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Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Hey everyone!
My Name is Alex, My IGN is Silently,
First off I wanna share a story.
On two Bullying cases that happened with me.

Remember I DO NOT Want you guys to Feel Empathy/Sympathy for me because I no longer feel this, It's just a story I'd like to share.

Bullying Case #1:
When I was in 7th grade, there was this Trinidadian Kid (My school was mostly Guyanese & Trinidadian) (No, I am not racist) Who was shorter then my self but as some of you may know my first name is Juan, This kid automatically assumed I was "Mexican" when in reality I'm American and my parents are from Ecuador, ehh making me partially Ecuadorian, This guy would always bully me with stereotype Jokes "How many Mexicans does it take to light a light bulb" "Juan Mexican" OBVIOUSLY because that's my name I would get offended... He would also make Stupid jokes like "Did you cross the border too"? Obviously this hurts because there is a real crisis that people are immigrating to the US for a better living , so this hurt me. It's been like that through-out the whole year.. until I got tired. I went up to him and punched him in the face, and we fought , Fortunately I won.

The kid never bullied me again..
Eh look if any of you in this community is getting bullied , Open up to me No one should be bullied :) .

Bullying Case #2:
This one occurred around 6 months ago, Since back then I had a YouTube channel I gathered people who do YouTube to create an SMP and record it, so it was done and one casual day An enchanting table of a member got stolen , Where-as I was getting blamed because I was on most of the time no-lifing it I was accused , and one of my biggest pet peeves is getting accused got me a little pissed off, So then people started taking sides against me until they persuaded each other to hate me, since one of the members was my IRL friend knew everything about me decided to go against me me and not believe me , He gave out my real name Which is Juan Out to everyone and since I'm sort of embarrassed of my name I got pissed. And it was like indeed 12 of them just flaming me over Skype , including my IRL friend which actually made me cry , so there was a group of friends that had a member on the SMP he told his group of friends to add me to a group chat and just flame me , as I kept leaving they added me and sent photos of tacos , MexicanChips, Sombreros and Mexican Items, I was really hurt and ended up locking all of them to leave me alone.

Here is advice for who ever is reading this, I'll divide this into 2 sections.. I'll say this in the nicest way ever..

If you get BULLIED
  • Let people know
  • if you're here reading this and you get bullied talk to me ill be glad to help you
  • Always remember you're you and you're valuable no matter who says
  • Stand up for yourself
  • Don't keep it to yourself

If You're BULLYING (HopeFully Not)

  • On top of insulting a person you don't know what they may be going through do please stop :(
  • You can be doing it to someone but you never no it can happen to you in the future ins different way meaning your bestfriend can get bullied, your wife , your kids , etc
  • Just Stop Bullying no point in doing it
  • If you're flaming someone in a stereotype manner because they have a name that supposedly means there from a specific country stop it, it hurts

Remember, Be proud of your name because there isn't no one else in this world that has your same characteristics, So at the end of the day YOUR'EE YOU and YOU'RE valuable no matter who contradicts that.

Thanks For reading
-Silently <3​


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Society has a large problem with existing stereotypes against groups of people. It will take a great deal of hard work and compromising to eliminate some of the harmful assumptions that people have created about each other. The first step in reversing or eliminating stereotypes is meeting and getting to the know the people that the stereotypes attack. A white woman will never understand that a black person does not intend to steal if she does not release the hold on her purse and extend her hand for a handshake instead. A black person will never know that not all white people are racist if he or she does not take a risk and start talking to one. People from other countries will never learn the true goals and desires of Americans without having serious conversations with them.

Human beings must expose themselves to other human beings with different ideals, values and styles. They must teach themselves that difference is not inferiority. Difference is simply difference, and it is a part of life. Once people realize that the world is full of a multitude of wonderful flavors, then stereotyping and stereotypes will fade in their frequency and significance.


Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
I go to a Christian School and I recently have been bullied and made fun of because of me standing up for my rights (I will not mention this, only because I don't feel that it is an appropriate topic to turn to on this thread). Obviously, people cannot seem to be "christian" and stay a family when someone else has an opinion. I stood up to my teacher for this reason, I was sick of being preached against, only to let it happen. Things that have changed:
  • No longer talks to me as usual
Shows his maturity for others opinion :)

Things work out, even for myself, unexpectedly that happened.
Last edited:


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I've told my story many times in the forums and to friends. Incidents like this happened, however I don't ever tell these type of minimalist incidents because they're not worth anyone's time.
In fact, I don't consider these two examples bullying, I consider them as a chain of events called "living".

These people are just stuck-up, while making fun of stereotypes. Personally, I would of just ignored it. And if it really bothers me I would just ask him to stop it, and if he won't stop just tell some superior to get his ass up.

