• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Opinions on the community...


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Did you even read what I said? xD And if so many people complain about it shouldn't something be done about it?
Something is done about it. We hold cleansweeps every weekend, in which the staff and players alike go through the servers looking for hackers, and subsequently dealing with them appropriately. Reporting hackers is totally worth your time, as well. We get hundreds of report abuses per day, and without those people who went the extra step, we'd have hundreds of more rule breakers running rampant.

Hackers are a problem on every network the size of ours. If you think we have it bad, try Mineplex :eek:


Jun 16, 2014
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Harassment is my main concern. When I first applied for staff, one of my main goals was to reduce the amount of harassment within the community. I wanted to do this in hope of shining some light upon the community by making it a more positive place. I also wanted to make it known that in cases where people were being harassed, that they could come and talk to me privately so that I can help remove them from those types of situations as quickly and safely as possible. I just find the community, in general, to be a dark, mean place. I cannot wait to return so that I can further improve the community for this reason specifically.

Edit: In addition to what Lululioness said:

Exactly. As someone who truly does enjoy the company of the community, I still get annoyed by some of the community members. These people are always running around the hub, ranting that the Moderators, or the Staff Team in general, do not do their jobs regarding hackers. Let me just say this, they are all hypocritical people. They have the audacity to go around and judge the staff team because they are not doing their job, but they not taking initiative to help them out by either informing them of the hackers, either with /report, telling them in game, poking them on TeamSpeak, or recording them, but instead, they would rather yell at and blame the staff? I do not see how that is fair. It is up to them as community members to help the staff too and make it an enjoyable place for everyone to entertain themselves. Without a group effort to make a change, it is less likely that there will be a visible difference within the community. This goes with any situation within the community and people really need to understand this.
Just going to say this here: MCSG is very light as far as foul language and disrespect goes. Go ahead and play some CS;GO.
A filter for "wrecked" and "Good Game" or "Easy", etc has already been discussed, and MCGamer doesn't really see it necessary (at least from what I can tell, since they haven't implemented it after many threads about this subject). Personally, it is just gaming slang. It doesn't hurts anyone, really. It doesn't makes someone less of a person for using gaming slang, on a game; or even on real life. lol.
Harassment is honestly my main concern as well. It's the most irritating problem out of the others I mentioned (my opinion). In an average group of citizens there are bound to be a few bad apples and that will probably never change for the better because there will always be "those people" who's primary mission is to annoy others but the MCSG community is different from what I remember it to be. It seems like it really is getting worse and worse with harassment and the amount of rude people. The "good" part of the community are the people who I enjoy associating with and a lot of those people are in the hub but a majority of the time when in a game of SG, the "terrible" part of the community breaks out. I have reflected on this topic the past few days and I am not as worked up as I previously was but I still think it is a fairly large problem.

Also Fox, would you be offended if someone came up to you tomorrow in real life and called you the most rude name they could think of. Then another person did the same thing 5 minutes later. Then another 3 minutes after that. Then 5 people 10 minutes after that. I'm pretty sure you would be offended. You might "shake it off" but you would still be offended right? No one should be treated that way. You are saying that the disrespectful terms being used on the server are "gaming slang" but I find them to be... like I said before... disrespect. Being hateful is being hateful whether you use "gaming slang" or not. And "gaming slang" isn't the only hatefulness showing up on the server.


May 11, 2013
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Harassment is honestly my main concern as well. It's the most irritating problem out of the others I mentioned (my opinion). In an average group of citizens there are bound to be a few bad apples and that will probably never change for the better because there will always be "those people" who's primary mission is to annoy others but the MCSG community is different from what I remember it to be. It seems like it really is getting worse and worse with harassment and the amount of rude people. The "good" part of the community are the people who I enjoy associating with and a lot of those people are in the hub but a majority of the time when in a game of SG, the "terrible" part of the community breaks out. I have reflected on this topic the past few days and I am not as worked up as I previously was but I still think it is a fairly large problem.

