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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
I voted no. Not because I care about my stats or anything like it, and depending on how its done I'd change my opinion to yes, for a few reasons I'll state. Although I do think for those on the first page of the leaderboard, and even more specifically a good friend who I won't name but was gearing towards being #1 and getting there fast and many like him are getting pushed out of the chance of getting it by this event and the work they've put in for a year or two of their life playing a game of catchup is now meaningless because they lost.

1. The way I see a perfect leaderboard being put into place is one that resets every January 1st pushing the previous data into a legacy leaderboard type deal for the year, a fresh start and new beginnings every year for those who constantly get better over the years. That way you could do giveaways, events of that sort to the top 5 or top 10 of the year with the reset being this big thing in the community. Also resetting it on January 1st if possible for the first reset would be a good set date for those who do have some goals with their stats before the leaderboard gets reset.

2. There has to be increased moderator surveillance on the month of the reset, the staff has to be prepped and ready to go like they're prepared for nuclear Armageddon. The influx of hackers, and general rulebreakers will most likely be like nothing MCSG has ever seen before. Like previous posts have said, winboosters who chill in a group of people terrorizing games and then giving the win away to someone, to just plain old hackers all fighting for that #1 position of the month and the year/alltime until the leaderboard reset will be in place is going to be a really high number. With all of that ontop of it flaming and harassment probably would go up as well. Friends of whoever is in the top arguing with whose better, accusing others of hacks and just general flame wars during a turbulent time of unknowns and what ifs until those questions are slowly but surely settled. Honestly on top of that I'd even like to suggest a set of 10-20 or more servers set aside where your stats aren't saved just so people who don't really care much about their stats have a safe haven from the entirety of the mess of people trying hard and going all out to be #1 making it more of a hardcore game than a casual one. Although even with just monthly resets it'll be more of a hardcore than a casual game.

I have a few more thoughts on it I'll end up posting later when I get the time, and sorry if I'm just repeating the 80 other pages of posts. I didn't have time to go through all of them, hopefully I at least offered something new to the discussion somewhere.
In short though, my vote for no like I imagine a few other no votes could be swayed to yes if just done right.


Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
You should really tell some staff about this post because this is the whole idea I had and it deserves a big plus!!!
This is a great idea man! I love it and chad should definitely hear about it

You should really tell some staff about this post because this is the whole idea I had and it deserves a big plus!!!
Please don't double post or multi-post please. As it causes unnecessarily long chains of messages in one page on a thread. In the future, I kindly advise you to use the quote function to reply to multiple users at once :)


Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
Please don't double post or multi-post please. As it causes unnecessarily long chains of messages in one page on a thread. In the future, I kindly advise you to use the quote function to reply to multiple users at once :)
Ok. I apologize, I am new to the forums so I don't really know what I'm doing yet


Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
Something people don't understand is the fact that if you already have a bad ratio it's only gonna be worse with the stats reset. If you think about it, the amount of teamed boosters and hackers will go up. I honestly think mcsg will turn into trash if this follows throug. Also recently you tubers such as creeperfarts have been convincing their fans to vote in their favor in my opinion this poll should be irrelevant to whether the stats get reset. I personally am not gonna get my 1k wins combined all over again. YOU ARE GINBA KILL MCSG IF YOU DO THIS.


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
My old ratio from back in the day is the only thing keeping my new one how it is. With the stats reset this would completely ruin my ratio from an above-average 1/6 to an average 1/10
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