Harassment is my main concern. When I first applied for staff, one of my main goals was to reduce the amount of harassment within the community. I wanted to do this in hope of shining some light upon the community by making it a more positive place. I also wanted to make it known that in cases where people were being harassed, that they could come and talk to me privately so that I can help remove them from those types of situations as quickly and safely as possible. I just find the community, in general, to be a dark, mean place. I cannot wait to return so that I can further improve the community for this reason specifically.
Edit: In addition to what Lululioness said:
Exactly. As someone who truly does enjoy the company of the community, I still get annoyed by some of the community members. These people are always running around the hub, ranting that the Moderators, or the Staff Team in general, do not do their jobs regarding hackers. Let me just say this, they are all hypocritical people. They have the audacity to go around and judge the staff team because they are not doing their job, but they not taking initiative to help them out by either informing them of the hackers, either with /report, telling them in game, poking them on TeamSpeak, or recording them, but instead, they would rather yell at and blame the staff? I do not see how that is fair. It is up to them as community members to help the staff too and make it an enjoyable place for everyone to entertain themselves. Without a group effort to make a change, it is less likely that there will be a visible difference within the community. This goes with any situation within the community and people really need to understand this.