Also Fox, would you be offended if someone came up to you tomorrow in real life and called you the most rude name they could think of. Then another person did the same thing 5 minutes later. Then another 3 minutes after that. Then 5 people 10 minutes after that. I'm pretty sure you would be offended. You might "shake it off" but you would still be offended right? No one should be treated that way. You are saying that the disrespectful terms being used on the server are "gaming slang" but I find them to be... like I said before... disrespect. Being hateful is being hateful whether you use "gaming slang" or not. And "gaming slang" isn't the only hatefulness showing up on the server.
Gaming slang is slang used in every game. No exception. It won't just go away, neither I think it is necessary for it to go away. People are very self-centered and find everything disrespectful.
Put these two environments in comparison: The Ghetto and Society. The slang normally used on the Ghetto isn't normal on any common Society. Now, if you come to any normal community and speak like you would normally, speak like you have all your life, people would find it "disrespectful" because they're self-centered and aren't open minded; they aren't used to it.

I think there is a big difference between being cruel and immature. This is a kids' game, like it or not. This being said, most of the players are kids' who like seeing people "suffer". And in spite of being a kids' game, even on +18 games gaming slang is used every now and then; however, it is obviously not used to offend anyone, just to set the mood.

And not to mention: Have you even started making a change? Here you are complaining about these gaming slang; but do you even start the change with yourself? Most people hate this, yet they still say "gg" and whatnot in-game.
I don't use any gaming slang in-game because I don't need to. Perhaps sometimes, because I don't see any problem with it, but most of the time I don't.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I only say "GG" for two things:
-getting killed in a good fight
-winning a game without cleaning up
-possibly killing a team
-being understacked and winning a game without a cleanup

I only say "GF" if I'm the one who dies in a good fight, and I hardly ever say "gg10," "r3kt," or "noob." Unless it's a nooby team of two on Battlegrounds.


Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Gaming slang is slang used in every game. No exception. It won't just go away, neither I think it is necessary for it to go away. People are very self-centered and find everything disrespectful.
Put these two environments in comparison: The Ghetto and Society. The slang normally used on the Ghetto isn't normal on any common Society. Now, if you come to any normal community and speak like you would normally, speak like you have all your life, people would find it "disrespectful" because they're self-centered and aren't open minded; they aren't used to it.

I think there is a big difference between being cruel and immature. This is a kids' game, like it or not. This being said, most of the players are kids' who like seeing people "suffer". And in spite of being a kids' game, even on +18 games gaming slang is used every now and then; however, it is obviously not used to offend anyone, just to set the mood.

And not to mention: Have you even started making a change? Here you are complaining about these gaming slang; but do you even start the change with yourself? Most people hate this, yet they still say "gg" and whatnot in-game.
I don't use any gaming slang in-game because I don't need to. Perhaps sometimes, because I don't see any problem with it, but most of the time I don't.
I completely disagree with "gaming slang" obviously not being used in a offensive way. When someone says "ez" or "rekt" it isn't to set the mood, it's to be a Feminine Hygene Product. Your irl ghetto and normal society reference doesn't apply here. These types of terms are universally used and are known to be disrespectful. I am not only complaining about gaming slang by the way. There are players who make death threats, ddos threats, and call you awful names. Try to sit in your chair and tell me that those terribly offensive insults and threats are "gaming slang". If you do I'm not even going to bother debating with you anymore because there won't be a point. There is a difference between being cruel and immature so I can agree with you on that but both types of people are in the community so there was no point in bringing that up. Also, why do you consider minecraft to be a kids game? So many teenagers and adults play it.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I completely disagree with "gaming slang" obviously not being used in a offensive way. When someone says "ez" or "rekt" it isn't to set the mood, it's to be a Feminine Hygene Product. Your irl ghetto and normal society reference doesn't apply here. These types of terms are universally used and are known to be disrespectful. I am not only complaining about gaming slang by the way. There are players who make death threats, ddos threats, and call you awful names. Try to sit in your chair and tell me that those terribly offensive insults and threats are "gaming slang". If you do I'm not even going to bother debating with you anymore because there won't be a point. There is a difference between being cruel and immature so I can agree with you on that but both types of people are in the community so there was no point in bringing that up. Also, why do you consider minecraft to be a kids game? So many teenagers and adults play it.
I think you got the wrong idea. Terms such as "good dame" "rekt" "ez" are gaming slang. Sentences such as: "I'm going to DDoS you" "I will kill you from spawn" are harassment and depending on the sentence, they can become a legal issue. There is a different between something silly as "good game" and something illegal as "I'm going to DDoS you".
You really diverted the topic. The examples you just said are things considered harassment and illegal (as far as DDoS threats go). And obviously they are against the rules on MCGamer.

