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Opinions on clans.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
I get the same feeling about clans, which is why I don't have any desire whatsoever to be a part of one. I find the game is more fun solo or with just one teammate. :p

Edit: Also related to the flaming/drama related to clans: In looking at the reports us staff see on the forums, probably close to or over 50% of the reports are for posts on clan threads. And this is including the large percentage that are for spambots. Just kind of interesting... In my opinion if you are a part of a certain clan, you have NO REASON to be posting on another clan's thread. 9 times of of 10 it's going to be negative. I think making this a rule would greatly reduce the amounts of flaming that goes on, at least on the forums.
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Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Hi! My name is, as some of you might know, Alvin and I have been a part of this wonderful community we like to call MCSG for about over a year now. When I first joined this awesome community I was greeted by a community built upon trust and respect for the persons surrounding you. This was the case for quite a while and as the servers evolved, so did the community. New aspects was brought in to the equation and other ways of meeting friends to play with was implemented. One of these things that where found upon was "clans". A new way for people to connect with others and a new way to find new friends. It was great in the beginning but, as the community evolved something went wrong. I started seeing a lot of hate and anger occur in this certain part of the community. Flame wars was starting to become more common and a trend started forming. A trend of rage, anger and hatred. People started blaming each-other of hacks, being sore loosers and in general being ugly to each-other. It seems like people are looking for conflict and WANTS to get in to fights with other players. Now I have one simple question for the community. Why? Why do you want conflict? Why do some have the urge to start a conflict that can only result in someone getting hurt? This trend is set through out the world aswell. Why? There are a lot of reasons as to why this is happening. Money, power, herarky but, one thing that I think has a big role in this is manly hood. One of the main things that, stereotypically speaking, is a big part of manly hood is to seek conflict. Most of the big politicians these days are men. Men generally seeks conflict on a larger scale then the woman does. This is fact. Studies have been made to support this statement. I think this is a big factor as to why the world is like it is today. Allthough this is definitely not the ONLY reason, it is a big factor to considerate while looking at conflicts now a days. There is other factors like herarky. Herarky rules our world. No matter where we turn to it is ALWAYS there. Even when turning to gaming. Anyways my point is that I think it's sad to see this wounderfull community we all know and love turn out this way. Driving on a road filled with anger and rage. Now this is not the case throughout the whole community but, it is a growing part of it. What are your opinions on this subject? I would like to know.

Thank you for reading!
Sincerely Alvin/thedarkenter.

Edit: The purpose if this thread is not to create flame wars. I simply want to know what you guys think about this phenomenon.
i agree, i used to be part of a gaming community with clans until it got removed due to clans not being any help to the game and causing lots of flaming and raging


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Um clans aren't the the primary factor of people calling others hackers...
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Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Um clans aren't the the primary factor of people calling others hackers...
I did not state that it was the PRIMARY factor, I said that it was a big part of it. I can make this statement as I have been in a lot of clans/clan wars. And as Captain Dak pointed out, almost 50% of the reports are for post on clan threads which would indicate on clans being one of the main factors when looking at the flame wars in the community. And as I previously stated this does not happen everywhere in clans but, when it starts becoming competitive it would seem that the rage and flame wars are greater then when the clans are just playing by then self.

In my opinion if you are a part of a certain clan, you have NO REASON to be posting on another clan's thread. 9 times of of 10 it's going to be negative. I think making this a rule would greatly reduce the amounts of flaming that goes on, at least on the forums.

This is something I agree with VERY much. There should be clear rules that tries to prevent this from happening. Now I have seen a proposal that a very much liked. MCSG are going to start organising clan battles them self. This way it would reduce the amount if flame/rage as they are hosted by a couple of mods, so no-one can blame hacks unfairly, it will be a bit more official and it will be a bit more structure to the whole thing.

P.s please do leave suggestions on future implementations for MCSG to consider.


I personally don't have much of an opinion of clans.

