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Team Nitride - [New Owner]

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Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Luke
MineCraft Name: smashmaster731
Region (EU/AU/US):i play them all but mainly us
Exact date of birth (No lieing):08/21/1998
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 650 us score
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 9 some win our in eu and au but mainly us
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): i want to join a clan and hope to get better at survival games
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I havent done much but help host a server
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Im good at survival games on most maps
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): no
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: minecrafter731 i do have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): smash


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Nathan van der Meer
MineCraft Name: 001nathan100
Region (EU/AU/US): EU
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 22/07/1996
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 2916
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 109
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I can't continue going on solo anymore. There are too many teams and it's hard to win by myself now. Why I choose Nitride? Well, I've teamed up with some slime army guys before but they are sooo rude. I really don't like them so I decided to sign up for Nitride. Also I know iProGames, so that helpes a lot ;)
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I've made a trailer for the MCSG servers wich you can find here:
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Maybe this sounds basic, but I'm really good at survival games. I have got most of my wins by myself. And I am really looking forward to play with more guys :D
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Once on mc-bans for griefing. Don't know anymore why that was, but I dont grief anymore and it isnt really possible aswell on these servers.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: Skype: nathanvdmeer Mic: Yes
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): 001nathan100


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Nathan van der Meer
MineCraft Name: 001nathan100
Region (EU/AU/US): EU
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 22/07/1996
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 2916
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 109
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I can't continue going on solo anymore. There are too many teams and it's hard to win by myself now. Why I choose Nitride? Well, I've teamed up with some slime army guys before but they are sooo rude. I really don't like them so I decided to sign up for Nitride. Also I know iProGames, so that helpes a lot ;)
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I've made a trailer for the MCSG servers wich you can find here:
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Maybe this sounds basic, but I'm really good at survival games. I have got most of my wins by myself. And I am really looking forward to play with more guys :D
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Once on mc-bans for griefing. Don't know anymore why that was, but I dont grief anymore and it isnt really possible aswell on these servers.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: Skype: nathanvdmeer Mic: Yes
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): 001nathan100
Accepted, Sorry about anyone else I've missed, I'll go back and check the rest later


Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Jay
MineCraft Name: JaysWing321
Region (EU/AU/US): US
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 04/14/1998
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): Check status
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): Check status
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): Lots of good players on the team
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): Reported people that break the rules (ie: spam)
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I am a good-natured person and I usually let people on my team win if I got most of the kills. (reason for my relatively low amount of wins)
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, I was banned for spamming once.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: jayswing321 ; Mic is broken
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): JaysWing
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