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What has happened to MCSG?

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District 13
May 26, 2012
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No but seriously MCSG is crap now I got told off for swearing on the forums but there are MODS swearing and accusing me of hacking on TS and in servers. But is not just MCSG falling it is MINECRAFT as a whole, look at people like Antvenom or Chimney Swift with, or close to, 1 million subscribers their MINECRAFT videos are lucky to reach 100,000 views.
Hmm, good point looking it at the whole of Minecraft, fair point too.
Apr 26, 2012
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I suppose I should post my opinion on this...
MCSG is stuck in-between a rock and a hard place. They need to deal with the in-game issues, such as lag and the glitched chest contents, as well as handle the masses of hackers, which is hard as MCSG is severely understaffed at the moment. As for the current moderators, while they may seem to be doing nothing, it's hard to tell. It's usually not to noticeable when a mod catches 2 or 3 hackers a day, because hacker numbers are constantly rising. They could be extremely efficient, but while they may cut down 5 hackers, 10 more will rise in their place. That being said, we need more staff, not new staff.
As for the hacker numbers themselves. This is how I see it.
New player joins > Killed by hacker > gets pissed and confused > Dies to hacker again > Installs nodus.
Older player > Killed by hacker > *Sigh* > Killed by hacker > *UGH* > Killed by hacker > ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) > Leaves
I understand that we need patience, good un-glitched coding takes time. But it's hard while the "MCSG triangle" is all poisoned.
Gameplay - Lags, OP chests, glitches, not SG feel anymore.
Other players - "HA GAY NEWB I SLEPT WITH UR MUMMY LAST NIGHT" or a hacker, bacca, or spammer.
Forums - Complaints, goodbye threads, What is your favorite____ threads, donor hate, bacca rage.
The sad part is, you can't exactly "Fix" a community. Once one weed pops up, the whole garden will get infected. I have said this time and time again, but I'll reiterate here. A new player mimics the maturity of those around them. Unless he's an intentional troll, this is true. Let's say this -
(100)Jonny has joined the server.
(100)Jonny - How do I join a game?
(9001)xXswag69swagXx - Stupid fkin newb.
(100)Jonny - What?
(9001)xXswag69swagXx - GTFO newb, ur a f*king dumba**.
(100)Jonny - F*CK YOU!
This is sadly how things tend to work. One person starts playing and is greeted by hatred and immature kids, rather than kind hands like back in beta. That's why the baccas may have been the nail in the coffin. Once they joined, masses of new players where immediately corrupted by them. Regular players, usually open to helping noobs, grew bitter and began to ignore the pleas for help from noobs. Again, the best way to help the community is to help new players, and set them off on the right path.
Also, I summon G33ke to the thread, we need his wisdom.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
I suppose I should post my opinion on this...
MCSG is stuck in-between a rock and a hard place. They need to deal with the in-game issues, such as lag and the glitched chest contents, as well as handle the masses of hackers, which is hard as MCSG is severely understaffed at the moment. As for the current moderators, while they may seem to be doing nothing, it's hard to tell. It's usually not to noticeable when a mod catches 2 or 3 hackers a day, because hacker numbers are constantly rising. They could be extremely efficient, but while they may cut down 5 hackers, 10 more will rise in their place. That being said, we need more staff, not new staff.
As for the hacker numbers themselves. This is how I see it.
New player joins > Killed by hacker > gets pissed and confused > Dies to hacker again > Installs nodus.
Older player > Killed by hacker > *Sigh* > Killed by hacker > *UGH* > Killed by hacker > ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) > Leaves
I understand that we need patience, good un-glitched coding takes time. But it's hard while the "MCSG triangle" is all poisoned.
Gameplay - Lags, OP chests, glitches, not SG feel anymore.
Other players - "HA GAY NEWB I SLEPT WITH UR MUMMY LAST NIGHT" or a hacker, bacca, or spammer.
Forums - Complaints, goodbye threads, What is your favorite____ threads, donor hate, bacca rage.
The sad part is, you can't exactly "Fix" a community. Once one weed pops up, the whole garden will get infected. I have said this time and time again, but I'll reiterate here. A new player mimics the maturity of those around them. Unless he's an intentional troll, this is true. Let's say this -
(100)Jonny has joined the server.
(100)Jonny - How do I join a game?
(9001)xXswag69swagXx - Stupid fkin newb.
(100)Jonny - What?
(9001)xXswag69swagXx - GTFO newb, ur a f*king dumba**.
(100)Jonny - F*CK YOU!
This is sadly how things tend to work. One person starts playing and is greeted by hatred and immature kids, rather than kind hands like back in beta. That's why the baccas may have been the nail in the coffin. Once they joined, masses of new players where immediately corrupted by them. Regular players, usually open to helping noobs, grew bitter and began to ignore the pleas for help from noobs. Again, the best way to help the community is to help new players, and set them off on the right path.
Also, I summon G33ke to the thread, we need his wisdom.
Rather hilarious POV.
Indeed, summon G33ke to the thread!


