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Anti-Bullying Thread And Tips With How To Deal With Your Bully Or Bullies


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Mental Bullying is basically verbal if you didn't get the obvious .
I sincerely doubt it's called mental bullying as that doesn't make much sense. I may be wrong but I don't think it's likely.
Mental Bullying is quite different from Verbal Bullying.

Verbal bullying, for example, would go something like this, "Why do you even come to school if you know that no one likes you?"

Mental bullying can be presented in the form of words, but also in the form of actions. If, say, myself and a group of friends were to repeatedly tell a single person throughout the year, "You're so worthless" "You're a stupid idiot" and other similar insults, eventually some people would have their self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-value drop. It might sound weird, but people actually start to have insecurities about things like that.
Mental bullying can be scarier than physical bullying sometimes.
For example, I was both physically bullied and mentally bullied in the past. I was able to overcome the physical bullying by defending myself well enough that they could no longer attack me, but there's really nothing that you can personally do to stop mental bullying. It has left me with quite a large mental scar - insecurities, low self-esteem, a fear of girls, a lack of confidence, and more. In addition, I'm extremely shy in real-life, although very few people online would guess it without me telling them.

So no, mental bullying is not the same as verbal bullying.
However, verbal bullying can lead into mental bullying, and they are related.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Mental Bullying is quite different from Verbal Bullying.

Verbal bullying, for example, would go something like this, "Why do you even come to school if you know that no one likes you?"

Mental bullying can be presented in the form of words, but also in the form of actions. If, say, myself and a group of friends were to repeatedly tell a single person throughout the year, "You're so worthless" "You're a stupid idiot" and other similar insults, eventually some people would have their self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-value drop. It might sound weird, but people actually start to have insecurities about things like that.
Mental bullying can be scarier than physical bullying sometimes.
For example, I was both physically bullied and mentally bullied in the past. I was able to overcome the physical bullying by defending myself well enough that they could no longer attack me, but there's really nothing that you can personally do to stop mental bullying. It has left me with quite a large mental scar - insecurities, low self-esteem, a fear of girls, a lack of confidence, and more. In addition, I'm extremely shy in real-life, although very few people online would guess it without me telling them.

So no, mental bullying is not the same as verbal bullying.
However, verbal bullying can lead into mental bullying, and they are related.
thanks as always mooclan for making me feel very stupid.
jk ily


Aug 4, 2014
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Hello there
Many of you people do not know me, but there is one think i hate to hell and that is bullying. I'm sure we can all related to that, and i know you, your friends or even your family members have suffered at the hands of a bully. Before I start on the Anti-Bullying first we must discuss the forms or bullying.
Forms Of Bullying
Cyber Bullying (using online as a way to bully)
Mental Bullying (this is the worst form of bullying because there are no physical signs of trauma but the mental side of it is already done before they can figure it out)
Physical Bullying (punching, kicking, pushing, getting put in lockers, and many many sad more ways)

Before I get to the main part, this is ment to help you with the bully Me and the community can only do so much to help but please please do not be afraid to speak up. They will be no judging on this thread we have all been though sh** that is hard but please, please do not be afraid to speak up.

Types Of Solutions And Bullies
First the definition of a bully- A person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. I feel like this is only half showing what the real problem is. One- Bullies are cowards, think about it, its not always the 6.2 foot 90kg jock bullying you it can be someone half the size of you and can still strike fear into you. Second- There is a reason they bully you, some it is because they are scared by you (i will go on about this in a bit). They are jealous by you. And finally they are bored yes this is a completely mess up reason but yes its true. What i ment by scared, think about it what if you are not the best sports person but you might be a top A student, there is one reason sure they might think i can beat you in a running race or lift more than you. Sure thats good but what in life will that get them? maybe 1 in 30 000 of them might make it but thats 29 999 people who failed. You are a top student with a bright future whats not to hate on. They might also be scared of there unknown future they have no goals or dreams in life while your already living yours. Finally a Quote to end this little part- Dont be afraid of being outnumbered eagles fly alone pigeons flock together.

Solutions (Non Violent)

Many of these are the ones your teachers or friends might tell you, this are less effective but if violence isn't a option then these might be.
1- Tell someone, I found that telling a teaching straight out doesnt really work and can get you a rep of a dobber. To avoid this there are 2 things you can do. 1- Tell your headmaster, go right up to the top of the food chain I'm sure that they will at least get a head check or even a bad punishment. 2- This one is much more risky but if you have ever ment the bullies parents and know if they are decent human beans, I would ring them up and tell them that there son or daughter is bulling you and you wont continue it further if they sort it out. Thats the main thing you can only do if you dont wont to go to violent with it.

