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The Hurricanes (US Clan now recruiting!)

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Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(Ingame Name): Lucidictive

Wins(150+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): I don't have 150, I have 75. I can make up for this in skill, you can try me out or something, I am half-decent. Also, the reason I have only 75 is because I stopped playing when MCSGv2 came out to play on another server, which I recently stopped playing.

Skype/Teamspeak?(Required): My skype: Slingshot1200 and I have teamspeak. I tried going onto your teamspeak which is in the thread, but I could not connect.

Will you be dedicated to this clan?: I will. I must admit this was not my first choice as I have friends in another clan, but after realizing that I will not get accepted because I don't have enough wins and I don't play some server that they all play, I wanted to branch out to clans with people that I haven't played with.

How much do you like MCSG?: I like it a tremendous amount. I love this server, and I will never stop playing until MCSG dies.

Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, , smallr?: Unfortunately, no. I have only seen him on roxbot.

How often do you get on?: I get on often. Not so much recently because I hate the sprint bug and not having optifine is hard for me.

PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Strengths: Bows at Close/Far range, Fishing Rods, Close Combat, taking out teams and clan wars. Weaknesses: Water Combat and the obvious lag+hackers combo. Also not so good with a bow at Mid-Range.

Favorite maps?: SG4, SG2, SG1, Breeze, Solar Frost, I like most maps.

I realize that the roster is full and I don't have many wins, but if you accept me to try-outs, you will not be disappointed!



Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(Ingame Name): Lucidictive

Wins(150+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): I don't have 150, I have 75. I can make up for this in skill, you can try me out or something, I am half-decent. Also, the reason I have only 75 is because I stopped playing when MCSGv2 came out to play on another server, which I recently stopped playing.

Skype/Teamspeak?(Required): My skype: Slingshot1200 and I have teamspeak. I tried going onto your teamspeak which is in the thread, but I could not connect.

Will you be dedicated to this clan?: I will. I must admit this was not my first choice as I have friends in another clan, but after realizing that I will not get accepted because I don't have enough wins and I don't play some server that they all play, I wanted to branch out to clans with people that I haven't played with.

How much do you like MCSG?: I like it a tremendous amount. I love this server, and I will never stop playing until MCSG dies.

Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, , smallr?: Unfortunately, no. I have only seen him on roxbot.

How often do you get on?: I get on often. Not so much recently because I hate the sprint bug and not having optifine is hard for me.

PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Strengths: Bows at Close/Far range, Fishing Rods, Close Combat, taking out teams and clan wars. Weaknesses: Water Combat and the obvious lag+hackers combo. Also not so good with a bow at Mid-Range.

Favorite maps?: SG4, SG2, SG1, Breeze, Solar Frost, I like most maps.

I realize that the roster is full and I don't have many wins, but if you accept me to try-outs, you will not be disappointed!

Sorry the roster is full at the moment, you may reapply when someone leaves/get kicked from the clan, in the meantime you may gain more wins till then. Our teamspeak was having some issues dealing with the owner of it, and Should be back up in a week or two, also with the tryout a idea, maybe after a little bit you clan play with the clan and see how you are.
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