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Sector Six [U.S.]

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Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Papqx
Age: 15
Wins: About 300
Time Zone: EST

First off, my wins are in my opinion low because I've been in a clan for the past month and haven't been able to win often. It was my first real clan, and I was very dedicated to the clan; I rarely played solo and whenever I was on the computer, the first thing I would do would be to open their TeamSpeak. I've been playing since July 2012 when I was really bad, so my ratio should be a lot better than how it is shown. Really, only in the past few months I have gotten 90% of my wins.
In terms of my PvP, I would say I'm solid but improving. Only recently have I really started to use flint and steel and the fishing rod technique; before it was just whacking with a sword and strafing. However now I'm getting better at both especially flint and steel, which has helped my pvp and especially my ability to take out teams. For the bow, long range I'm ok, but at close range I would say I'm very good. I almost never miss as a person is approaching me, which usually ends up helping me win the majority of my 1v1s. My biggest weakness for pvp used to be running into fire, as before my mindset would be to just charge at a person recklessly, but now I'm not as bad at dodging fire. I would still say, however, that avoiding fire is still a weakness that I need to improve even more on.
In terms of dedication, I know that I would be very dedicated to the clan. As stated before, I was very dedicated to my previous clan, making it a priority above all else. My playing time is usually from 2-10 on weekdays and randomly on weekends, and by playing time I mean the time that I could potentially play. Of course these times vary as I have other activities I do aside from schoolwork, but I can play usually the majority of the time between those hours. Also, I would give hours for weekends but they are just to fickle for me to pick out specific hours that I could play at. However, I will say that I should be able to play 2-3 hours at least (barring some major activity I have to do) on Saturdays and Sundays each.
I would like to be in Sector Six because it seems like a clan that has a lot of potential. A lot of the current members are people who I look up to and hope to be as good as one day. This also seems like a clan that will be around for a while, with good leadership to help. Additionally, I feel that I should be a part of Sector Six because I'm dedicated and fairly good at mcsg. I know that I'm not the best player, but I'm a hardworking one, and I feel that this would be very beneficial to the clan.

Thanks for reading.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: MNGLOGANp
Age: 15
Wins: 2,100
Time Zone: EST

I'm an experienced MCSG player and am friends with a couple people in this clan. I feel that I'd create a great impact in this clan due to my ability to follow orders and kill. I think this clan has great potential, (because of the amazing people in it) and think with the right members will go far. This clan will become something great and I'd personally love to become a part of it. I'd wear my member to this clan with pride and would be loyal. I'm an all around friendly guy and never by choice would start or participate in any drama or flame wars. I enjoy clan battles and love the idea of a battle filled with strategy and the wit that it takes to conduct the teamwork of a good clan and a winning clan.
Recommended! Amazing PvP'er, and a cool guy! Good luck man!
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