Solutions (Violent) (Last Resort)
Before you go onto this i want you to know, i have only used these methods but i Promise if you can stop it please, please only use this as a last resort guys please :)
Firstly if any of you people are wondering if you can trust me on this basically, I'm a national BJJ and Wrestling Champion of Australia, Train 6 Days a week in MMA, Coaches 4 days a week in mma. Also dont worry I'm sure im the same age of most of you people I'm only 15.

Firstly- If you have no fighting or sporting knowledge or experience please go with this tip. I'm going to post 2 links one to a youtube channel to help people with no fighting knowledge and skill. https://www.youtube.com/user/FightTipsVideos ( Please note mods i do not use this as advertising a channel i have nothing to do with this but this is a must for this forum to help people out please understand) And also here is a forum for fighting tips, with high school fighting, pro fighting and street fighting- http://www.fighttips.com/forum/ and here is the most important link - http://www.fighttips.com/forum/gene...ighschool-gonna-fight-dont-know-how-read.html

Sorry about all them links but if you look at them im sure they will help you out a lot.
Onto the solutions
1- Fight them, this is only if you know you can take out your bully PLEASE DONT RISK IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO FIGHT. This may be weird but if you have had enough of it fight them. Mainly people will not like this solution but think about it, if you beat your bully I'm sure you will have a easy school life you will not be feared like a bully, but you will be respected.
2- Join a fighting gym, this one might be hard for some people but it is totally worth it. Trust me its better to join a Boxing or Kickboxing gym because they will teach you the skills to defend yourself. " But Colby i dont live near a fighting gym" Thats were the fight tips youtube comes in. Its awesome for self defense and what to do in situations.

Any way if you are still with me thank you for this and i promise it will get better, dont be afraid, show no fear. I saw heaps of threads about new schools and how to know if a person is a bully (if people want it i will post how to tell a bully). Please do not feel sad or pathetic to post on here and remember there is no shame in running :)
If any one feels like they need to talk to me about it please dont not worry about pm-ing please do it if you need more tips.

Thanks Colby I hope i have helped some of you awesome people :)
Skype- colby.thicknesse add if you need to talk :)
(this is my first big thread if i missed out on any thing or bad grammar please tell me)
Very informative/motivation thread. I myself have been bullied in the past and used to commit self harm because of it. This is very helpful and I thank you deeply for making this :)
Feb 8, 2014
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Mental Bullying is quite different from Verbal Bullying.

Verbal bullying, for example, would go something like this, "Why do you even come to school if you know that no one likes you?"

Mental bullying can be presented in the form of words, but also in the form of actions. If, say, myself and a group of friends were to repeatedly tell a single person throughout the year, "You're so worthless" "You're a stupid idiot" and other similar insults, eventually some people would have their self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-value drop. It might sound weird, but people actually start to have insecurities about things like that.
Mental bullying can be scarier than physical bullying sometimes.
For example, I was both physically bullied and mentally bullied in the past. I was able to overcome the physical bullying by defending myself well enough that they could no longer attack me, but there's really nothing that you can personally do to stop mental bullying. It has left me with quite a large mental scar - insecurities, low self-esteem, a fear of girls, a lack of confidence, and more. In addition, I'm extremely shy in real-life, although very few people online would guess it without me telling them.

So no, mental bullying is not the same as verbal bullying.
However, verbal bullying can lead into mental bullying, and they are related.
Thank you someone who gets it


Dec 3, 2013
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This thread needs more likes, so much effort, just remember, that not every will agree to violence against a bully, this is your opinion on things. So expect people to disagree with you



District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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This thread needs more likes, so much effort, just remember, that not every will agree to violence against a bully, this is your opinion on things. So expect people to disagree with you

I didn't click like because of the violence part.
Aug 15, 2013
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There is a kid at my school who got bullied to the extent of which he reacted violently and punched the bully in the face. The douchecanoe always made fun of him for dressing like a "faggo*" and other variations of making fun of someone's sexuality. After reacting they both went to the principles office and both got suspended for a week.

Literally, what the crap. School's have this zero tolerance policy that doesn't always make sense to me.
Dec 31, 2012
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i will come out, i am a victim. i have mental scars from people who would bully me because i had red hair. they would give me bruises and even a black eye once, and i have switched schools at least 5 times. ever since i could never really talk to people in public or anyone in general because i am afraid they will judge me. i thank you for posting this thread because it literally made my day. i am not trying to grab attention though but i am a foster child because my real parents abused me when i was really young, but i now have a very nice supporting family.


Dec 31, 2012
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i will come out, i am a victim. i have mental scars from people who would bully me because i had red hair. they would give me bruises and even a black eye once, and i have switched schools at least 5 times. ever since i could never really talk to people in public or anyone in general because i am afraid they will judge me. i thank you for posting this thread because it literally made my day. i am not trying to grab attention though but i am a foster child because my real parents abused me when i was really young, but i now have a very nice supporting family.
Don't worry pal i'm here for you when ever.

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