May 22, 2012
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More players/donors/Nostalgic players leaving = Less donors = Less money = Less upgrades = More lag + More bug problems = More players leaving = Less donors... etc. idk if this is entierly true but i think it's kind of true up to a certain extend. Sorry if this opinion is completely wrong.

Also i'm still trying to keep faith in MCSG i've been playing it for nearly 10 months now but after all this time i think after the 1.4 update MCSG has just been going downhill. Sure the days in december were good but even then lobby chat lagged. back in 1.2.5 there was no lag lots of donors lots of fun hackers still getting banned quickly everyone was still excited about new maps. leaderboards were lower down and no Bajan with his annoying childish fanbase. Now it's all the complete opposite.

I know you can't just hire new Devs with a click of the finger but i think maybe a few more devs would help alot.


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
I've been playing MCSG since it started, I mean when it LITERALLY started, i made my forum account about a month later. I think mcsg is kind of poisoned, but it depens from what side you look at it.
I just love to think about the time where MCSG had a Good ton of bugs (sorry bout dat word). It was so much more fun to play it and it felt (this may sound stupid) more like it was a family. :( i feel bad that mcsg has gone to skmething like it is now.
-typed on a tablet, phew.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
I've been playing MCSG since it started, I mean when it LITERALLY started, i made my forum account about a month later. I think mcsg is kind of poisoned, but it depens from what side you look at it.
I just love to think about the time where MCSG had a Good ton of bugs (sorry bout dat word). It was so much more fun to play it and it felt (this may sound stupid) more like it was a family. :( i feel bad that mcsg has gone to skmething like it is now.
-typed on a tablet, phew.
Yeh MCSG did used to be mostly like a family and players used to be friendly now everything has gone downhill.


May 22, 2012
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I would loveto go back in time and relive mcsg beta millions of times :(
yeh :(

R.I.P Good days of MCSG 1st June 2012 - 25th October 2012 (about the same time as 1.4 was about to be released and MCSG was about to plung into a sea of ugs lag hackers spammers and all other awful things).


Dec 23, 2012
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More players/donors/Nostalgic players leaving = Less donors = Less money = Less upgrades = More lag + More bug problems = More players leaving = Less donors... etc. idk if this is entierly true but i think it's kind of true up to a certain extend. Sorry if this opinion is completely wrong.

Also i'm still trying to keep faith in MCSG i've been playing it for nearly 10 months now but after all this time i think after the 1.4 update MCSG has just been going downhill. Sure the days in december were good but even then lobby chat lagged. back in 1.2.5 there was no lag lots of donors lots of fun hackers still getting banned quickly everyone was still excited about new maps. leaderboards were lower down and no Bajan with his annoying childish fanbase. Now it's all the complete opposite.

I know you can't just hire new Devs with a click of the finger but i think maybe a few more devs would help alot.
Wow u are totally right!

Mr Dice

May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I don't often get annoyed by complaint threads, but this one has really got on my nerves, not the original post, but a lot of the comments such as "MCSG sucks" yeah great help there, round of applause to you, seriously I commend your ability to convey your complaints about the community in a mature and adult way. Seriously if you are so immature that you feel you need to insult something, which we as moderators put our own spare time into upkeeping for you, by simply typing MCSG sucks into your keyboard, it's no big loss for the community to lose you.

I'm sorry if I haven't been doing enough to match up to your expectations, but if spending almost entire weekends and 2-3 hours on weekdays is not enough to be a competent moderator, maybe I'm not cut out for it. Along with a lot of other moderators. Hopefully this will be the only time a post annoys me to the extent of posting my own rage response.


Aug 17, 2012
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I agree with Hyst 100%.

There is still one person that has not yet posted his official opinions on this. He was one of the first to leave, and one of the first to feel all these downsides that has appeared in the community. Danielbess, I summon thy and your opinions about this.
The only reason I left partially because the staff are messed up (not naming any names). Another reason is that people get abusing me and the community got destroyed by Benja and Hacksource.


May 29, 2012
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Am I the only person who has not notice it go down hill? At least from an AU region player point of view it's been getting better and better.
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