None of those facts are based in reality. The mass-rape in Cologne was not from refugees but from legally admitted Moroccans and Algerians. Also, most reports from that incident where both not credible and also over embellished. They have not increased crime, they are in fact less likely to commit crime. Sweden has had a rape issue long before the migrant crisis. People seem to want to blame someone, and those "Dark skin southerners" are the perfect scapegoat. It seems that rape in Sweden is actually at large because women are less afraid to speak out about sexual assault, because the culture treats men and women more equally. This is a pattern that can be observed throughout the entire Western World; forward, socialist thinking countries tend to have higher rapes per 100,000 people. The UNODC says that Sweden might even overreport their statistics, while other countries tend to under report.
The people who did the Belgium attacks were not refugees. I quote the guardian here, and I will provide a link
" all of the known Paris attackers were EU nationals, either French or Belgian,
who found it relatively easy to travel back and forth to and within Europe without major problems even when they were registered as terrorism suspects in the Schengen or national databases"
The people who did this are already in your country. They are from your country. Think about all the shootings that have happened that are not perpetrated by the stereotypical terrorist, but are right wingers like the Planted Parenthood shooter. Why don't you outrage at that? Selective thinking is a huge issue as well as scapegoating. The refugees are not the problem.
I should stop now because I think I might be flaming.
Am I flaming?