IGNIGN(Ingame Name): Hollywood04
Wins(150+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): 100
Skype/Teamspeak?(Required): Skype and TS: Skype- dr-noli
Will you be dedicated to this clan?: Very dedicated. I will tell as many people as I can about this clan, and what is great about it.
How much do you like MCSG?: I have been playing for about 2 years, keeping a donor rank for about 1.5 of those years. I love MCSG.
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, , smallr?: I have not teamed with any of them no, however I have seen BurningFire213 play, and I will admit he is very good.
How often do you get on?: Every day, for even as much as 6 hours a day.
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: I'm great with Flint and steel, sword and water PVP. Weaknesses...I'm better with bow and close range, I get about 2 or 3 shots in before I charge in with my primary weapon.
Favorite maps?: Breeze, SG4, SG2, Destiny Shiver, ValleySide University.