For example two. Just ignore these types of people. It is the internet, god sake. How many social medias have a block button? Pretty much all of them, even this one. Though, I am not being real. That is what I would say, but is that what I did when it happened to me? Nope. And I got hurt. lol. So, after experience I recommend you do what I said above.

The Internet, either you take it, or you don't. And if you don't want to take it, you just ignore it —which is amazing how insignificant ones opinion becomes with one click, in fact you could do just that with my opinion if you wished.


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
I can say one thing about the joke the guy made in the first thing that happened. He actually took that joke from vine I believe so technically that guy is unoriginal. Anyways sad you had to go through that ;-; kind of hard for me to say anything about this topic since I have never been bullied (well except maybe a few times but I didn't consider it bullying at the time and just brushed it off).


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
You can't really help Stereotyping people, because it's almost a automatic reaction/thought.
But when you act upon it (discrimination) then that's when we have a problem.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Stereotypes are always going to be a part of the world. It is something that has no solution. Acting upon a stereotype you have on someone is solvable, though. It's a problem we see in the world today. whether it be 2 kids at school or the police investigating a criminal of a specific ethnic group/race. Most of us strive to be equal to everyone, but it's something that is very hard to do.


Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Society has a large problem with existing stereotypes against groups of people. It will take a great deal of hard work and compromising to eliminate some of the harmful assumptions that people have created about each other. The first step in reversing or eliminating stereotypes is meeting and getting to the know the people that the stereotypes attack. A white woman will never understand that a black person does not intend to steal if she does not release the hold on her purse and extend her hand for a handshake instead. A black person will never know that not all white people are racist if he or she does not take a risk and start talking to one. People from other countries will never learn the true goals and desires of Americans without having serious conversations with them.

Human beings must expose themselves to other human beings with different ideals, values and styles. They must teach themselves that difference is not inferiority. Difference is simply difference, and it is a part of life. Once people realize that the world is full of a multitude of wonderful flavors, then stereotyping and stereotypes will fade in their frequency and significance.
So true.

I go to a Christian School and I recently have been bullied and made fun of because of me standing up for my rights (I will not mention this, only because I don't feel that it is an appropriate topic to turn to on this thread). Obviously, people cannot seem to be "christian" and stay a family when someone else has an opinion. I stood up to me teacher for this reason, I was sick of being preached against, only to let it happen. Things that have changed:
  • No longer talks to me as usual
Shows his maturity for others opinion :)

Things work out, even for myself, unexpectedly that happened.
Sometimes you have to do these kind of things,
I've told my story many times in the forums and to friends. Incidents like this happened, however I don't ever tell these type of minimalist incidents because they're not worth anyone's time.
In fact, I don't consider these two examples bullying, I consider them as a chain of events called "living".

These people are just stuck-up, while making fun of stereotypes. Personally, I would of just ignored it. And if it really bothers me I would just ask him to stop it, and if he won't stop just tell some superior to get his ass up.

For example two. Just ignore these types of people. It is the internet, god sake. How many social medias have a block button? Pretty much all of them, even this one. Though, I am not being real. That is what I would say, but is that what I did when it happened to me? Nope. And I got hurt. lol. So, after experience I recommend you do what I said above.

The Internet, either you take it, or you don't. And if you don't want to take it, you just ignore it —which is amazing how insignificant ones opinion becomes with one click, in fact you could do just that with my opinion if you wished.
I agree with you but no one should be going through stuff like this it hurts me to see people causing self harm it hurts to see people cry because there being out down :/

I can say one thing about the joke the guy made in the first thing that happened. He actually took that joke from vine I believe so technically that guy is unoriginal. Anyways sad you had to go through that ;-; kind of hard for me to say anything about this topic since I have never been bullied (well except maybe a few times but I didn't consider it bullying at the time and just brushed it off).
If someone does it for a long time it hurts a lot

You can't really help Stereotyping people, because it's almost a automatic reaction/thought.
But when you act upon it (discrimination) then that's when we have a problem.
Discrimination just because of your name shouldn't be apart of anyone's lives because we didn't choose the name we got :/

Stereotypes are always going to be a part of the world. It is something that has no solution. Acting upon a stereotype you have on someone is solvable, though. It's a problem we see in the world today. whether it be 2 kids at school or the police investigating a criminal of a specific ethnic group/race. Most of us strive to be equal to everyone, but it's something that is very hard to do.
I know, The world is to big now to put an end into this. But it's important for those who are being bullied to value them selves. <3


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
I go to a Christian School and I recently have been bullied and made fun of because of me standing up for my rights (I will not mention this, only because I don't feel that it is an appropriate topic to turn to on this thread). Obviously, people cannot seem to be "christian" and stay a family when someone else has an opinion. I stood up to me teacher for this reason, I was sick of being preached against, only to let it happen. Things that have changed:
  • No longer talks to me as usual
Shows his maturity for others opinion :)

Things work out, even for myself, unexpectedly that happened.
If you're an atheist then I love you

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