Whether clans are a good or a bad thing, I don't know, due to the topic is very controversial and usually both sides are right, but I think that really, MCSG may be better off without them, but without them MCSG would loose it's factor of hate, which might sound really stupid, but think of this.

In my mum's religion, Satan was kicked out of the kingdom of heaven due to he wanted to overthrow God, and he wanted everything to be good, and perfect, for people to not have a choice, and for people to worship HIM.

However, God was the one who planned this, and then banished him to Earth.

The reason why we have a choice to act upon a situation in our own way instead of being forced is because, think of how boring life would be if everything was "perfect" or "evil."

So, SG would be pretty s*** without hate, because that's a part of the Internet, and Minecraft. xD

But Clans are just too hateful. There's way too much flaming and raging, people do usually hack if they're high in the leaderboard and do hack in a clanwar, but because they are so high their priority is to learn how to hide their hacks, which most do very well, I've been in 3 clan battles where 2 people from the opposing team hacked, and one of ours hacked. One where our team member used chest finder then admitted it. (Don't know what happened to him then) and one where two randomers hacked but I killed them both. #NetheriansOldTimes. I was the star of that round, oh my gosh was I proud. XD

My point is, is there needs to be some sort of update where they nerf how clans work, Clan - Battle servers would be cool, In game CLAN chat only would be cool, a Senior Moderator could assign to a Clan owner a permission where they can have access to a global only clan member chat, so when they speak all clan members in all servers across MC Gamer would get a message, and that they could invite members to the clan or something like that, instead of using Skype, because the things that are said in a call sometimes is just atrocious.

But yeah, Clans need to have some sort of in game system instead of using Voice Communication and need to be watched by moderators, or just done on an entirely different server not related to MC Gamer in general.


Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
I personally don't have much of an opinion of clans.

Whether clans are a good or a bad thing, I don't know, due to the topic is very controversial and usually both sides are right, but I think that really, MCSG may be better off without them, but without them MCSG would loose it's factor of hate, which might sound really stupid, but think of this.

In my mum's religion, Satan was kicked out of the kingdom of heaven due to he wanted to overthrow God, and he wanted everything to be good, and perfect, for people to not have a choice, and for people to worship HIM.

However, God was the one who planned this, and then banished him to Earth.

The reason why we have a choice to act upon a situation in our own way instead of being forced is because, think of how boring life would be if everything was "perfect" or "evil."

So, SG would be pretty s*** without hate, because that's a part of the Internet, and Minecraft. xD

But Clans are just too hateful. There's way too much flaming and raging, people do usually hack if they're high in the leaderboard and do hack in a clanwar, but because they are so high their priority is to learn how to hide their hacks, which most do very well, I've been in 3 clan battles where 2 people from the opposing team hacked, and one of ours hacked. One where our team member used chest finder then admitted it. (Don't know what happened to him then) and one where two randomers hacked but I killed them both. #NetheriansOldTimes. I was the star of that round, oh my gosh was I proud. XD

My point is, is there needs to be some sort of update where they nerf how clans work, Clan - Battle servers would be cool, In game CLAN chat only would be cool, a Senior Moderator could assign to a Clan owner a permission where they can have access to a global only clan member chat, so when they speak all clan members in all servers across MC Gamer would get a message, and that they could invite members to the clan or something like that, instead of using Skype, because the things that are said in a call sometimes is just atrocious.

But yeah, Clans need to have some sort of in game system instead of using Voice Communication and need to be watched by moderators, or just done on an entirely different server not related to MC Gamer in general.
I agree. The problem is if they start to limit clans to much then it takes away the freemdom of speech. I think that it would be great if there where areas dedicated to clans and the battles they are having. There are already rules about flaming on threads and such but, I think there should be a special rule that conserns clan threads. Now a days clan threads are used for applications, requests for clan wars and sadly flaming. If one where to implement a system where when you create a clan you don't create a thread. Instead it creates a little page where it tells you about the clan and it's members. Then you are given an aplication template that, when filled with information, get's sent to the owners personal inbox/mail. On this applications template you can apply for clan wars, ranks, membership, cheerleader and such. This would keep the functionalities of a clan thread while preventing unessesary spam/flaming. Please tell me your opinion on this.