Minecraft for the PC has no ratings, simply because there are so many types of servers and all with different unofficial age ratings. Nonetheless, the X-box version is rated E10+. Whether a kid or an adult, you can play it. In spite of that, that still doesn't changes the fact that a kids tends to pick gaming slang more than a teenager or adult; this is because kids tend to do whatever they see that others often do. However, teenagers and adults, by obvious reasons, would tend to give DDoS threats.

If you obviously say "gg" to set the mood after a good battle, that is fine —and that is what I meant with my example.


Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
I don't see how I diverted the topic. I've been talking about disrespectful players this entire time and both harassment and what you call "gaming slang" fall under that category. I haven't complained about players saying "gg" either. You can't tell me I got the wrong idea when you weren't clear with what you posted. You said "I think there is a big difference between being cruel and immature. This is a kids' game, like it or not. This being said, most of the players are kids' who like seeing people "suffer". And in spite of being a kids' game, even on +18 games gaming slang is used every now and then; however, it is obviously not used to offend anyone, just to set the mood." Gaming slang could be any of the terms you mentioned. Not just "gg"...


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
There are players who make death threats, ddos threats, and call you awful names.
Literally 5 minutes ago, I found a guy who said, "slit your throat." That is morbid. I'm going to report him.
Seriously, how would there ever be a reason to tell anyone to slit their throat? EVER?

I've been told that I was going to be DDoSed. This person is going to commit a crime because I reported him for cheating.

Awful names? Yeah, hasn't really happened to me, and I don't think calling someone a pig is going to do much. xD


May 11, 2013
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I don't see how I diverted the topic. I've been talking about disrespectful players this entire time and both harassment and what you call "gaming slang" fall under that category. I haven't complained about players saying "gg" either. You can't tell me I got the wrong idea when you weren't clear with what you posted. You said "I think there is a big difference between being cruel and immature. This is a kids' game, like it or not. This being said, most of the players are kids' who like seeing people "suffer". And in spite of being a kids' game, even on +18 games gaming slang is used every now and then; however, it is obviously not used to offend anyone, just to set the mood." Gaming slang could be any of the terms you mentioned. Not just "gg"...
Believe me. I don't play many games, but MCSG is the only game were I hear players bashing each other about DDoS'ing. Haven't seen anyone on the heavier games like CS;GO threatening each other to DDoS.

I don't understand myself?
Kids: Use gaming slang for the self-fun of annoying others; immaturity.
Teens: Use gaming slang to not offend anyone, occasionally and when it is needed.
I never did once said that an adult or teenager won't use gaming slang, rather, as I said on what you quoted me, and what I just reiterated above, gaming slang is used different ways between ages.

Also, this is the meaning of slang:

Slang: a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal

I meant it as informal language, not abusive language. lol.
"Good Game", "Easy", "Rekt", "ez", "gg" all those fall under informal language; gaming slang.

You really are on a different page, bud.


Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly the worst thing on this server is bad moderators. i reported this guy for harrassment 3 times to mods on ts, and he was telling someone to kill themselves and the mod says "the user will be taken care of" but i see him on the next day. i only team with people i have on skype, if you go around and say "team say 123" then you are just bad. and maybe mcsg staff could do a thing where an entity spawns above someones head for like 0.1 seconds every 5 seconds and if the person hits it 3 times in 15 seconds they get kicked from that game, or a 5 minute temp ban so that if someone has kill aura they will get banned for a certain amount of time or just kicked from that game.

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