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Opinions on clans.


Nov 10, 2012
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I feel like flamewars are just a part of every competitive game and it's not even that bad in MCSG in my experience. You're writing it out to be "a road filled with anger and rage ".But in my opinion you're being way too dramatic over something as common as arguing.
Well that road of anger thing was a bit over kill I'll admit that but, I don't consider people calling each-other nasty words arguing. That was what I ment. I have no problems with people arguing with each other but, just straight up insulting others and raging/flaming is not okay in my opinion. And I don't think that it should be a part of competitive gaming.
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Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Well that road of anger thing was a bit over kill I'll admit that but, I don't consider people calling each other BAAANNED! and !@#!s arguing. That was what I ment. I have no problems with people arguing with each other but, just straight up isulting others and raging/flaming is not okay in my opinion.
Your position is aligned with common sense. Some people just have different tolerance levels. As long as the "trashtalk" as it were - that I happen to partake in way too much - doesn't surpass the MCSG rules tolerance level, I'll turn a blind eye to it.

What happens in a clan should stay in that clan. What happens between clans stays between clans (and the occasional mod).


Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Your position is aligned with common sense. Some people just have different tolerance levels. As long as the "trashtalk" as it were - that I happen to partake in way too much - doesn't surpass the MCSG rules tolerance level, I'll turn a blind eye to it.

What happens in a clan should stay in that clan. What happens between clans stays between clans (and the occasional mod).
I agree that it should stay between the clans. Sadly it usually does not. Now as I stated perviously, I'm an very empathic person and that makes it so that I get affected by this more then other does. Now when I do see people arguing in thein-game chat I usually don't care all too much but, when it starts to affect others as well that's when I start to get involved in it. Now this may just happen because I'm an empathic person but I still think the clan forums should be moderated more then it is ATM.


Jun 27, 2013
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I did not state that it was the PRIMARY factor, I said that it was a big part of it. I can make this statement as I have been in a lot of clans/clan wars. And as Captain Dak pointed out, almost 50% of the reports are for post on clan threads which would indicate on clans being one of the main factors when looking at the flame wars in the community. And as I previously stated this does not happen everywhere in clans but, when it starts becoming competitive it would seem that the rage and flame wars are greater then when the clans are just playing by then self.

In my opinion if you are a part of a certain clan, you have NO REASON to be posting on another clan's thread. 9 times of of 10 it's going to be negative. I think making this a rule would greatly reduce the amounts of flaming that goes on, at least on the forums.

This is something I agree with VERY much. There should be clear rules that tries to prevent this from happening. Now I have seen a proposal that a very much liked. MCSG are going to start organising clan battles them self. This way it would reduce the amount if flame/rage as they are hosted by a couple of mods, so no-one can blame hacks unfairly, it will be a bit more official and it will be a bit more structure to the whole thing.

P.s please do leave suggestions on future implementations for MCSG to consider.
Oh yeah i agree with you, there should be a rule that states players are not allowed to post on other clans threads unless there was a very good reason to. Rage and flame wars are bigger due to clans but i wasn't saying they weren't. I think i could have chose a much better would than "Primary" But you were stating that clans were a big part of people calling eachother hackers and from my understanding you meant all over mcsg, If you just meant on clan threads then i believe your completley right. But if you were meaning server wide then no i don't believe your right i think the reason is obvious why people call eachother hackers all the time and it happens on any game with pvp. People just rage. For the topic on MCSG organizing the clan wars i personally don't believe that would be a amazing idea. I would say that yes it makes sense so that no one would blame hacks unfairly, but i think that the part of MCSG community that are non-staff should also have a big part in organizing. I personally believe that more of the non-staff community like some of the big clan leaders are a lot more "street smart" when it comes to pvp and mcsg.


Aug 24, 2012
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Lol just seems like the better the clan is, the more competetive the clan is. Some people take it way too serious than others.
I'd disagree with that point, I can tell you Phoenix for one is an extremely laid-back clan, but we are considered to be one of the best, if not the best in AU. :p


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I'd disagree with that point, I can tell you Phoenix for one is an extremely laid-back clan, but we are considered to be one of the best, if not the best in AU. :p
lol yeah but how many au clans are there? :eek:


Feb 26, 2013
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I believe clans are something created to feel superior over others, for example if you win a clan battle you will be 'superior' than that other clan. Clans are nothing but to boast one's skills and arrogance. If you are in a good clan you are very well known and considered to be very good and thus 'better' than those not in clans of any reputation. They are nothing but a tool to flaunt your success and skills, if they are not then why not just make teams?


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I believe clans are something created to feel superior over others, for example if you win a clan battle you will be 'superior' than that other clan. Clans are nothing but to boast one's skills and arrogance. If you are in a good clan you are very well known and considered to be very good and thus 'better' than those not in clans of any reputation. They are nothing but a tool to flaunt your success and skills, if they are not then why not just make teams?
I believe that to a point. Some players may or maynot feel that way about clans. I know when I was in it, I just liked the competition and the strats you did to win these clan battles. I like friendly games.

There's like... 5 good ones? xD
Lol idk then. Maybe its just how the us and eu clans are.


Feb 26, 2013
Reaction score
I believe that to a point. Some players may or maynot feel that way about clans. I know when I was in it, I just liked the competition and the strats you did to win these clan battles. I like friendly games.

Lol idk then. Maybe its just how the us and eu clans are.
You could just gather a group of friends and play with people you believe to be around your skill level? If normal MCSG is not competitive i don't know what is.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Lol trust me, I don't like clans whatsoever xD. Thats why I haven't rejoined them. I prefer playing solo, or doing ffa with a lot of good players.


Feb 26, 2013
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Yeah, just seems to me people in clans think they are alot better than people not in clans.

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