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Anti-Bullying Thread And Tips With How To Deal With Your Bully Or Bullies

Feb 8, 2014
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Okay, it's really nice and considerate of you to post a thread about anti-bullying.

I really like the non-violent solutions you've got up there, but I really don't like how you're encouring people fighting each other, violence is horrible. All over the world people are loosing there homes due to war, if there is anything we can to do try and help, its stop it at the home. (Meaning not doing it ourselves) Also, we have many young users on our forums, and although this may not be aimed at them, they will pick this kind of information up.

So, I'd kindly ask you to edit that part out, and think of more non-violent solutions. I know you're doing this to try and help but really, violence is disgusting.

If you're being bullied and you beat up the bully, you're being as bad as them. Two wrongs don't make a right, no matter what situation.

Violence is not the key. Please, please remember this. :)
I do see where you are coming from so i will edit it but i will not delete it, sorry but i have been bullied twice and both times i didnt bash but i stood my ground and Bam the bullying stoped (i will edit it a bit once i get back from gym)
Feb 8, 2014
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darkrai202 and le quack, please refer to the section on cyberbullying once you are unbanned.

I do not support physical methods to stop bullying, but I can definitely say that I've used it in the past, with mixed results.
There's three ways that getting physical can end:
A) You hurt them and get respected
B) You hurt them, possibly get hurt yourself, but it continues because they got a reaction out of you.
C) You get hurt
And, of course, you run the risk of being punished by the school system/law.
I haven't personally gotten hurt when roughing up a bully, but I do know friends who have, and its not always a pretty sight. Or rather, never. I urge you to try other methods before getting violent, and only use violence as an absolute last resort, or preferably not at all.

Also, try to avoid giving them a reaction. With any type of bullying, often they are motivated by the reactions of fear and pain that encourage them to continue. I'm a person that used to (I don't know if I still do) have fun by making others suffer (It sounds awful, I know. I'm not proud of it.), and I can tell you that people out there really do exist.

I've been a victim of mental bullying. It's not physical, it's letting them affect the way you think, even hurting your self-confidence and self-esteem.
My sisters, particularly my older sister, inadvertently mentally bullied me since I was young, as an only boy. Always forcing me to conform to her idea of a "perfect" child. Using proper grammar when typing, not watching any TV shows about superheroes, no violent video games, no relationships, and the list goes on and on. While I don't regret most of them, it's instilled within me a sense of insecurity. I'm not able to talk to girls (I have a childhood fear of them, slightly related), I feel uncomfortable being approached by popular kids because I always think they're trying to mock or tease me, and I have very low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying is also something that goes one every day.
Have you noticed that saying things like "gg10 rekt eZ skrub" are really mean and meant to offend people? Well, that counts as cyberbullying, albeit a very minor form.
Also, I've noticed a certain well-known forum member bully another well-known forum member for their threads, and I've actually talked to the former's best friend, who took it as a joke. Is that nice? No, not at all, and I was quietly quite upset, but I haven't spoken to them about it yet.
If you see someone being rude to another person on multiple threads and pages, watch out: They might be cyberbullying them.
The one good thing about having bullying over the internet rather than IRL, is that you can block them and report them.
If you feel like someone constantly rubs you the wrong way and is hurting your feelings, don't hesitate to block them! The button is there for a reason.

I've been in all three positions - bystander, bully, and victim - more than I'd like to admit.
If you need help, please don't hesitate to message me privately, on my wall, via Skype, email, or anything else. Even if you just need someone to try and cheer you up or rant to, you're more than welcome to let me or another friend know.
That was really nice man thanks for posting


Nov 17, 2012
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darkrai202 and le quack, please refer to the section on cyberbullying once you are unbanned.

