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Why doesn't staff listen to the members?!?!?

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Oct 10, 2013
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So, I'm going to move to an assumption.
  • Dies by hacker
  • Figures out there is a forums!
  • Immediately makes a forum account.
  • Goes to the Community Corner section.
  • Makes huge rant about how the staff don't listen to the players and don't do their jobs, along with how horrible 1.8 is. Oh, and we can't forget to include how many bugs there are!
  • Waits for a response on how he is right.
  • Gets ranted on by 10 members
  • Thread gets locked.
And the cycle goes on my friends!


Aug 5, 2014
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1. You have no evidence supporting your claim.
2. You have made no backup research to see if your claim is worth arguing.
3. You used opinions and not FACTS.

People have said enough about why what you said simply is not what happens in the inner-workings of MCSG, and that up there is how to make a better argument next time. :)


Dec 12, 2013
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1 owner. about 10-15 sr staff. 4-5 devs. and around 75 mods to around 250,000 members. Do the math.
Servers only get to 3000 max
105 moderators
14 Sr. Staff

3000 (which is the max mcsg gets)
divided by
105 (max number of moderators)

If one mod cannot handle 28-29 people, then they need to be re-trained.

Also given the odds all 28-29 people will need a mod is low.

Staff is growing at a WAY faster rate than the community in general.
We try our absolute best to listen to the community whenever we can, but sometimes, even though a suggestion might be awesome, and the community might love it and we might just as well love the suggestion, it just may not be possible for us to implement for several different reasons. Maybe it's not a thing we are able to develop at the time, or something that may not ultimately work with our servers- it really varies, but trust me in one thing- we absolutely do care about what you guys think, and when popular, awesome suggestions aren't implemented, it isn't because we don't care, it's because we aren't able too.

The hacker situation is ultimately out of our control. We are doing absolutely everything in our power to help with removing hackers, but it's impossible for us to just snap our fingers and suddenly remove all the hackers from our servers and stop new ones from coming back. Catching hackers is one of the main duties of moderators and we have clean sweeps in progress in several different regions to help lower the amount of hackers. The report abuse section has been a massive help (thank you to all of you who might be reading this who frequently report rule breakers there), but unfortunately, often the progress we make is simply pushed away by incoming hackers. It's a really annoying cycle that is extremely hard to break.

Overall, the staff team really cares about the community. We might not be able to implement every suggestion, but trust me when I say they are all taken into account. The hacker issue is one that is impossible for us to simply stop altogether, but we are working our absolute hardest to try and limit it as much as possible :)
Start doing ip bans for hackers.

If there is a sibling or some other reason why someone gets affected, they can come on ts and dispute it.

Opinion area
Also, to group all staff together is not as specific as you could have said, "Why don't Sr. Staff listen to the members." At least in my experience, the only way to contact the Sr. Staff as a normal member is to email (to which you receive automated responses), to get a Mod to then get a Sr Mod, then to get to the Admins, which then you have no way of actually knowing anyone got the message, and just in general, I don't see people moderating the hubs like it used to. Most of the time if you see a mod in the hub, they are afk, or simply don't pay attention enough to care about your messages.

If Sr. Mods took (Don't poke) off, I feel that would be an easy, and great start to better communication.

And I hear mods say all the time, "yah man i moderate CA all the time"



District 13
Sep 1, 2013
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If you want things to get fixed, making passive aggressive poorly constructed and not so helpful posts on the forums won't make them fix things faster, lol.

Be constructive, give them ideas, hell.. even *gasp* apply for mod and help fix things from the inside :O maybe it'll help you see what they have to deal with so you'd know it's not such an easy, tap your heels 3 times together fix!

Seriously, give them credit, They have a lot on their plate and are working on fixing things staff side so that the community benefits.

Also BaccaBoy1999 That's only if *all* mods are on at once. So lets see, Actively at peak time there's like.. 2500 people, lets say that. And maybe 20 moderators? others on leave, at school, at work, asleep, in other timezones, or taking a break. A handful of senior staff who are working on off-server stuff, such as paper work, etc. Let's see.. 125 people each is a bit more of a problem ;) I'm pretty sure when you were a mod, you couldn't 'handle' 125 people at a time! So would that mean you, would also need to be retrained?

