"yeah man fix the community bro, staff does nothing"
Sorry, not specific enough. Point out where we've gone wrong- point out how we can fix it. You can't, can you- at least, without diffculty? It's harder than it sounds. Ideas may appear to be effective on the surface, but that's just the surface. There's a whole other side to how things would work- we only see this side when we put them into practice. Let's take IP bans into consideration- well, it appears to be a brilliant idea- people hack, they get banned, and can't do it again from their IP. Sounds good, right? Well, what if the hacker's IP is also used by their brother, who plays legitimately? How is that going to be overcome?
You see, that's the problem. Brilliant idea? Then what? Problem? Then what?
I understand where you're coming from. We haven't been perfect- we aren't today and never will be- but it's gotten better in recent times, you've gotta say. I know the community thinks that 1.8 was a big backstab to the community- but look at the other side of things- new possibilities. The truly dedicated players which our changes appeal to are able to adapt to this change- the rest is forced to decide whether they'll stick around or not.
If you're one of the defiant ones, and you think I'm just saying this to defend the staff team's pride, then I challenge you- go and become a staff member. Join our ranks. Go and suggest the changes you think we want to see. Go do something about it. Go and change all that is bad in this network. If that's not your cup of tea, go suggest your changes in the conveniently named Feature Suggestions (but, please, in a constructive manner). We're not able to do this alone- the community complements us to make up this whole network.