I do not support physical methods to stop bullying, but I can definitely say that I've used it in the past, with mixed results.
There's three ways that getting physical can end:
A) You hurt them and get respected
B) You hurt them, possibly get hurt yourself, but it continues because they got a reaction out of you.
C) You get hurt
And, of course, you run the risk of being punished by the school system/law.
I haven't personally gotten hurt when roughing up a bully, but I do know friends who have, and its not always a pretty sight. Or rather, never. I urge you to try other methods before getting violent, and only use violence as an absolute last resort, or preferably not at all.

Also, try to avoid giving them a reaction. With any type of bullying, often they are motivated by the reactions of fear and pain that encourage them to continue. I'm a person that used to (I don't know if I still do) have fun by making others suffer (It sounds awful, I know. I'm not proud of it.), and I can tell you that people out there really do exist.

I've been a victim of mental bullying. It's not physical, it's letting them affect the way you think, even hurting your self-confidence and self-esteem.
My sisters, particularly my older sister, inadvertently mentally bullied me since I was young, as an only boy. Always forcing me to conform to her idea of a "perfect" child. Using proper grammar when typing, not watching any TV shows about superheroes, no violent video games, no relationships, and the list goes on and on. While I don't regret most of them, it's instilled within me a sense of insecurity. I'm not able to talk to girls (I have a childhood fear of them, slightly related), I feel uncomfortable being approached by popular kids because I always think they're trying to mock or tease me, and I have very low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying is also something that goes one every day.
Have you noticed that saying things like "gg10 rekt eZ skrub" are really mean and meant to offend people? Well, that counts as cyberbullying, albeit a very minor form.
Also, I've noticed a certain well-known forum member bully another well-known forum member for their threads, and I've actually talked to the former's best friend, who took it as a joke. Is that nice? No, not at all, and I was quietly quite upset, but I haven't spoken to them about it yet.
If you see someone being rude to another person on multiple threads and pages, watch out: They might be cyberbullying them.
The one good thing about having bullying over the internet rather than IRL, is that you can block them and report them.
If you feel like someone constantly rubs you the wrong way and is hurting your feelings, don't hesitate to block them! The button is there for a reason.

I've been in all three positions - bystander, bully, and victim - more than I'd like to admit.
If you need help, please don't hesitate to message me privately, on my wall, via Skype, email, or anything else. Even if you just need someone to try and cheer you up or rant to, you're more than welcome to let me or another friend know.
You never cease to amaze me with how much you know what you're talking about. 10/10 would read.


Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Um by mental do you mean verbal? Because I don't think mental bullying is a thing. Would that mean to use telepathy to send hurtful messages to someone's mind? XD either way, other than this was a well made and we thought out thread. Grats.


Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
Um by mental do you mean verbal? Because I don't think mental bullying is a thing. Would that mean to use telepathy to send hurtful messages to someone's mind? XD either way, other than this was a well made and we thought out thread. Grats.
Mental Bullying is basically verbal if you didn't get the obvious .


The grammar though >.<

Now on topic, this is a useful thread. However, if you live in South Carolina, if you report a bully to a teacher/admin, they get in some deep trouble. And violence really isn't a solution ;-;


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Another tip, if you ever hear someone bullying someone else in class or somewhere where an adult is within hearing range, just say, "That sounded racist." Or something like that loud enough to get their attention. They will walk up and examine the matter, and they will probably get in trouble. This does two good things:

  1. Gets the bully in trouble.
  2. It also provides entertainment doing a probably boring class, as you watch him get punished.


May 26, 2012
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I personally don't approve of initiating any violence. I have been bullied at my school, mainly verbally, but I found that initiating violence only makes things worse. Usually the bully has a group of friends backing them up, so if you initiate the violence, either you will get hurt or they will twist reality and make it seem like you are the bad guy to everyone else.

Personally, I would say from experience that just ignoring them will usually make it stop. If that doesn't work, I would try talking to them, if you feel they can act reasonably about it. Otherwise, contact an adult who can help you.


Feb 8, 2014
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the best way to get rid of ur bully is to quietly snap his neck c: #fastresults

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