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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Great job today Aviate. You guys showed really amazing teamwork and that really caught me off guard. That was the first time my clan played all together. I hope the best for you guys because I think you guys will go far. One day we will rematch you guys again. But for now good luck.


Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
Great job today Aviate. You guys showed really amazing teamwork and that really caught me off guard. That was the first time my clan played all together. I hope the best for you guys because I think you guys will go far. One day we will rematch you guys again. But for now good luck.
Thanks for being such good sports!


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Jayden
  • US/CA: CA
  • Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
  • Time Available: Almost anytime. I have a free schedule and will be be free a lot.
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: I am 13 years of age.
  • IGN: koolkangaroo00, AviJay
  • Wins/Total:207/830 My wins haven't gone up much since i have been playing on servers such as ROXBOT to practice.
  • *Skype: jayden.stevenson
  • *Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
  • *Mic (Y/N): Yes, i have a blue snowball microphone.
  • Best PVP Quality: I would have to say my best pvp qualitya are sword play, team work (working as a team against anyone), fishing rod and sometimes bow since i have been practicing a little bit.
  • Worst PVP Quality: Well i would have to say FNS, teams (most of the time), and i'm going to put bow here just because i am so-so and sometimes i am not very good.
  • MCSG Donator: Diamond
  • What makes you unique: Well, i don't really know how i am unique but i think i am a good team player who likes to befriend everyone even if i am kind of shy.
  • How often have you played with the members+ in Aviate: I team with Aviate members a lot! I gotten to know a lot of you and i have teamed with almost everybody.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Well this is easy to answer. I have been Aviate before and like how things are run. it is a very friendly organized clan that treats their members with respect. Most of my MCSG memories where made with this clan and i had fun and funny times with this clan. It almost feels like this is my home, Where i should be. I don't think i can be anywhere else and fell as happy and do as good anywhere else like i did in Aviate. To me this place is awesome and i would love to experience it again!
  • Would you change your IGN to Avi(Name): I already have, like i said i think this is where i belong ;)
  • Past clans: Old Aviate and Plasmic.
  • Comments/Additional Information:I just want to say i am very sorry for everything i have done. It was very immature and dumb of me but i just acted in the moment and out of anger since thing where just not going my way in life in general and anything could have set me of that day. I hope you understand that it was a mistake of mine and are willing look past it as i have been talked to and understand what i did wrong.
    you guys are great i hope to see you all soon!


Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
On second thought, I honestly don't think I'll be active enough for this clan's standards. Just forget about my pending; I won't be joining the clan. No hard feelings. Hope to see you guys around though!
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