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The Deception Games! (Community Event)

Do you want an extra week to apply? (if yes votes are over 50% we will extend applying by a week)

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Th1NgY | Will

Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: thingy182 (Platinum donator)
Skype: thingy182
Reason for applying: I would love to join the deception games as I believe it is a new adventure for me. I have been playing MCSG for 2 years now and I remember the old Hell Games. I had always wished to get into them, but seeing as I wasn't that well know or that good at pvp I didn't get in. Over time I have been getting better and looking through the forums and have participated in 4 of the 6 Community games events; which were indeed very fun. I hope that this will be as enjoyable or even better then that and I think this is a great idea that should be carried on every month. I think doing this will help me get even more noticed then I already am and I think that I will have a great blast when doing it.
Why will you win?: In my opinion, I think I could win as I am great at making friends/ team mates and the fact I am kind I will stay with them until the time is right. I can manipulate them and use them in the way I need to i.e killing other players, getting dangerous chests. I am also pretty decent at surviving and running if needed and I don't want to sound cocky but I believe I am pretty decent at pvp as well.
Why should others ally with you?: I am a great team mate knowing right from wrong and what to do in different situations. I will always make sure that the armour is fair and I wont ever (unless needed to betray) leave them when going into a fight. I will always back them up and if they ask for anything like better armour, food or better weapons, I will give it to them.
In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes, I am in quite a large clan with many, many people who would be interested in this event and if I unlucky can't make it I will be very sure to inform them that they should come along to join.
Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: I agree to every single one of them and I will try my absolute best not to break any of them!
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: thingy182 (Platinum donator)
Skype: thingy182
Reason for applying: I would love to join the deception games as I believe it is a new adventure for me. I have been playing MCSG for 2 years now and I remember the old Hell Games. I had always wished to get into them, but seeing as I wasn't that well know or that good at pvp I didn't get in. Over time I have been getting better and looking through the forums and have participated in 4 of the 6 Community games events; which were indeed very fun. I hope that this will be as enjoyable or even better then that and I think this is a great idea that should be carried on every month. I think doing this will help me get even more noticed then I already am and I think that I will have a great blast when doing it.
Why will you win?: In my opinion, I think I could win as I am great at making friends/ team mates and the fact I am kind I will stay with them until the time is right. I can manipulate them and use them in the way I need to i.e killing other players, getting dangerous chests. I am also pretty decent at surviving and running if needed and I don't want to sound cocky but I believe I am pretty decent at pvp as well.
Why should others ally with you?: I am a great team mate knowing right from wrong and what to do in different situations. I will always make sure that the armour is fair and I wont ever (unless needed to betray) leave them when going into a fight. I will always back them up and if they ask for anything like better armour, food or better weapons, I will give it to them.
In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes, I am in quite a large clan with many, many people who would be interested in this event and if I unlucky can't make it I will be very sure to inform them that they should come along to join.
Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: I agree to every single one of them and I will try my absolute best not to break any of them!
rek o mend


District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Sim_Man

Skype: sim_man-rocks

Reason for applying: I was in the hour of horus games but it disconnected me from the server so I couldn't get my shot to win. I was very sad and I want another shot. (MONEY)

Why will you win?: MIND. GAMES. I will win it for the money so I can get a new headset :)

Why should others ally with you?: I will brainwash them, so they have too, I also am a very good teamworker xD since i have been in many clans and know what to do in a sticky situation

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes

Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yes


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: JumpingBacon

Skype: camo1503

Reason for applying: Because I have never attended one of these mcsg events and would like this one to be the first!

Why will you win?: Because I am strategic!

Why should others ally with you?: Because I'm a very trust worthy person and rarely betray In hunger games.

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes

Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yes


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
I RETURN! From the wild lands of Switzerland!! Great applications so far! we have 23 applications so far :3, since the poll is over 50% to be extended, the date of voting will start on 30/9/14 so that means you have another week to apply!! Get applying <3

do u have to team? or is it just wise to do so/
You don't have to team but since there are no max teaming rules, its wise to make a team since say if someone else manages to make a 5 man team, you arent likely to be able to beat them on your own, this game will be more about strategy than pure pvp skill


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:


Reason for applying:
This would actually be my first event, so it'd be awesome if I got to attend this one, as it sounds like a really fun opportunity!

Why will you win?:
I think, despite my lacking in some PvP aspects, I could pull this off through the more subtle side of playing SG, which this event focuses on, which is deception. I love sneaking up on people, and backstabbing too :3

Why should others ally with you?:
Two brains are better than one, right? and well, two swords are better than one too ;)

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?:

Do you agree to all of our terms and rules?:


Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: hersheyman99

Skype: mcsgprogamer

Reason for applying: seems legit and id love to partake in an event like this

Why will you win?: I haz mad swag, but in all seriousness my strats+pvp=win

Why should others ally with you?: iv good at useing my surroundings to their fullest in order to achieve success (killing other players)

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yep

Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yes I do.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
I RETURN! From the wild lands of Switzerland!! Great applications so far! we have 23 applications so far :3, since the poll is over 50% to be extended, the date of voting will start on 30/9/14 so that means you have another week to apply!! Get applying <3

You don't have to team but since there are no max teaming rules, its wise to make a team since say if someone else manages to make a 5 man team, you arent likely to be able to beat them on your own, this game will be more about strategy than pure pvp skill
How much longer until apps close?


Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Palirock

Skype: Twist3x3

Reason for applying: Faogh Referred me

Why will you win?: Ping Abuse

Why should others ally with you?: Ping Abuse

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yes

Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yes
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