If SG solo counted torwards normal stats/leaderboards AND were 24 man games instead of 12, I would DEFO play on solo, but sadly, it isn't. SG solo is BORING with 12 man games, they really are. They are too quick of games, not much competetion. I know they made 24 man solo servers, but no one is going to play on them when they can play on 12 and get wins up quicker. Same goes for 48 and 120 servers.
I understand playing with friends, I do it all the time. But I feel like you don't have to go around 2v1ing and 3v1ing people just cuz you are playing with friends. You can do 1v1's, you can do FFA's. You don't have to all make it to DM every game to have fun. People don't realize that sometimes people just want to play alone. It's not because they don't have friends, it's just because sometimes you don't want to play with people, or heck maybe you just don't know people. A lot of people don't have teamspeak or skype/headset so they can't do all this teaming stuff, which kinda just makes them out of luck and have to deal with teams all the time.
Everyone hates being teamed on, especially by good players. It ruins the game for the person who is getting teamed on, it really does. Not many people can walk away from being killed by a team happily.
Play with your friends, make all the friends you want. It doesn't mean you have to play unfairly. I do it all the time, so I know it is possible.
More torwards the topic of the thread, I don't feel like mcgamer is dying because of teams, I feel like it is a combination of alot of things. Hackers, bugs, glitches, teams, trash talkers, etc etc. Not ONE thing is the reason. The servers have plenty of people still playing on them, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.