and off again.

LittleRawr, one thing I forgot to ask is: When you were looking at Task Manager and told me everything was low numbers in the CPU section, did you also have Minecraft open? (Would be labeled as "javaw.exe" probably, at least for me it's that.)


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
o.o have you tried turning it on and off again? (Your computer)

Me and LittleRawr were doing some troubleshooting over TS...
- in Task Manager (Cntrl+alt+delete thingy), there were no abnormally high processes, even when he clicked "Show Processes from All Users".
- His F3 menu said Minecraft was using 20-30% of his RAM (300MB he said, I'm guessing he has like 6-8 GBs of RAM.) and he was getting low FPS, whereas mine used not even 100 MB (like 18-19%) and I was getting 80-275 FPS in a cave on 1.7.2, 4 chunks render distance, low settings. (He was using minimum settings.)
- Yes, he tried turning it on and off again.

LittleRawr, one thing I forgot to ask is: When you were looking at Task Manager and told me everything was low numbers in the CPU section, did you also have Minecraft open? (Would be labeled as "javaw.exe" probably, at least for me it's that.)
Yes, multiple times, even usinstalling it, its like its active, working, glued on my screen, but can't click on it o exit it... and I'm stuck in shire ;-;


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Im sorry to write another note like this without a weeks pass, but honestly due to the lack of members I cant really branch out and meet new people, yes there are applicants but they dont come on the TS often enough, its not that I have anything against you its that really I want to continue my journey, Ive known you guys since Aviate v2. Even Nathan and Lucid since Aviate v1 my bond between people here is outstanding, I just now realized I have to role with the punches and maybe some may hate me because of my decision but that'll have to be a punch I must roll with sadly enough.

Mooclan Dude your 100% pimp, for a piece of meat that is and dude you are one swag cow. I dont know what else to say about you besides the fact that you are awesome and caring guy who puts others in front of himself and I cant ask for more than what you have given me.

Lucidictive (you still have that Andy Profile Picture xD) Ive known you for along time, since October 8th to be exact, at first lets be honest, you thought I was an annoying squeaker and I thought you were stubborn and stuck up, but I think we have proven to each other thats not true, I will always remember that night when you went ham.. #JudgeJudy4Lyfe

DoUEvenShift I did not talk to you much during Aviate V2 but I came to like you quickly I dont have much to say but I know you're a great pvp'er and a funny guy, I hope to see you in the future.

Statikyy Ive known you for about three days which isnt much but I honestly feel its enough to call you my friend because your cool and very hawt yo.

KarterHD the divorce is not off sadly enough, - wait what?!.. nothing - You're 100% swiggty sweg and I saw you in a ThatOneTomahawk video earlier <3

Torchy you dont understand as to what point you're awesome, being that you always underrate yourself and call yourself a squeaker when thats shows nothing about your personality.



Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Im sorry to write another note like this without a weeks pass, but honestly due to the lack of members I cant really branch out and meet new people, yes there are applicants but they dont come on the TS often enough, its not that I have anything against you its that really I want to continue my journey, Ive known you guys since Aviate v2. Even Nathan and Lucid since Aviate v1 my bond between people here is outstanding, I just now realized I have to role with the punches and maybe some may hate me because of my decision but that'll have to be a punch I must roll with sadly enough.

Mooclan Dude your 100% pimp, for a piece of meat that is and dude you are one swag cow. I dont know what else to say about you besides the fact that you are awesome and caring guy who puts others in front of himself and I cant ask for more than what you have given me.

Lucidictive (you still have that Andy Profile Picture xD) Ive known you for along time, since October 8th to be exact, at first lets be honest, you thought I was an annoying squeaker and I thought you were stubborn and stuck up, but I think we have proven to each other thats not true, I will always remember that night when you went ham.. #JudgeJudy4Lyfe

DoUEvenShift I did not talk to you much during Aviate V2 but I came to like you quickly I dont have much to say but I know you're a great pvp'er and a funny guy, I hope to see you in the future.

Statikyy Ive known you for about three days which isnt much but I honestly feel its enough to call you my friend because your cool and very hawt yo.

KarterHD the divorce is not off sadly enough, - wait what?!.. nothing - You're 100% swiggty sweg and I saw you in a ThatOneTomahawk video earlier <3

Torchy you dont understand as to what point you're awesome, being that you always underrate yourself and call yourself a squeaker when thats shows nothing about your personality.

Well. Uh...
ur hawt.

D: So is this your leaving letter? ;____; u make moo cri
(as a side-fact, this is the first time I was first on a list of people on the forums, ever xP)
If you ever get your computer fixed, you know The Fellowship will welcome you with open arms (riiiiiight shift? * murderous stare*) until then, keep on being the "swiggty sweg" little... feline thingy... that you've always been :) Good luck with everything. Hopefully I'll see you on TS some time <3


Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Im gonna leave too even though i was trial because the clan wasnt active enougj and we never scrimmed or practiced .


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Well. Uh...
ur hawt.

D: So is this your leaving letter? ;____; u make moo cri
(as a side-fact, this is the first time I was first on a list of people on the forums, ever xP)
If you ever get your computer fixed, you know The Fellowship will welcome you with open arms (riiiiiight shift? * murderous stare*) until then, keep on being the "swiggty sweg" little... feline thingy... that you've always been :) Good luck with everything. Hopefully I'll see you on TS some time <3
no me


Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Clan Battle against #Paradox? Add me on Skype -aaron.shlayen2
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