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The situation on "Admitting to hacks"


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hello! Im here to talk to you about something important to me. The situation on admitting to hacks.

Lets get started by defining exactly - What is admitting to hacks?
Admitting to hacks is where one said player says something which could be perceived as admitting that you, yourself, were telling everyone in the lobby you are in, that you hack.


Nephilim_04 has joined<- I know mods have silent join, but thats for effect.
[69]: BrendonBennet: AwesomeKid1 haaacksssss
[1,454] AwesomeKid1: Lol, better turn my hacks off then
[1,337] Nephilim_04: Baaaaaaaaan!
[1,454] AwesomeKid1: Just kidding! ;(
[1,454] AwesomeKid1 has left (Banned)

Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against mods for doing this, they are doing their job. Infact Nephilim_04 is my bae (Even though I've never met him and only seen him post once). But doesn't it seem a little ludicrous, that you are banned for the same amount of time for admitting to hacks than if they actually were hacking? Someone once said to me that say you went up to a police man and said you committed a murder, you may not be prosecuted for committing that murder, but certainly for wasting police time. And this is true, but the sentence for wasting police time would certainly not be as harsh as if you actually committed said crime. Also, even if you did say you committed to a crime, the police would not prosecute you there and then. They'd look into the crime first, and consider you a suspect.

What I am proposing is a better way for people who joke about hacking, (Because, lets be serious, who would be stupid enough to actually say they're hacking) to be banned, and suspected. So, this is how it would work:

The moderator would follow the person who admitted to hacks. Say someone said in the lobby "I hack!", the moderator would not simply ban said person right there, they would spectate the player, to see if they really ARE hacking. If they are, give them a ban, if they're not, simply warn them that saying you hack could cause bad consequences.

If they are already in a game and they admit to hacks, the moderator should kick that person out of the game, and follow them from there.

If someone submits a report abuse of someone "admitting" to hacks, that moderator would simply "note" down that persons name, and follow them as soon as they can.

Tell me what you think of this idea!

Last edited:


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
It should probably just be a kick, or maybe a 1-day ban. Definitely not a 7-day ban like it is for actually hacking. Honestly, if someone says "I'm hacking" in chat, 99 times out of 100 the person isn't hacking. Why? Because no hacker would be stupid enough to actually say that. Only jokesters say it. Whoever the moderator was should probably just kick the player with reason: "Please do not admit to hacks." I don't think it's necessary for the moderator to continue following anyone who says that they hack, as it would be almost always end up being a dead end and waste the mods time.


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
It should probably just be a kick, or maybe a 1-day ban. Definitely not a 7-day ban like it is for actually hacking. Honestly, if someone says "I'm hacking" in chat, 99 times out of 100 the person isn't hacking. Why? Because no hacker would be stupid enough to actually say that. Only jokesters say it. Whoever the moderator was should probably just kick the player with reason: "Please do not admit to hacks." I don't think it's necessary for the moderator to continue following anyone who says that they hack, as it would be almost always end up being a dead end and waste the mods time.
Better than being banned for hacks that you aren't using...


Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
It's not something directly related to this topic but if platinum donors admit their fly hacks jokingly, they won't get banned.

Someone: He's a platinum donor of course he can fly.



Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I understand your opinion in regards to the admitting to hacking situation and that the punishment might seem exaggerated for you, but realize that we do take this very seriously.

Quoted from the rules:
  • Admitting to using a modded/hacked client, even jokingly, will result in a ban.
There is one solution not to be punished for admitting to hacking: simply do not say it.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
We take it as seriously as the real thing because for all we know, it is the real thing.

Unfortunately, most of the time, the player 'admitting' is just joking, but we do still take it seriously.

Like in Nephilim's post, it does state in the rules that even joking about hacking could result in a ban, which gives people a heads-up that we do take this seriously. Joking about hacking really isn't necessary, and by avoiding it, you can avoid any bans for it.

Your idea regarding following the player is really good, and it could potentially be a really good system to try and follow a player who has admitted to hacking if they're online, to see if you can gather evidence of them actually using said client.

I would still say though that banning for admitting as long as we ban for the real thing should still be something we implement, though, just a second-option after seeing if we can gather valid evidence of them actively using said client.


Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry, but it's still against the rules!
Any mention of hacked clients will result in a ban; the staff does not want to take any chances.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
You never know if it's takin seriously. Honestly, the consequences of the ban shouldn't be what they are right now. Like Fireized said, they should first start off with a kick and/or a 1 day ban.


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
We take it as seriously as the real thing because for all we know, it is the real thing.

Unfortunately, most of the time, the player 'admitting' is just joking, but we do still take it seriously.

Like in Nephilim's post, it does state in the rules that even joking about hacking could result in a ban, which gives people a heads-up that we do take this seriously. Joking about hacking really isn't necessary, and by avoiding it, you can avoid any bans for it.

Your idea regarding following the player is really good, and it could potentially be a really good system to try and follow a player who has admitted to hacking if they're online, to see if you can gather evidence of them actually using said client.

I would still say though that banning for admitting as long as we ban for the real thing should still be something we implement, though, just a second-option after seeing if we can gather valid evidence of them actively using said client.
May I first say thank-you for considering my opinion, and suggestion, not many people would do that, and it is clear that you are a good staff member!

But I would please ask you to explain your comment that we should keep the time a player is banned the same as the time a player has "admitted" to hacks? I mean, surely, my analogy must have meant something, I ask you kindly to explain! :)

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