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Community/Staff Interaction (The Community Games!)

Community Games hype?!

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Aug 20, 2012
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Hey there friends! I've been noticing that over this past year, things between the staff and the community have become very rocky in some areas, and there has been a lot of unnecessary rudeness and misunderstanding going on from community to staff and from the staff to the community. What people tend to forget is that this game was created for people to have fun, hence the fact that it is a game, and too often do people get caught up in having the best statistics, the best ratio, being the best player, and being in the best clan. In the midst of all this the game loses its fun to many, and we look back at the wreckage we've created and start pointing fingers. I've seen too many threads about people complaining that the staff doesn't do it's job, and that we're corrupt, etc. and all of this doesn't matter in the end. What does, however is a bunch of young people playing a game.

So, what's this all about?

A lot of these arguments come from misunderstandings, people dislike the staff because they see us as uncaring and corrupt, and staff members can get caught up in just doing moderation duties, that we fail to see that it's not just about banning hackers, it's about improving the server.

My Proposal

I personally have had issues with people before, and have realized that they were all for nothing after simply talking to them and working them out, I've even made friends this way! Therefore a few friends and I will be restarting the Community Games once hosted by Sean and later passed on to AmyGlitters and 001nathan100.

The new games will be led by myself, SmoothPixels, Eden | Radiant, and other staff members who will help us organize it (those who do will of course be mentioned on the next thread c: )

How will the new Community Games work?

I'm sure most of you remember how the old Community Games worked. In a sense, they were large games where staff members faced off against community members in an epic war-like battle in large Survival Games servers, however these will be a little different. For the first installment of our "new and improved" Community Games, the players will be split into two massive teams of Red and Blue. Games can get very hectic, and it is sometimes very hard to tell teammates from enemies, so we've created an all red skin and an all blue skin that you can wear to help you identify yourself to your teammates and from your enemies. Players will be split into teams on the day of the event based on who shows up, and after everybody has had time to equip their skins the games will begin! Community members and staff alike will be allied to take down the other team, through this it is my hope (and the hope of others working with me) that we can break down the barriers between the community and staff that we so foolishly built long ago.

Time and date?!

The Community Games will be hosted biweekly (every other week) starting on Saturday, 4th April. A specific time will be announced with the release of the Community Games announcement thread. A thread announcing the specifics of the upcoming games will be released 2-4 days prior to the event. This thread will include announcements with how the game will work, when it will be, and what you have to do to attend.

Can I has prizes?!?!?
What good is an event without prizes? Of course! Stay tuned for further announcements regarding this, I just need to clear some things up and plan our what we will be giving out, but I promise it will not be disappointing ^-^

Good idea?

Leave feedback on this thread, so that we may improve on the event before it actually happens, any comments are welcome.



Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
This is going to be fun!

EDIT: Dangit, someone already complained. Phooey.


Aug 20, 2012
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Mods still regret there is anything wrong with the servers, and think that the complaining comes out of nowhere.
Trust me, there are still issues, we're not perfect. I'm just trying to get everyone to work together to fix them instead of having everyone complaining and us spending our time trying to quell the anger instead of fixing the problems :p


District 13
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds good! Hopefully they will (also) take place on times which are good for EU :)

btw: Nice thread Ceroria ! :D


Aug 9, 2014
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Trust me, there are still issues, we're not perfect. I'm just trying to get everyone to work together to fix them instead of having everyone complaining and us spending our time trying to quell the anger instead of fixing the problems :p
I do get what you are saying, tho alot of the complainments threads are about staff and community working together. But i personaly feel like we as community just get ignored. seeming alot of threads eigther get locked or ignored. And almost each idea the people in the community come up with has just completle been ignored.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
I do get what you are saying, tho alot of the complainments threads are about staff and community working together. But i personaly feel like we as community just get ignored. seeming alot of threads eigther get locked or ignored. And almost each idea the people in the community come up with has just completle been ignored.
A lot of the times threads that get locked are bashing the staff (against the rules, as General Rule #1 states) or they have their question answered. As for the "ignored ideas", a lot of the ideas are just recycled ideas that other people have had (this thread is a fine example). How many times have you seen a thread asking for a trash talking filter or a sponsor message? I know it seems like a lot of ideas are ignored but just because a public answer wasn't given on the thread by staff members doesn't mean it hasn't been discussed within the staff.


Mar 1, 2014
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This is a very well put together thread. Glad to see the event making a reappearance. I'm also excited to be able to take a part in the organization of the event with a bunch of other amazing moderators. Thanks for bringing this back Ceroria! Can't wait until the event. :)


Apr 8, 2014
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I believe that most of the complaints that are, coming from the MCSG players is the 1.8 , i know this update came to MCSG a while ago but a lot of people wish the old pvp back. Some players computers can't even handle 1.8 , so they decide to start complaining about it. Also sometimes it's unfair to others that,they get great ping to MCSG + the reach that is still going on and they get amazing hits.
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