And bearing in mind, a lot of the mods are fairly young kids who are doing this voluntarily because they're trying to help. They face a lot of pressure and scrutiny for what they do, and you guys still have the guts to tell them their awful even if they're banning hackers every day to make things better for you? that's sucky behaviour.


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
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I hate to burst your bubble but, it's not easy being a staff member. Only the well dedicated, helpful and kind people can achieve such a level. Personally you should be thankful for what they have done for you and this server. They could just close MCGamer down right now, how would that feel? Not good. So if you are going to abuse the server and staff, please try to do it in the nicest way possible. Here's a little quote I found by Shelby on her Twitter. Thank you :)

If you're spending your time abusing a 14 year old server moderator for doing their job, you're the problem and need to go outside. ~ Shelby.
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Apr 4, 2015
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lmao hello cool staff and members.

Ceroria one example where staff didnt listen to the community? 1.8. I've seen many times during the "rush hours" that EU Badlion has more players online than EU MCG. That tells us something. The 1.8 was the death of MCG followed by many other updates trying to save mcsg.

The last three updates were done like this: A member suggests something -> Staff bashes the suggestion and removes the thread -> 3 months pass -> the suggestion is included in an update and the staff loves it. That's dumb, MCG

For example: Rewarding from reports, Permaban ro hackers first offence.

And to all the people counting maths bs like: "150 mods 4 devs and 9 billion players, it's impossible 8)"
Then you need to hire more devs and staff.

Also, I posted a thread where I was criticising and giving suggestion for MCG: And the thread got removed for "swearing" even though it had zero swear words in it.

And to all the staff members who are "sick of these complaint threads": If you were actually sick of them, you'd do something rather than silencing everyone voicing their opinion.

Vanicle duckluv321 YourAverageTiger the protocol <99
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May 30, 2014
Reaction score
lmao hello cool staff and members.

Ceroria one example where staff didnt listen to the community? 1.8. I've seen many times during the "rush hours" that EU Badlion has more players online than EU MCG. That tells us something. The 1.8 was the death of MCG followed by many other updates trying to save mcsg.

The last three updates were done like this: A member suggests something -> Staff bashes the suggestion and removes the thread -> 3 months pass -> the suggestion is included in an update and the staff loves it. That's dumb, MCG

For example: Rewarding from reports, Permaban ro hackers first offence.

MCSG needs to step down and be quiet: MCSG is nothing now. Badlion is beating you and getting your members. Time to sit down and listen.

And to all the people counting maths bs like: "150 mods 4 devs and 9 billion players, it's impossible 8)"
Then you need to hire more devs and staff. You had the money to fk around with the updates, you should have money to look for a few devs interested, and hire them.

Also, I posted a thread where I was criticising and giving suggestion for MCG: And the thread got removed for "swearing" even though it had zero swear words in it.

And to all the staff members who are "sick of these complaint threads": If you were actually sick of them, you'd do something rather than silencing everyone voicing their opinion.

Vanicle duckluv321 YourAverageTiger the protocol <99
Sir, your opinion is invalid. MCGamer isn't losing players at all, it's just the exam period, and the majority is learning for the exams, because real life is a lot more important than MCGamer. It's not 1.8's fault, is exams' fault...

Also, your statement about Badlion is wrong:


Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
Sir, your opinion is invalid. MCGamer isn't losing players at all, it's just the exam period, and the majority is learning for the exams, because real life is a lot more important than MCGamer. It's not 1.8's fault, is exams' fault...

Also, your statement about Badlion is wrong:
I said many times, and is it rush hour now? Nope.

Also everyone has exams not just MCG people


Jul 22, 2014
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Proosger, it may not be active now, but that is because this is exam period, you know this. The summer is when we get a massive rush of players logging onto our servers. Exams are always a priority. Usually, on peak times, we get 3000+ players on our servers. Also, MCGamer is not dying. On the contrary, I believe it is actually expanding. Why? I see at least 100+ people registering on the forums everyday.
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