I refrain from commenting on these types of threads due to having a possible chance of partaking in flame which is prohibited from here but it's gotten to the point where I need to express my personal input into "MCSG dying" in a more, civil manner.
I completely understand the community's perspective in regards to bugs and glitches not getting fixed (quick enough) but before anyone can support that idea, you have to recognize that MCGamer only has 2 or 3 consistent-working developers with the assistance of Chad. The low number is mainly part of the fact that either inexperienced applicants who decide to apply and have previously coded (and are quite familiar) with Java for a short period of time are less likely to get accepted for a developer position here or there's simply a lack of applications for that position overall (Correct me if I'm wrong on that).
Now, the speed of fixing glitches and bugs. Note that the developers have a priority list and regardless, I as well personally believe that bugs and glitches are always on their list to fix no matter what, as a general game with glitches is never engaging, nor adrenaline pumping for the audience's experience and gameplay. But the thing is, you can't completely stop the progression of a future feature on the top of the list and suddenly shift over to work on another feature lower down unless instructed to, as that would be quite disorganized in my opinion. They have big things planned on the top of it so we will just have to wait and be patient for anything to be announced. Rushing anything in general only creates more errors.
As for staff not performing their job correctly, I've addressed to many people the same exact response as that's the only secure way to have a possible change in the staff team,
Talk/(private)message/notify any Sr. Staff available if you ever come across a moderator not doing their job correctly and/or lacking in quality.
Publicly stating that a moderator isn't executing their job the way they should be and shaming upon them won't change one thing, no matter how much you express it. Sr. Staff need specific details when submitting a message about a staff member.
Relating to moderators on TeamSpeak, we're obliged to perform our job the same and to keep our maturity level the same on all three platforms and when we log on the TeamSpeak server, we're basically agreeing to assist anyone in need whenever possible (excusing any private DND channels). Us staff members are reminded to only create a DND channel with a purpose. "Doing homework [DND]" or "Listening to music [DND] are just two prime examples that are able to be executed in a normal channel. If you see any of these types of channels being created, feel free to screenshot and forward to Sr. Staff ASAP.
Rebranding MCGamer to MCSG. I see where people are going with this idea and although SG is our main center of attention, you have to put in the other smaller gamemodes into perspective as well. Regardless of them being underplayed, they're still experienced and played and apart of the network nonetheless. Rebranding not only requires undergoing more (legal) paperwork for Chad but artwork needs to be remade etc. and all of that is indeed quite time-consuming but that's not exactly a decision made by me, nor anyone else besides Chad himself. It's a good suggestion, don't get me wrong but it just needs some more "re-working" in my personal opinion.
The current Anti-Cheat is something that developers are more knowledgeable and wary of than us. We were informed that the Anti-Cheat is being reworked but there's still no confirmed date/deadline as to when it'll finally go public. If you require more in-depth information on this issue, that's for a developer to answer but I believe that you should personally let them do their thing(s) as it may spontaneously go public tomorrow, next week, who knows? But let's attempt to not rush them because as I stated, that creates further errors.
Ending off with a quote from Chad in regards to the Anti-Cheat in his Q&A,
"However, if we don't run into any more major problems, it'll be released sooner than you would think."