I agree. The problem is if they start to limit clans to much then it takes away the freemdom of speech. I think that it would be great if there where areas dedicated to clans and the battles they are having. There are already rules about flaming on threads and such but, I think there should be a special rule that conserns clan threads. Now a days clan threads are used for applications, requests for clan wars and sadly flaming. If one where to implement a system where when you create a clan you don't create a thread. Instead it creates a little page where it tells you about the clan and it's members. Then you are given an aplication template that, when filled with information, get's sent to the owners personal inbox/mail. On this applications template you can apply for clan wars, ranks, membership, cheerleader and such. This would keep the functionalities of a clan thread while preventing unessesary spam/flaming. Please tell me your opinion on this.
You would still have to fill out an application, then if you're accepted, the owner can add you into the ingame clan, instead of just adding people to Skype, because it also causes problems when members add loads and loads of people to the Skype chat, change the picture/topic e.t.c and then they flame on the forums because of it.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
When I joined my first clan (Hurricanes), I loved it. I was so happy when I got added to the clan wars roster, but we got destroyed by Forgotten as you might know. :p That was the first-ever clan battle I had ever taken part in. Then, I started United, with the help of resistantcorn12 and Cupcake and some other previous Hurricanes members. We weren't all that good PvP wise, but we had good teamwork (at times :p). United started to fall apart after we lost many clan battles, and eventually it came to an end after one of our members was accused of hacking during a clan battle against Organization. This was about August. I then closed United to join Organization. Organization was amazing. I had so much fun in it! Then the leaders left for no reason, and we disbanded. Then, they rebanded a few days later! -_-. It went on like this until eventually they officially disbanded. This was late September, and I was getting tired of the Clan Life. The drama and the frequent clan battles were interfering with my real life, as I felt I needed to be on 24/7 in case something bad happened. I then created Reunited, saying it would be my last clan (2nd clan but last clan) to create. We went on very, very strong but the clan battles were tiring and I was running into problems IRL with being on the PC too long doing clan battles. My family eventually dreaded those two words: "Clan battle". Reunited fell apart when xNovaXHDx interfered with the whole thing and created his clan. Half of my clan left to join his, and I closed Reunited to join them. The next day, there was an accident: The thread was somehow locked and everyone thought they had disbanded... -___- So, I reopened Reunited and merged with Omega so we would have some structure. The merge was bad: Defrasa and I clashed a lot, and they eventually unmerged because we demoted Smashmaster for screaming repeatedly in the TS. :/

I shut down Reunited, and haven't really been part of a clan since. It's just too stressful when you aren't in a stable clan.


Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
You would still have to fill out an application, then if you're accepted, the owner can add you into the ingame clan, instead of just adding people to Skype, because it also causes problems when members add loads and loads of people to the Skype chat, change the picture/topic e.t.c and then they flame on the forums because of it.
Well one of the main things about clan is to have a place where you can chat with the whole group. And if the flaming happens there are no forum posts that the can flame upon. And if they start flaming on random threads the you just notify a mod and he'll deal with it. It would be sad to not have a clan chat where they can communicate with each-other as it is usually one of the main reasons that you join a clan.


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
I feel like flamewars are just a part of every competitive game and it's not even that bad in MCSG in my experience. You're writing it out to be "a road filled with anger and rage ".But in my opinion you're being way too dramatic over something as common as arguing.


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
To the O.P.'s question of why are some people so fond of war, I believe the opening line of Fallout is applicable here: "War: war never changes." Humans will always have disagreements. It's not the disagareements that are the problem; it's how you solve them. :)

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